Reborn 1990 is booming

Chapter 243 Acupoint Massage

Chapter 243 Acupoint Massage
Because of the previous experience, Qu Sa watered the flowers and plants much faster, and then loosened the soil for the flowers and plants according to Han Xu's demonstration.When she was concentrating on loosening the soil for Gardenia, Han Xu suddenly pointed the watering can to her head, and the white mist of water immediately surrounded her.

"Han Xu!"

This is not her territory, she is only wearing this outfit, look, it is all damp.

Han Xu put the shower on the cabinet with a smile, and pushed Qu Sa straight to the bathroom.

"Go take a shower and try on the clothes I bought for you."

Qu Sa stopped. She didn't quite understand Han Xu's thinking. To try on the clothes he bought, you have to get her wet?
Is it because the clothes he bought are weird, afraid that she won't wear them?still……

"Come in, I've put all the hot water for you." Han Xu threw the towel to her by the way.

"I, I scrubbed with water last night." Qu Sa twisted her body to avoid Han Xu's urging, "It's not convenient to take a shower at my place, but I'm still very hygienic."

"Where are you thinking..." Han Xu frowned slightly, "I want you to have a good sleep. Isn't it a relief to sleep after taking a bath?"

Taking a bath is very refreshing, the key is early in the morning.

Qu Sa didn't have the habit of washing in the morning.

But now she understood what Han Xu meant. It turned out that the bath was not for her to try on clothes, but for fear that she would stain his sheets!

Qu Sa didn't want to think this way, but Han Xu hesitated to speak, as if he was in a difficult situation, which really hurt her.

Yes, she is very poor now, but she has been working hard. She is only 16 years old this year. If she reaches Han Xu's age, no, it won't take eight years at all, she will definitely be able to stand out!

At that time, she must have enough capital to stand side by side with Han Xu.

"Go quickly, come out to drink medicine, and then have a good night's sleep." Han Xu urged again, but the girl seemed to be in a difficult situation. He counted that it was not a special time for a girl, and then opened the door and pushed her in.

From the beginning to the end, Han Xu didn't go where Qu Sa thought, he just thought that Qu Sa was embarrassed.


Is it true that only people of the right family can fall in love?In addition, if it is not a tragedy, then there must be a person who has to endure humiliation for the rest of his life?Qu Sa lay in the bath filled with rose petals, thinking silently.

In the previous life, when Jia Sirong met her for the first time, he gave her a big blow.

She despises her, she thinks she is not worthy of Song Chun, she thinks Song Chun's holding on to her is her seduction.Behind her back, she often called her a vixen, a little slut.

Before, she was able to give her some face, but when she was diagnosed with infertility by the hospital, Jia Sirong completely turned her face. She didn't show off if her face was not the ugliest, and she definitely didn't say anything if her words were not the ugliest.

Countless times, Jia Sirong deliberately found fault, and once she couldn't help but push back, Jia Sirong cried out in front of Song Chun, made a fuss, and threatened, "Song Chun, hit her! Hurry up and hit her hard! !"

Song Chun couldn't do it, she scolded Song Chun as a coward, and wanted to do it herself, but it was Song Yu who pulled her away.

After that, she kept urging Song Chun to divorce her, until Feng Bairong came to the door with a big belly...

Qu Sa closed her eyes in pain.

Han Xu is not Song Chun, Doctor Tao is not Jia Sirong, they are all people with infinite charisma.However, even if they like her and tolerate her, it is hard to guarantee that relatives will not make irresponsible remarks.She was born in poverty, her health is not good, and she is hard to bear at first glance. Even if the mother and son of the Han family are skilled in medicine and can cure her, they don't know that it will take a year of the monkey, in case people in their circle find out...

Qu Sa silently covered her face, unknowingly tears fell into the water.

How did it become so fragile?Is this what women do when they fall in love?
Pitiful!Even more pathetic!
Qu Sa wiped away her tears, forced herself not to think about these things, and then started scrubbing seriously.

Half an hour later, Han Xu knocked on the door, urging her to drink the medicine. Qu Sa got up quickly. After going out, Han Xu suddenly laughed, "Take a bath, as for..."

Only then did Qu Sa realize that her exposed skin was red, and her hands were a little too strong when she took a bath...

She finished drinking the medicine silently, and Han Xu dragged her into the bedroom in a panic. Han Xu's bed was covered with all kinds of clothes, including skirts, shirts, trousers, and high-heeled shoes.

Han Xuyan, he went to the provincial capital to buy these according to her size, and had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Do you like it?" He asked expectantly.

Qu Sa really couldn't bear to let him down and feel sad, so she endured the discomfort and nodded.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, on the day she earns a lot of money, she will pamper him to death, and she will buy whatever he wants!Qu Sa cheered herself up again.

Han Xu was very happy. He packed the clothes and piled them aside to make room for the oversized Simmons bed. Discoloration, Han Xu, he, what is he going to do?
Qu Sa's mind was in a mess, and his breathing was a little short.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing..." He trotted out of the bedroom.

In a moment, he was holding a silk nightgown in his hand, bright red and smooth, with black lace around the neck.

"Han Xu, do you know that I'm only 16 years old!" That sexy nightgown completely broke Qu Sa.

Although in her previous life she had seen all kinds of feasting and debauchery, and she had been there herself, she never thought of herself as a frivolous woman. Apart from business, she was also afraid of being lonely when she lingered in crowds.

Han Xu was stunned, and it took a few seconds for him to react. He scratched his hair helplessly, "Sasha, I think you misunderstood, I just want to give you an acupoint massage, and then I'll do a cupping to get wet... ..."

He pointed to the tray on the bedside table, which was full of large and small glass bottles, which seemed to be used for stalls.

Qu Sa's face turned red immediately, she was so embarrassed that she almost wanted to bump her head to death, but she misunderstood it.

"I thought you saw it." Han Xu calmed down and walked in front of Qu Sa, "It's my fault, I was afraid you would refuse, so I wanted to cut it first and then play it. Sa Sa, in fact, I have wanted to give you acupoint massage for a long time, but some Position... Don't worry, I'm not the one who just messes around." He held Qu Sa's hand, his eyes were as gentle as water, "You are still a child, and your health is not good, how could I... Sa Sa, in this world, really No one loves you more than me."

Qu Sa burst into tears when she heard the sound, no one has ever cared for her as much as a child, never in previous lives, but in this life.

Teachers and classmates regard her as a genius, and her father and sisters regard her as a backbone.There are people coming and going around, most of them are admirers, enemies, and indifferent...

She searched and searched, but couldn't find the mood she had just had on them.

At this time, Han Xu said again: "It's all my mother's fault. She asked her to buy you a pajamas, and it turned out like this! You don't know how hesitant I was just now, should I give it to you..."

"Tao, Doctor Tao bought it?" Qu Sa opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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