Reborn 1990 is booming

Chapter 258 A New Source of Customers

Chapter 258 A New Source of Customers
"Brick?!" Qu Sa was both surprised and delighted. How many times, she felt that everything was ready and only owed Dongfeng. Who would have thought that Han Xu would buy Dongfeng for her.This is sleepy man meeting pillow.

"Brick?" Han Xu carefully looked at the big brother in his hand, making sure that it hadn't turned into a brick before he spoke again, "You will definitely need this when you buy materials and run business... This is the smallest model."

The smallest model is called a brick by Qu Sa, what about bigger ones?
Han Xu smiled and turned on the phone, "I have saved my office number, our home number, my hometown number, and the hospital number... Oh, the first one is the number of this phone."

Qu Sa's face became hot from the phrase "our number", and she blushed and took the phone. She really likes it and needs it very much.

"Thank you. I've seen one before. It's [-]. It's too expensive. This one must be more than [-]."

Han Xu thought she had more to say, but Qu Sa just fondled the phone fondly and said nothing else.

Han Xu suddenly embraced her excitedly, and said in a low voice, "It's just as long as you like it, as long as my heart is not discounted." He was most afraid of Qu Sa's pushback, or that he would have to pay him back in the future. Of course, he was most afraid of her. If he doesn't accept it, he is really helpless.

"Well, I really like it, I really need it! Han Xu, you are so kind!" Qu Sa tightly wrapped his arms around his neck, and then couldn't hold back, and kissed him hard.

Han Xu froze immediately, this girl is too... But he likes it so much!
Half shy and half happy, he closed his eyes, his appearance was very cute, Qu Sa restrained himself from giving him another slap, and bowed left and right, his cheeks were moist, Han Xu couldn't help but want to reciprocate, but was laughed at by a certain woman broke free.

"You..." There is really nothing I can do about you, Han Xu shook his head helplessly, living together is great, but there is one downside, the number of showers is more frequent than before, especially in this strong summer.


During the walk, Qu Sa was eager to try several times.

Finally, when a path was about to come to an end, Qu Sa couldn't help it anymore, "Han Xu, do you really have nothing to ask me?" She had wanted to say this for a long time.

"What?" Han Xu didn't react for a moment.

"It's about the durian cake last time..."

Ren Dong only spent two days with her and was able to ask "When did you eat durian crisps?" Han Xu not only didn't ask, but also took the initiative to help her cover it up.

In fact, she has never eaten durian crisps in this life. If Han Xu hadn't sent a few to her home last time, she would never have had the chance to eat durians.

However, when Ren Dong questioned her, Han Xu helped her out without hesitation, leaving Ren Dong speechless.

"Durian crisp?"

"You said the durian crisps you bought for me last time. If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten it. I haven't eaten them for several days. Why don't we go buy some now?"

"You know I don't mean that."

Han Xu didn't understand, Qu Sa bluntly said, "You have never eaten the durian cake I made!"

"Well, yes." Han Xu nodded.

"But why did you help me out in front of Ren Dong? You obviously haven't eaten it, but you say it as if you have eaten it many times..."

"Hey, what's the matter! Because I have eaten other delicacies you made, so the durian crisps you made must not be bad."

"However, at that time you said that my durian cakes were not as authentic as those made by other Cantonese-style teas."

"Of course, I'm from Cantonese. Besides, we don't have all the accessories. Of course, no one can cook it deliciously."

Really just that?Qu Sa was very puzzled, whether Han Xu really said that, or said it on purpose.When she was silent, Han Xu turned to her and asked her, "Why do you have trouble getting around the durian cake? Do you really have something else to say, Sa Sa, you have confused me."

"No, I'm just asking."

"That's good, let's stop talking about this, how about going back and trying our big brother?"

"Okay!" Since Han Xu didn't feel anything, there was no need for her to worry about it.

Speaking of mobile phones, mobile phones were already outdated when she was able to afford them in her previous life, so she was really curious about the operation mode of mobile phones.

So the two of them returned, Qu Sa suddenly started to trot, Han Xu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly chased after...


In a few days, the signboard of Qumai Studio was officially put up. Of course, this is only superficially official. With the current situation of Qu Sa and Liao Yong, they are not yet capable of registering a real company.

Around this, Liao Yong is already full of enthusiasm, no matter what he does, he is a hundred times more active than usual.Qu Sa thought, probably because the studio has his surname.

Qu Sa worked hard for two days, and with the help of Liao Yong, the two of them made more than 20 small accessories. Qu Sa took pains to renovate the previous goods. As a result, that night, the two went out again.

"Qu Sa! It's really you!" The two of them hadn't placed anything yet, when someone "come to the door".

Seeing Qu Sa, several girls seemed surprised, and one of them said, "I thought you weren't coming."

"How is it possible? We are out of stock. These are new products. Let's take a look." Liao Yong is very familiar now, and he will come to greet customers as soon as he opens his mouth.

As a result, several girls squatted down and chattered non-stop. Some girls sighed, "I really want to buy them all, but it's a pity that I don't have the money!"

Qu Sa and Liao Yong looked at each other and smiled, the sense of accomplishment really made people feel refreshed.

In less than half an hour, the number of trinkets was reduced by half. Ms. Zhao wanted to pick two of them, but she couldn't find a place to stop and stomped her feet angrily.

As night fell, the fifty pieces of accessories were sold out. Liao Yong excitedly said to Qu Sa: "Did you find out, our customers are not only college students, but also teachers!"

How can one not be proud that some university teachers buy their little things!

"Not only that, but also the workers nearby. Liao Yong, now you understand that as long as they are women, there is no one who doesn't like gold, silver and jewelry."

"Men like it too."

"You're right." Qu Sa lowered his voice, "We are the first to do this, so the market is huge."

Liao Yong was very happy.

The two were about to leave, when Eldest Sister Zhao held Qu Sa and asked her to bring two bracelets next time, otherwise she would be in a hurry, Qu Sa repeatedly agreed.

At this moment, Fang Xingzheng suddenly patted Liao Yong, Qu Sa was surprised, when did this guy come?
Fang Xing was taking out an envelope from his trouser pocket and handing it to Liao Yong, "Your."

Liao Yong raised his eyebrows, it turned out to be a dozen dollars, he was stunned, why did Fang Xingzheng give him money?
The two of them strangled each other as soon as they met before, and he would never have thought of it...

"What look? I won't give you money even if you starve to death, 5000 yuan! I'm crazy!"

What about the money?
"The fat boss owes you, forgot?" Fang Xingzheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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