cloudy day

Chapter 639

Chapter 639
Huang Shisan sighed and said, "I see, I almost lost my life just by looking at it. But this corpse is really alluring, its face is really pretty, but its body is a bit scary."

"What's wrong with your body? Does your clothes let you down?" I said with a smile.

"Sigh, I really haven't worn any clothes, but there are scales from the neck down. It looks too permeable. It's not the mermaid in my image at all." Huang Shisan said.

"Then you won't lose your mind just because of this, and be injured by the corpse ghost?" I asked.

Huang Shisan shook his head, "Is this possible? I have been possessed by Mr. Python Immortal. Didn't I just say that I just took one look at this corpse and died. As soon as those strange eyes stared at me, I couldn't move. Thanks to the possession of the master python, my body became stronger, and thanks to the old brother Wu who rescued me in time, otherwise I would have the same arms as that Hou Jie. Gone.

"This ghost can also perform illusions? How come the more seductive a spirit is, it can use such deadly tricks?" I couldn't help but think of the fox that made us almost die.

"Brother Changsheng, if we encounter that corpse ghost again in the future, we must not look her in the eyes, or we will all get the way! But I have a way to deal with this corpse ghost, as long as next time I take the head of the hall If Auntie Hu San invites you, she will definitely be able to deal with that water snake girl!" Huang Shisan said.

After treating Huang Shisan's wound, it was already late. Before we could eat, many villagers brought us a lot of food, especially the village head who warmly welcomed us to his house.

Compared with Lao Wu's hometown, the people in this village seem to know more about the world. During dinner, the village head told us that he had arranged for the strong young people in the village to guard the shore, and would immediately report to Lao Wu in case of any situation. Call to inform.

After drinking and eating, we returned to Chen Sanpang's house. Since everyone was exhausted, we all lay down on the bed early and fell asleep.

From a room away, I could hear the snoring of a deaf man from the next wing. This guy didn't follow us to retrieve the corpse, but ate the most at night.

But even without his snoring, it was difficult for me to fall asleep. I was always faintly worried that something might happen tonight.

After tossing and turning, I finally fell asleep, but I didn't know how long I slept, but suddenly I heard a strange sound coming from the window, "bang bang bang" as if someone was knocking on the window.

I thought something happened to the shore, I hurriedly opened my eyes and was about to get up, but suddenly found a strange human face behind the window!

The pale moonlight shone on that pale face, which was alluring and strange, and her lips were blood red, as if she had eaten a dead child.

The most frightening thing was that her scaly hand was gently tapping on the glass window, making a crisp and piercing sound. I was so frightened that my whole body was so cold that I completely forgot to call for help.

At this moment, the woman's eyes suddenly flashed a strange light, and my heart skipped a beat, and I suddenly remembered Huang Shisan's instruction, "Don't look into her eyes!"

But now it's too late, my eyes are blurred, and I'm gradually losing consciousness...

When I opened my eyes, the cold river wind made me shiver. Before I saw the corpse, I heard a cold voice in my ear saying: "Didn't I say that? I want to let you die." You can't sleep at night!"

(End of this chapter)

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