cloudy day

Chapter 495 Sacrifice

Chapter 495 Sacrifice
Walking into the middle hall, there is a three-meter-high statue in the hall, which is naturally the ancestor of the ghost family, the majestic ghost general.

The image of this ghost ancestor is similar to that of Guan Gong in the Guan Gong Temple, but the strange thing is that the weapon held by this ghost general is very strange. The right hand is holding a stick. It looks like metal in color, but its appearance is similar to a mourning stick. .The weapon in his left hand is a red iron hook more than one meter long, like an iron hook that seduces the soul.

And the most noticeable thing is that the horse under Ghost General's crotch turned out to be a skeleton war horse!At first glance, this ghost general really looks like he came out of the underworld...

When the village chief saw the statue of the ghost general, he immediately offered incense and kowtowed, and I quickly lit three sticks of incense, and bowed to the ground devoutly. Anyway, this ghost general is also my ancestor.

But if my biological father is really a member of this ghost family, then wouldn't I also be named ghost, called ghost immortal...

After kneeling down, I looked at the statue of Ghost General and asked curiously: "Brother Village, the statue of our ancestor Ghost General seems to be a bit different. Are the weapons in this hand a mourning stick and an iron hook? And this horse horse……"

The village chief looked up at the statue and said, "That's right, it's the mourning stick and the iron hook. These two weapons are said to be used by the Black and White Impermanence of the Underworld. He doesn’t know how to use mortal weapons and mounts. According to legend, the ghost ancestor once caused a disturbance in the underworld, and this mourning stick and iron hook for seducing souls were taken from Black and White Wuchang, but this is just a legend.”

"Impermanence in black and white? Is it a ghost? Then the mourning stick and hook are not very powerful, right?" I said.

But the village chief smiled wryly and shook his head, "You, I just said it wrong. It is said among the people that black and white impermanence is the messenger of seduction, but the real identity is one of the top ten handsome men of the underworld. Under the King of Hades, he commands the soldiers of the underworld."

"I didn't expect it to be like this..." When he mentioned the ghost official, I couldn't help but recall what happened on the barren mound in Miaojiang, and that nightmare.

Speaking of which, the ghost official in the green official uniform once said to me, he said it’s no wonder I can use this soul-trapping iron chain, and it’s not damaged when I touch his judge’s pen, so I’m a ghost...

Although the sentence of the ghost official was not finished, I guess it should refer to the ghost family.

After worshiping the ghost general, we came to the apse again.This apse is the ancestral hall of the Ghost Clan, which enshrines the ancestors of the past dynasties. Because the members of the Ghost Clan are short-lived, there are spiritual tablets everywhere.

After offering incense and worshiping, we left the Ghost Ancestral Temple, and when we came outside, we saw many people setting up a platform in front of the temple gate.

I asked curiously: "Brother Village Chief, what are they doing? Are they setting up a stage to perform?"

"It's almost the same. Every year on the seventh day of the lunar calendar, our Ghost Gate Village will hold a sacrifice to worship General Ghost, because our village was founded on the seventh day of the lunar calendar more than 1000 years ago." The village chief said.

"The seventh day of the lunar calendar... isn't that tomorrow?"

The village chief nodded and said, "Yes, the ceremony will be held tomorrow evening. This ceremony will last about two hours. The purpose of the ceremony is to thank the ghost ancestors, and to pray for the good weather and peace in the village."

"Then... the village must be very lively tomorrow, right? Will... will there be delicious food?" Deaf Zhang asked with a silly smile.

"Every time this festival is very lively, but at the same time we will seal off the village to prevent outsiders from entering... And I don't want you to participate, so you can take a good rest at my house tomorrow."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Because... because our sacrifice is a bit special, I'm afraid you may not be used to it..." the village chief said in a secretive way.

"Brother Village Chief, I'm of the same family as everyone else, what can't you tell me?" I asked.

The village head frowned, sighed, and said to us, "Because tomorrow is a human sacrifice!"

(End of this chapter)

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