cloudy day

Chapter 239 The Inherent Curse

Chapter 239 The Inherent Curse

When it comes to the mountain god, the wolf fairy's eyes no longer had the fierce light at the beginning, and gradually became peaceful, but now they are slowly becoming a little lonely.

"The mountain god you mentioned is my own younger brother. Originally, we were both cultivating in Wuxian Peak, but because of some reasons, we had to separate the two places. He turned into a mountain god to guard Yinling Mountain, and my immortal family continued to stay in Wuxian Peak. Peak cultivation." Grandpa Wolf Immortal said.

"The wolf fairy, since the mountain god can't come back, why didn't you follow to Yinling Mountain?" I asked curiously.

Grandpa Wolf Immortal said with a sigh: "Because the Five Immortals Peak is the origin of our wolf family lineage, as the patriarch of the wolf family, this immortal family cannot leave his post without permission, unless 200 years later, the descendants of the wolf family will come back to us." You can only leave when you can be alone... Your name is Changsheng, right? How is the mountain god?"

"I have met the Mountain God twice. The first time I saw him, he was as powerful and strong as I saw you just now. But when I left Yinling Mountain, I saw that the Mountain God was seriously injured. , looking at the injury, it looks like someone has fought fiercely..." I said truthfully.

"How could it be? How could someone in this world beat him to serious injury? Changsheng, tell this fairy family everything you know!" Grandpa Wolf Immortal asked angrily.

I told the story of the night when I met the mountain god, I followed the mountain god to a cave in a trance, and I saw the three-meter-high stone gate at the end of the cave full of mysterious characters and so on.

The wolf fairy frowned after hearing this, "The mountain god's injury should be related to that stone gate, did you finally open that gate?"

"I don't know about this. When I woke up, I was lying in the house of the old man who guarded the mountain... Mr. Wolf Immortal, do you know what happened to that stone gate? The word 'death' in my hand is a curse Is it only after I came across that door?" I asked eagerly, and stretched out my right hand, but at this time the word "death" did not appear.
Regarding the method and origin of the deciphering curse of the "death" character, I have not found the answer so far. I thought there would be a record on the stone wall of the blood pool, but no one can tell it clearly.

I also asked Granny Hu Guihua and Guardian Yin before, but they didn't know what was going on with the curse and the word "death" on my right hand.

But I think the mountain god who has guarded Yinling Mountain for hundreds of thousands of years will know the secret behind the stone gate and the origin of my right hand curse.

The wolf fairy looked at my right hand, I looked at his focused expression, and thought that the wolf fairy was the brother of the mountain god, maybe he would know something.

Grandpa Wolf Immortal looked at it for a long time before he said: "Your right hand is not cursed because you touched that door, but it is born with you. It was hidden in your body when you were born, but it just happened to be in the Yinling Mountain. It will only show up when the incubation period has expired."

"What... what? This curse has been around since I was born?" I exclaimed in shock, the statement of the wolf fairy was completely different from other people's views, and he really knew something.

"I'm not sure. Although my immortal family has lived for more than a thousand years, they rarely leave Wuxian Peak. You should ask Hu Yinhua about this curse. She has traveled all over the world and lived for a long time. That girl will definitely Knows more than the Immortal family." Said Grandpa Wolf Immortal.

I nodded. It seemed that when I met Grandma Hu Yinhua, I had one more question. Now I have to do my best and try my best to pass the level of wolf fairy!
(End of this chapter)

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