Reborn 1990 is booming

Chapter 104 Grandson, are you blind?

Chapter 104 Grandson, are you blind?
Fu and Qing walked away for a long time, and the Qu family sisters were still discussing. Qu Ershun and others were very surprised, saying that Teacher Fu seemed gentle and polite, but he had such a violent temper, what would he do with a two-year-old child? angry?The two- and three-year-old kids fought and fought, and lo and behold, the three girls played together again in less than half an hour.

Qu Sa was farther ahead than the sisters thought, and said to the elder sister seriously: "When the college entrance examination is over, let Miaomiao go home with Teacher Fu. No matter how good this place is, no matter how much Miaomiao likes it, it is not a place for her to stay. I know You poor Miaomiao has no mother since she was a child, but Nini and Niuniu have no father yet. Now they are still young, and they will not react too much to your partiality, but if the days are long, be careful that Nini hates you in her heart and does not love her. girl, but loves a girl from outside in every possible way..."

Qu Dayan, who said this, blushed and waved her hands again and again to say that she was not biased, but her voice was very small, and she seemed very guilty.

Whether there is any partiality, everyone can see clearly, and she also knows clearly.Whose child is not the first to rush out to inspect and comfort his own child when his child fights with others?Fortunately for her, it was Miaomiao who hugged Miaomiao first, which made Nini feel wronged at the time, and Miaomiao made the mistake of paying that kind of dependence in a muddle.

In order not to embarrass the elder sister too much, Qu Sa quickly ended the topic.Anyway, she has already reminded what should be reminded. As for what to do next, it all depends on the elder sister.

In the evening, Qu Sa and the twins went to the entrance of Xiangge No. [-] Middle School to sell sour plum soup. When the three of them arrived, their seats were taken by someone, and they were old acquaintances.

Qu Sa looked at Zhi Le, this corn-bread old lady was really persistent in her beliefs, she was planning to imitate their sisters' business to the end.However, it is estimated that there is no sour plum soup, so this time the old lady sells soft drinks, wholesale, about one or two cents a bag.

The three sisters put the trolley in a place not too far from the old lady, and just after setting up the booth, the old lady came over with a bucket twisted, and wanted to buy a bowl of sour plum soup.Qu Sa directly refused, "My sour plum soup is only sold to students, and I don't sell anything else."

The old lady stared and opened her mouth to scold, but she swallowed the words.There is a big backer behind this girl. The eldest son and daughter-in-law have repeatedly warned her not to cause trouble, otherwise their jobs will be ruined and the whole family will have to drink the northwest wind.

The old guy endured the "bad breath" and said with a smirk: "It's boring for a little girl to talk like this. Who is it to sell? I don't want to drink your soup for nothing."

"That's not for sale!" Qu Sanning bitterly, but just as she said it, Qu Sa continued: "Okay, I've changed my mind now, I can sell it to you, but it costs five yuan a bowl , drink or not?"

"You, you, you are asking a lot! You sell students a bowl of [-] cents, why should you sell me [-] yuan?"

It doubled ten times all of a sudden, why not grab it?

"You don't need to drink it..." Qu Sa cast a contemptuous glance at her, and said coldly, "Don't you just want to taste my sour plum soup so you can imitate it when you go home? Tell you, even if you die and reincarnate, you will have no chance in the next life! I can't blame you, if you want to blame, you can blame you for not raising a son who is a high-ranking official, otherwise, you don't have to be afraid of any military division commander or company commander, this sour plum soup can be made in minutes if you want to make it!"

The old lady asked herself that she had never suffered such humiliation at such an age, and her mind was exposed, and her old blushing tendons burst out.However, thinking about the warnings from her son and daughter-in-law, she swallowed the sullenness in her heart, and went back to her stall to sell soda in despair.

I thought that with the help of the Qu family sisters, most of the sales could be made. After all, her soda is much cheaper than sour plum soup. Unexpectedly, after the exam, students came out like a flood, and they all flocked to the Qu family sisters' stall. Here, No one cares at all.

On the one hand, it was booming, but on the other hand it was extremely depressed. The old lady was so jealous that she was dying, but there was nothing she could do.

When she was sweating profusely, she suddenly saw Song Chun striding towards her, and her face was overjoyed. Her eldest grandson is a top student in the school. With his face, her soda can sell some.

When she was smiling and looking eagerly at her eldest grandson, Song Chun walked past her without even looking at her. The smile on the old lady's face stopped abruptly, and she couldn't be more embarrassed.Damn, it's fine for people to bully her, but this eldest grandson is defiant!
In fact, Song Chun can't be blamed for this. He wanted to buy sour plum soup when Qu Sa sold it in the morning, but unfortunately, he never had the courage to go there.But in the afternoon session, several classmates didn’t even take a nap, but they were full of energy. They all said it was because of Qusa’s sour plum soup, and some even exaggerated. .

Regardless of whether it was a psychological effect or a deliberate exaggeration, Song Chun believed it.

So, as soon as I left school, I went straight to Qu Sa's stall, regardless of the effect, it would be good to quench my thirst with her sour plum soup.But the other party was Qu Sa after all, so he was very nervous, so he didn't see his grandma's stall.

"Grand grandson, are you blind?" Wotou Granny finally couldn't hold back, and roared angrily when Song Chun was about to pass by.

Song Chun was startled, and suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes widened, "Grandma? Why are you here? What are you selling?"

"Soda! Do you want to drink?"

The old lady got angry and asked her grandson if she would drink her soda. In fact, she wanted her grandson to buy it and bring her some customers, but Song Chun said very seriously: "No." stall.The old lady suddenly became angry, and opened her mouth to curse: "Grandson! You don't promote your own business but promote other people's business. Your mother taught me very well!"

Whenever there is something wrong, the old lady will blame the eldest daughter-in-law Jia Sirong, which is normal.Song Chun was okay when he was young, he didn’t understand, he didn’t take it seriously, but now that he’s older, he can’t see his grandma slandering his mother the most, so when he heard the old lady’s words, he said angrily: “I don’t want to drink soda right now, I just want to drink Sour plum soup, what does it have to do with my mother!"

After speaking, he walked towards Qu Sa's stall angrily.

The old lady was going to tease him angrily, when she suddenly heard a sweet voice: "Grandma, how do you sell this soda?"

At a glance, it was a girl with good features, plain clothes, and two braids. At this moment, the girl was smiling brilliantly.When a business came, the old lady immediately smiled and ignored her grandson, "Twenty cents a bag, if you want three bags, it's fifty cents."

"Ah, it's so cheap! The sour plum soup over there costs fifty cents a bowl." After Feng Bairong finished speaking, she pouted at the stall of the Qu family sisters, and then praised the old lady, "It's still more affordable here, how about it, I want... ...three bags!"

She wanted to say she wanted one bag, but she was afraid that the old lady would be disappointed, so she temporarily changed to three bags.Besides, these two days are very important days for her, it's only once in a lifetime, what's the matter with drinking a few bags of soda?
Feng Bairong felt relieved when he thought about this, and when he looked at the old lady again, his happy eyes were narrowed and he could hardly see.

(End of this chapter)

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