Chapter 42
The leader of the man in black said, "Although we can't beat you, you can't stop us if we want to leave. Withdraw"

Lang Fei snorted coldly, "Leave them all to me, just watch me, tyrant."

I saw that the knife in Lang Fei's hand exploded with domineering energy and locked the leader of the man in black and them. The leader of the man in black was instantly immobilized by this domineering pressure and could only resist Lang Fei's knife.

After Lang Fei slashed the knife, the knife in his hand turned into pieces. Lang Fei said helplessly, "The shot was heavy." Then he walked to Li Hu's side, not caring about the men in black.

Li Hu stared blankly at the men in black, he couldn't calm down for a long time and said to himself, "What a domineering sword technique." Then he followed Lang Fei and walked in.

The rest of the police officers were a little confused, wondering why these black people stood still and didn't run away?A bold man stepped forward cautiously, and when his hand touched one of the men in black, there was a bang bang bang sound.Seeing that all the men in black turned into blood mist, including the leader of the man in black, all of them had no bones left.The arrester just now was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

Lang Fei walked to Qian Shi's side and said, "The people who saved you are all dead, so don't hold on to hope. No one can save you. Including your so-called leader, Thousand Faced Man, after tonight, he probably won't be able to save you." will live again."

Qian Shi laughed, "You can't catch our leader, and the leader will definitely avenge us."

When the day was getting brighter, Lang Fei suddenly felt a sword force that was too powerful to resist from the sky.He hurried out with Li Hu.

They saw an old man stepping on a sword and slowly landing in front of them.After the old man put away the sword, the soaring momentum of the sword disappeared without a trace.

Li Hu hurriedly bowed to the old man and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that this incident even alarmed Cui Guanshi."

Cui Guanshi said with a smile, "You and I are both in charge, so there is no need to be polite. This time the matter is not trivial, so the higher-ups sent me here to sit in the town. And there are already people in other cities to sit in the town. It is estimated that the shadow organization will be difficult to fly. .”

Li Hu said, "Of course you Jindan masters will take the shot, and they don't have much ability to judge them."

Cui Guanshi shook his hand and said, "You can't say that. This shadow organization is not simple. Over the years, there hasn't been a single bit of news. If you didn't report it, I'm afraid it would have caused a catastrophe."

Li Hu pointed to Lang Fei and said, "It's all thanks to Brother Lang. If it wasn't for Brother Lang, I'm afraid this mountain forest city would be the fate of other cities. Now that I think about it, I'm really scared."

Cui Guanshi glanced at Lang Fei and said lightly, "Little brother, you are already a first-class expert at such a young age. It's really good, but you seem to have learned a lot. I advise you to specialize. In the end, it was just a joke.”

Lang Fei clasped his fists and said, "Thank you Cui Guanshi for your guidance. The boy thinks that martial arts are profound and profound. Only by witnessing one's own path from many martial arts can one go to the end in martial arts."

Cui Guanshi nodded and said, "That's right. Everyone's path can only be known right or wrong if he walks it by himself." After speaking, Cui Guanshi turned his head and left. It should be reminded that it is personal whether to listen or not.

Lang Fei asked curiously, "Brother Li, is Guanshi Cui a martial arts golden core master?
Li Hu said, "Don't think that we are all stewards. His status is much higher than mine. One is the problem of strength, and the other is that I am only a steward in a small city, but he is a steward in a mid-level city."

Lang Feifei asked curiously, "Could it be that the management strength of the police stationed in each city is different?"

Li Hu said, "Of course it's different. For example, in some small towns, the strength of the officers in the patrol room is about 5th. And this mountain forest city is a junior city, so there will be second-rate masters like me stationed here. The middle-level city is martial arts. Masters at the Jindan level. The high-level cities are stationed there by masters at the Yuanshen level. As for the top cities, there are Martial Immortals stationed there. As for the imperial city, there are legendary Martial Gods stationed there. Do you think the strength can be the same? "

Lang Fei stuck out his tongue and said, "It's really different. Just now, Guanshi Cui, the trick that flew down from the sky is the sword control technique."

Li Hu nodded and said, "That's right, it's Yujianshu. Only when the sword repair reaches a certain level can you fly with the sword. Cui Guanshi is the most talented inner disciple in the Yujianmen. He has reached the level at the age of 100 years. Martial Dao Golden Core stage, future achievements cannot be underestimated."

Lang Fei said, "Don't we all have to be fast in the patrol room? Why, he is an inner disciple and can be the steward of the patrol room?"

Li Hu laughed and said, "The steward of our patrol house has nothing to do with your personal identity. As long as you reach the level of a general, you can choose to be the steward of a patrol house in a city. Usually it is 1 to 5 years." , because this is where merit points can be obtained.”

Lang Fei said with a smirk, "I have practiced martial arts a little bit, and I don't know the common sense. Let my brother see the joke."

Li Hu shook his head and said, "It's normal, young people like you are all focused on improving your strength, so you don't care about other things."

Lang Fei said, "Now it's dawn, I'll go out and see what's there, maybe I can help."

Li Hu said, "You are really enthusiastic, okay, then you go. I have to deal with this mess."

Lang Fei looked at the common people around them cleaning up the smashed things on the street, but everyone had a happy smile on their faces.Because those bullies who pressed on them have all been killed.Even the people outside the city lord's mansion and the forest member have been captured by the soldiers and put in prison.

Looking at the happy smiles of the people around him, Lang Fei couldn't help laughing.Seeing everyone's happy smiles proves that I have not worked in vain these days.

At this moment, Lang Fei found that Jie Chi and Zhang Shisan were walking towards him with Li Ning.Lang Fei said, "Didn't I tell you to wait there for news? Why are you here?"

Quit eating and said, "It's not that the benefactor Zhang kept clamoring to come here to help you, fearing that you would be in danger. We arrived yesterday, but we found that the city was full of fire, so we didn't dare to act without authorization. Until today, in the morning we wanted to Stealthily approached to see what happened. Then we heard that Lin Yuanwai and the people in the city lord's mansion were all arrested, so we knew that you must have solved the matter, so we dared to come in."

 Thanks to Endless Meditation for voting 12 recommended votes, Huyou hereby thank you.


(End of this chapter)

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