Reborn 1990 is booming

Chapter 327 Jewelry Processing Factory

Chapter 327 Jewelry Processing Factory

After getting along with Qu Sa for a long time, Fang Xingzheng became more and more reluctant to talk nonsense.

"The basic regulations remain the same. The main changes are as follows. The first is the probationary period. It was originally one month, but now it has been extended to three months. In addition to professional skills and comprehensive abilities, the eligibility criteria must also pass the moral test. But pass, no matter how powerful you are. Do you have any opinions on this point?"

"Pass it!" Jiang Hai patted the table and said.

Others raised their hands one after another. It is reasonable for them to think about such an incident today.

Qu Sa nodded, and the first regulation was all passed.

"Second, as the boss mentioned, it is suggested that EastTech University should be excluded from the recruitment of fresh graduates in the future. There is only one reason. To avoid risks, especially unnecessary risks should be strictly controlled. This point has been recognized by everyone. Here is the There will be no second vote. Third, expand the scope of recruitment to the whole people, from all walks of life, and those who can, do you have any opinions?"

The crowd voted with a show of hands without waiting for a question.

"Fourth, performance appraisal..."


Half an hour later, the new recruitment regulations were unanimously approved. Among them, Qu Ershun and others just followed the crowd to vote by show of hands. It's fine for the young girl and Fang Xingzheng to make a decision like this, so why should they come over?Anyway, Fang Xingzheng had a very good idea, and the rules he set were good. Instead of wasting time here, the three of them might as well go back to the shop to sell accessories, which would save dozens of dollars in sales this afternoon.

"Do you have anything new to add to the new company recruitment regulations?" Fang Xingzheng finally asked.

Everyone shook their heads and said no, so the right to speak was automatically transferred to Qu Sa.

"Okay, let's discuss the matter of choosing a site and setting up a factory."

As soon as Qu Sa said it, he knew if it was there or not. The friends were all stunned. Although the boss threw "bombs" at them all day long, it is true that the scale this time was too unprecedented.

Everyone knows that Qu Sa must have a long speech as a basis for the following, so they all looked at Qu Sa intently.

A certain woman paused, stood up and said, "I made a mistake, an idealistic mistake." It was actually empiricism.

In her previous life, she made her fortune through street stalls, chain stores, and franchising.

However, in this life, everything started eight years earlier than in the previous life, and she ignored too much in the eight years.If it weren't for the farce that happened at the recruitment site today, she wouldn't have woken up so early.

"I completely ignore the contradiction between supply and demand in the market, and what kind of state the contradiction between supply and demand is at this time. Behind the level, the resulting spiritual and cultural outlook. To put it simply..." Qu Sa walked to the small blackboard, picked up a chalk and drew a big cake on the small blackboard, and then erased a few small parts on the edge with his hands, "For example , This is our entire market. At present, only a few fringes have been eaten away, and most of the rest are blank spaces. What is this? This is the future development space of our industry. Under such a contradiction between supply and demand , People’s needs are only at the stage of whether they have or not, and we have already told them how to have them in various ways, which in itself is against the law. Therefore, the original decision was wrong.”

"What's the result?" Fang Xing was asking him to present an argument.

Qu Sa smiled and said: "It's very simple, open a factory, take orders, mass produce, quickly occupy the market, eat up all the marginal parts, and then dig deeper to create a real brand that belongs to us."

"In this way, don't we do chain stores and follow-up franchise stores?" Although Shang Sihe agrees with Qu Sa's market analysis, if he is really asked to give up the current model, he will disagree with 1 people.

"Do it! This is also a piece of fat, and we have eaten it several years earlier than others, why not do it? Order and direct sales, go forward side by side."

Hearing what Qu Sa said, Shang Sihe heaved a sigh of relief.

Wu Baoyu continued: "In this way, our original market positioning will be completely overthrown."

"No, no, no, our previous market positioning is not wrong at all. It's just that we regard the local demand positioning as the overall situation. The starting point is high, but we can't generalize it. What we need to do now is to lower our profile and produce accessories to every In the hands of women, there are elderly people in their 70s and [-]s, and children as young as three or four years old. If it is feasible in the future, we can start men's accessories."

But this point is too far away, so Qu Sa presses it for now.

Next, dozens of people discussed issues such as whether to open a factory, how to order, how to recruit workers, etc. During dinner, they discussed the most critical part, and temporarily adjourned the meeting.Qu Sa asked Jiang Hai and Liu Dazhu to go out to buy food to eat at the company, and then called Han Xu to explain the situation.

When the willows are on the moon, the ten-hour meeting is officially over.

Fang Xingzheng felt his whole body stiff when he got up, and his back hurt so much that he almost fell, Qu Sa's eyesight was weak and his hands quickly helped him, so he "survived the disaster".Qu Sa said to everyone who was shouting "Ouch, hello" and "Ouch", and said, "From tomorrow morning, you should get rid of the lazy sleep, go out for a run, and exercise, otherwise, the future work intensity will be difficult for you guys. Can't take it at all."

"Boss, you don't have a back pain when you stand and talk, you are always taken care of, you eat three meals a day, and ask for your health, we are all homeless bachelors, as long as the bed can bring a little bit of comfort, you don't want to kill them all. "Jiang Hai said lazily, twisting his waist.

Qu Sa suddenly had an idea, "Lao Fang, let's add the amount of daily employee exercise to the corporate culture. Although work is important, the body is the capital of revolution."

"The proposal is very good. I will draft a feasible plan tomorrow." Fang Xingzheng smiled treacherously, and looked at Jiang Hai who was about to "explode" with great interest.

Everyone chatted and laughed a few words before leaving.

On the way back, Qu Sanning put his arms around the second sister's arm and joked, "This is good, we have a meeting, and the dowry money is gone. Only now do I understand the purpose of us attending the meeting, and it turned out that we were asked to pay for it. My fourth sister and I are fine, we are not in trouble, but your second sister, the dowry money is gone, brother Da Zhu's marriage money is gone, and I don't know if the old man in the family will cry when he knows."

Starting a factory, purchasing equipment, grinding tools, etc., each of which is not a small project, so after everything is planned, the shareholders will reshuffle and invest in, and the share of shareholders will naturally change accordingly.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qu Sa proposed to let the three older sisters and brother Dazhu join in. Surprisingly, Liu Dazhu was the first to agree without hesitation.

Qu Ershun hesitated for a moment, then kept pace with Liu Dazhu, and Qu Sanning and Qu Sijing naturally followed the fourth sister, so they each invested 3000 yuan, which was all their belongings to them.Liu Dazhu made up his mind and voted for [-].

(End of this chapter)

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