goddess queen

Episode 174

Episode 174
His Royal Highness is always so happy when talking about wars, he probably really likes it.Otherwise, the present situation would not have occurred.But thinking about it, maybe God is also helping the prince. Otherwise, how could he find the drunk Yunqiao girl in a small dilapidated tavern?

He also discovered that Bei Chenye liked her not long after he came to the Amano Dynasty.What Bei Chenye did in secret even made him feel disgusted. This emperor would really do anything for this woman.Being able to take people away in the tavern is definitely the most beneficial thing for them.Right now, Bei Chenye is basically unable to follow their requirements even if he doesn't want to.

"Mr. Xuanyue, I wonder if the king can ask you a question?" Bei Chenlin was very bored, and always felt bored the moment he saw Xuanyue, so he asked him.After asking, the person has jumped to the high place.

"Excuse me, my lord." Xuan Yue looked at Bei Chenlin, with a trace of respect in her voice, but more of dissatisfaction. His Highness the crown prince would never speak to herself so condescendingly. What's the matter with this lord?

"The next patriarch of the Xuantian clan, why did you choose to be the military adviser of the Prince of Beiyue? Is it because you are too boring, or is this the choice of the Xuantian clan?" As a result of being disgusted with each other, he finally hit a minefield.

The moment his voice just fell, I saw the expression on Xuan Yue's face gradually disappear, and finally said coldly: "If the prince has nothing to do, I will take my leave first."

After finishing speaking, he left without saying a word, and his stubbornness was astounding.But this is not important, the important thing is that people who should not appear have appeared!

After Xuanyue walked away, when Bei Chenlin was about to jump off, he saw a figure that shouldn't be here. The woman was dressed in red and looked at him with a smile on her face.

Obviously very kind, but it gave him a feeling like the end of the song.

"Long time no see." He greeted Yun Qiao awkwardly, Yun Qiao smiled again when he heard that, and replied: "It's been a long time indeed, so long that even the prince has the heart to usurp the country."

"Ahaha, don't take it too seriously. In fact, who owns the throne shouldn't matter to you in the world, right? It's the same if the emperor is here, and it's the same if I'm here."

Bei Chenlin was smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. He really wanted to know, and wanted to know what Yunqiao thought about who was suitable to be emperor, he or his elder brother. Although this kind of mood was very strange, he really wanted to know.

"It should be different." Sure enough, Yunqiao spoke, looked at the man, and then thought about Bei Chenye: "He is a born emperor, but you are not."

"Oh? I really can't be happy to hear such words from your mouth." Bei Chenlin lost the smile on his face and looked at the woman with a trace of powerlessness in his eyes.Really not suitable?
Back then, everyone also used this saying, and then let the emperor brother who didn't really want to be the emperor take the throne.Is it the same now?
"Have you known Bei Chenye?" Yun Qiao was suspicious, looking at the man, he suddenly doubted the relationship between the two brothers.That person Bei Chenye... was very slender, thoughtful, and had the heart of an emperor.He treats his subjects very well, at least it can be seen from the current situation of the people, and from the expression on his face when he saw the refugees.Moreover, he has a wish and is working hard to realize it.

These are Bei Chenye's advantages, but Bei Chenlin does not. Bei Chenlin may also be very powerful, but he does not have Bei Chenye's mood. to that extent.

Yunqiao's words were like nails nailed into Bei Chenlin's heart. He was not suitable to be an emperor, and he didn't understand his brother.Indeed, compared to her, I really don't know what Brother Huang is thinking. Similarly, I don't want to know that person.

Always aloof, never understanding the pain of others, only moving towards his so-called goal, it seems naive, but after you fall into the so-called naive danger, you will die.Is this kind of person suitable to be an emperor?Bei Chenlin looked at Yunqiao and really wanted to ask her, but he didn't say it in the end.If you let her know what kind of person Huangxiong is, maybe that person will hate him, and... now this woman is just her own prisoner, there is no need to explain anything.

Thinking of this, Bei Chenlin's mood improved a lot. He looked at Yunqiao and said, "I found Miss Yunqiao in the tavern. Miss Yunqiao didn't seem to be in a good mood, so I brought you back without authorization. If you have nothing to do for the time being, you can stay in this king's palace for a while to adjust your mood, there is everything here." Bei Chenlin said very politely, but after saying this, Yunqiao didn't refute anything .

He just smiled and agreed: "Then I will thank you, my lord." Are you a prisoner?Sure enough, alcohol is not a good thing. Although I don't know what this man wants to use me for, but since it's here, I'll be safe. I'm already standing here, so there's no need to care about it.

As long as he is still alive, everything is fine.Besides, it's really not suitable to see Wuxue now, if you do, you probably want to drive him away, right?

What he did was for himself, there was no doubt about it, but what he said was for himself, he just wanted to stay by her side, so what reason was there to drive him away?What reason is there to blame him?Even looking at his wronged expression, you will feel guilty.An owner who doesn't understand his pet is not a good owner, and he is now on the road of not understanding.

So it's good to calm down here, at least when I meet him next time, I won't hurt him, maybe Wuxue will feel insecure, it's all because she can't say for sure.

Here, Yunqiao has a good idea, and has decided to temporarily live in Bei Chenlin's palace, but what is the saying?Misunderstandings always arise from trivial matters.

Yunqiao felt that it was nothing to stay in the palace, and Wuxue would not be flustered at first, but she forgot how much Wuxue should be afraid now that she knew the so-called truth. , What kind of anger and panic should it be.

The greatest tragedy in this world is not that I love you but you don't love me, but that I'm trying to understand you but you don't.

At this moment, in the small courtyard of Yun's family, Wuxue walked around in circles anxiously, her golden eyes filled with tension.I almost went out to find it.

As for Feng Xin, she sat helplessly in the same position as when she came during the day, looked at Wuxue, and finally smiled: "Hehe, why are you so worried? Miss Yunqiao is not a child, so there shouldn't be any problems." .”

(End of this chapter)

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