goddess queen

Chapter 182 The Resurrection Plan

Chapter 182 The Resurrection Plan (2)
However, they only knew that Bei Chenlin was hiding, but what they didn't know was that the place where he hid was none other than the Dahui Temple where he once lived.

Everyone searched but couldn't find him, but at the same time, he was indeed in Dahui Temple.Under the Dahui Temple, there is a large palace that he built for the blood pool to gather. Now he, and Xuanyue, who was supposed to help, are here.There is also Yun Ruo.

"What are the three of us here for?" Xuan Yue was puzzled, and looked at Bei Chenlin. This person knew that His Highness the Crown Prince had betrayed him, but he was willing to call himself here. Why?

"In order to complete a big plan that I have wanted to complete for a long time, as long as it is completed, I promise you that you will kill me and bring me to the palace to claim credit with my brother."

Just let them kill when it's done?After hearing Bei Chenlin's words, Xuan Yue became even more frightened. Looking at the man, she was completely puzzled what this man was thinking. Isn't death in his heart terrible?If so, why rush to escape?Is it really that important to resurrect a dead person?This will be condemned by God.

"This king will do what he says. Now the emperor is chasing him very closely. I am afraid that he will find this place soon. This king does not hope that he will not be able to fulfill his wish in the end, so he brought you two here. If If you have no objection, please help me." Bei Chenlin put down his high airs and begged as he looked at the two people.

It seemed that he was so desperate that he had nowhere to go, but what no one knew was that what he was thinking about at this moment was only those words when Yunqiao gave him a fortune-telling.It turned out that some things were true. If he could really be killed by that person, then he would be willing.

Instead of committing suicide or being killed by others, this is his best destination. He didn't know what he owed his mother back then, but he was willing to pay it back.Mother is so beautiful, so beautiful that every time she is sad, I want to wipe away her tears and protect her.But I couldn't do it because I was incompetent and stupid, so I could only watch her cry and torture myself in the end.

Now, maybe everything should be returned to her.

"Since the lord has already said that, then I have no objection. As for Mr. Xuanyue's words, I don't think I have any objection. After all, it's good to be able to bring the body of the lord back to make up for the mistakes." Yun Ruo smiled, very calm.I couldn't be more satisfied with Bei Chenlin's decision to die. As long as Bei Chenlin died, it would be much easier to deal with a woman, and there would be fewer obstacles in taking her away.

The young master of the Xuantian clan should also have no interest in competing with him for that woman, so there is nothing wrong with killing multiple birds with one stone.

Yun Ruo's calculation was very good, and Xuan Yue did agree, expressing her willingness to wait until Bei Chenlin died, because she was very curious, curious about what Bei Chenlin wanted to do, and what could make him even Everything is seen through.Perhaps it could be said that he had seen through it from the very beginning, and he might not be sure that the betrayal of His Highness the Crown Prince was so reasonable in his eyes.

"Before we start, I wonder if you can answer a question for me?" Yun Ruo looked at Bei Chenlin and opened her mouth tentatively.

"But it's okay to say." Bei Chenlin was smiling, and began to organize the things that needed to be done for a while in his hands. He was responsive to the requests of those who were about to help him.

"I want to know why you don't care about His Royal Highness's betrayal, because you knew it a long time ago?" If this is the case, why continue this...

"Because it's normal. The emperor's brother is the one who is really suitable to be an emperor. Your Highness the crown prince is also that kind of person. People who can be emperors will always cherish each other, but we can only watch, from a distance. That's it. His Royal Highness will not choose someone who is not suitable to be an emperor as an opponent, so the person he wants to escape from sacrifice in the end is just me." Bei Chenlin saw it clearly, just like what Yunqiao said to him at that time.

It's a pity that he can see clearly, but he has no way to change it, because when things happen to him, he can only let nature take its course. The emperor wants to stabilize his throne, but he wants to be relieved.

In the end, this is roughly the relationship, right?
It's a pity that only I can think of this kind of relationship, and Brother Huang won't feel any sorrow for his future death.I just feel like I'm finally dead, so there's only one less opponent.

"Since I see it so clearly, can't I help but want to be the emperor? People are still greedy." Xuan Yue said, and after she finished speaking, she helped Bei Chenlin to do the necessary ceremony for a while.

Speaking of which, being able to hide the imperial concubine who has been dead for many years and not change her appearance for many years, this prince is really amazing.It seems that who made a lot of preparations for this?

A child inspired to resurrect his own mother?Interesting, really interesting.Xuan Yue is very interested in Bei Chenlin, so she has a little more sincerity when she helps.

Yun Ruo's words were linked to the interests of Bei Chenlin's incident, so he naturally helped very hard. The three of them worked hard and quickly finished all the things that needed to be done. But in the end, when the moon was full, everything would be settled. sufficient.

"Thank you both for your help." Bei Chenlin looked at this place, and finally walked towards the ice bed, looking at the woman on top, a trace of helplessness and longing flashed across his eyes.My mother is a selfish person like me, she only cares about herself, and when her wish is fulfilled, she has no desire to continue living.

This, of course, will not change.But, what exactly did the mother want back then?Why do you hate me so much?
Bei Chenlin was very suspicious and wanted to know the answer, and this answer would appear in front of him soon.

If life could be chosen again, Bei Chenlin felt that he wanted to die, and would never be born in this reality.I don't want to bear the pain and loneliness after birth.

Maybe I really can't be the kind of person like the emperor's brother?So proud, so confident, I know I want to protect what I want, that's all.

On the night of the full moon, under the blood, the crime continued.

Yunqiao is very sleepy, really sleepy, but at the same time, she can't sleep because she is on the way to take office now, of course this is not the point, the point is that Wuxue is fighting below now.Should it be fun?Because the emperor sent a new person to the frontier to take office, the bandits and robbers felt that it was profitable and wanted to rob her along the way.

Wuxue has been tired for half an hour, right?It has not been resolved until now, and it can be seen that there are so many people.hateful!Really sleepy.

Yunqiao wanted to sleep, but letting his pets fight outside and going to sleep by himself always felt a little too much.So I can only continue to endure.Maybe the most painful thing in the world is not being able to sleep and not sure!
(End of this chapter)

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