Reborn 1990 is booming

Chapter 363 What matters is his attitude

Chapter 363 What matters is his attitude
Ren Dong ran towards 701 without hesitation.

At this time, in 701, Qu Sijing took the initiative to open the door to let the sisters in. When Qu Sanning learned the reason, he immediately went to Ren Dong to settle the account. Don't be in a hurry, there must be more to the fourth sister's words, so let her talk about it together."

"Is there anything else to say?" Qu Sanning was taken aback, frowning, "Hurry up, what else is there?"

Qu Sijing just continued: "Actually, I didn't take it too seriously the day before yesterday. When I was sitting in the noodle shop eating noodles, I was very moved when I saw Ren Dong looking for me in a hurry."

"She dared to hug your man in public, are you still not angry?" Qu Sanning was speechless!

"I was angry at the time, but after thinking that it was she who hugged Ren Dong and not Ren Dong who hugged her, I stopped being angry."

"What the hell are you thinking?"

Qu Ershun glared at Third Sister, "Calm down and let Fourth Sister finish talking."

"I ran away because I didn't want to embarrass Ren Dong too much, and I could see that Xie Wanyu had a lot to say to Ren Dong, so I just gave them some time." Qu Sijing said quietly: "But if you want to talk about me Not angry at all, it's fake... I'm angry that Ren Dong never told me about Xie Wanyu. If he had told me openly, I would feel more relieved, but he hasn't said a word for so long, so... "

Qu Sijing suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and Qu Sa continued: "So you don't know what to do, and want to test it out?"

Qu Sijing nodded, that's what she meant.

But the matter is not over yet, "I never thought of probing like this, but Xie Wanyu found me last night, and she wanted to talk to me."

The mouths of the three sisters almost dropped in shock. Qu Sa was the first to realize that this was the reason why the fourth sister made such a fuss, right?And that Xie Wanyu, who is really daring.She didn't need to tell Fourth Sister, she could roughly guess what Xie Wanyu said to Fourth Sister.

"She said that if Ren Dong was not three years younger than her and went to serve in the army, both of their children would be running around. She was the one who proposed the breakup back then, and the family was in a hurry, so she had already picked a good partner for her. Now, she got married not long after she graduated. Before she got married, she went to Ren Dong, but Ren Dong told her that she could not pass the music school, and his father asked him to be a soldier. She asked him tentatively, but the family forced him to let him go. She got married, but Ren Dong was helpless. He was not yet eighteen at the time, and she was already 21. Therefore, Xie Wanyu broke up soon after, and then went to the Northwest with her husband. However, even though she was married, she still She was able to receive a letter from Ren Dong to greet her, and last fall, Ren Dong went to the northwest to visit her. At that moment, she knew that Ren Dong never really let her go, and now she and her husband are at odds and have returned to freedom Therefore, she hopes to give Ren Dong a chance, and give herself a chance to start over. But the premise is that I must withdraw voluntarily."

This is probably the most words Qu Sijing has said in one breath. Qu Sanning was so angry when she heard it, it must have been so intense that she just sat on the chair and panted, forgetting what she was going to do next.

"Why do you have to withdraw voluntarily?" Qu Ershun sneered.

"Xie Wanyu said that Ren Dong is a very responsible man. Even if he doesn't like him, he will be responsible to the end because of the word "responsibility". Therefore, I can only propose the divorce."

"So, you just fooled around and really returned the bracelet and ring to Ren Dong?" Qu Sanning felt that the oxygen around him was getting insufficient.

"Yes, I mainly want to see Ren Dong's attitude. In this game, it doesn't matter what Xie Wanyu and I say or do, what matters is Ren Dong's attitude. If he really still has Xie Wanyu in his heart, What I say and do will only look ridiculous, and in turn, it will be the same for Xie Wanyu."

Hearing this, Qu Sa felt a sense of admiration in his heart. Of the four sisters, only the fourth sister is so exquisite.The key is that she is more organized than anyone else, even if she is not talking about it.

"You're stupid!" Qu Sanning didn't want to listen anymore, "What if, what if he really misses Xie Wanyu..."

"Then I'll take the initiative to quit. It's still dignified to quit now. Otherwise, after marriage, the man you accompany day and night will miss other women in his heart. I don't care about others. I can't bear it myself."

"Even so, it's too cheap for that woman Xie Wanyu! Why should she break up when she says she wants to break up, and get back together when she says she wants to get back together, and she's still divorced now, so she's not worthy of a man as good as Ren Dong!"

"It's just a raccoon dog!" Qu Sanning used a rare idiom for the first time.

Just then, the door opened.

Ren Dong pushed the door and entered.

Qu Ershun was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes for a moment, Qu Sa patted his forehead and said, "Ah, I forgot to close the door."

In fact, it is due to experience, the fourth sister just ran away like this, and Ren Dong will definitely come after him. Well, judging Ren Dong's current appearance, Xie Wanyu's divorce plan is likely to be unsafe.

"Quiet, I swear on my life now, I have never liked Xie Wanyu from the beginning to the end. I used to be too young to know what it means to like. I just envied her that she can play music freely, but my dad firmly forbids me to touch it. He The more I refused, the more rebellious I was, deliberately being with Xie Wanyu to make him angry and angry. Xie Wanyu once asked me if I could marry her, and I told the truth, temporarily not, because my father would never allow me to marry Xie Wanyu, besides, I was only seventeen at the time. Xie Wanyu told me at the time that she would wait for me, until I reached the right age, until my father let go. However, I had just left for a year, and she turned around I married another man, and wrote me a breakup letter before we got married. Strictly speaking, I was a little confused at the time. In those years, I never thought that I had caught up with Xie Wanyu, even if we were crazy together Playing, singing together, playing the piano, she never promised to be with me, and I never even held her hand from the beginning to the end. At that time, everyone thought she was my partner, because I was bragging. Because they were not optimistic about her , so I prefer to show them... The trip to the Northwest, I mainly went to relax. To be honest, I left the army suddenly, and my ears were not good. I went to see them by the way, but I didn't expect to meet Xie Wanyu, she was still glamorous at that time, she spoke with arrogance, and told me that her husband loved her very much, and she was completely different from today's tragic situation."

(End of this chapter)

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