Chapter 329 She Is Dr. G
Fu Xiuyao logged into the laboratory's private account, where she saved all the experimental data.

She told Grans very clearly that this plan was not feasible.

Now that Grans has betrayed, Lindsay's team is studying these things again.

Glance also lured her here.

I'm afraid he just wanted her to point out the failure of the plan herself.

There was a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

It was really an elaborate calculation. I don't know who is playing this game of chess behind it.

Who is holding the pieces, and who is the pawn?

The data and video materials are projected on the screen. Although it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false at the moment, she really produced evidence.

Especially when seeing the two big professors Reid and Doyle standing beside her respectfully, anyone with a discerning eye knew that this girl's status was not simple.

The influence of these two professors in country m and the world is extremely high. Even if the people of the Moss family regard them as guests, they will never show such respect to the face of the young master of the Moss family.

"Who are you?" Lindsay's face was pale. He was very clear about the experimental data and results. This is their real data.

"Impossible!" Hughes went crazy, and rushed to Fu Xiuyao regardless of the instructor's obstruction, "Who are you?"

Fu Xiuyao looked up at him coldly, "You have no right to ask me who I am."

Discussions rang out one after another, and Lindsay returned to his team with his head down, and left despondently amidst the swearing and questioning.

"Could she be the legendary Dr. G, the researcher who never showed his face?"

"I heard that the Moss family has a guest, Dr. G."

"Besides the biggest researcher of the project, who else can be more powerful than Reed and Doyle?"

According to external news, the EOY experiment started many years ago, but there was no progress until Dr. L participated in the research. However, after Dr. L was wanted worldwide, this experimental project fell into the hands of Dr. G.

Fu Xiuyao's hearing was superb. Hearing a question from someone, these people all speculated about her identity.

The people behind may be waiting for this scene to appear.

"She is Dr. G!"

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people looked at her.

Her eyes swept across the spacious communication hall, and the eyes of everyone were either shocked, guessed or admired.

However, a look made her palpitate.

For the first time, Fu Xiuyao hated her for being so nice in her eyes.

Feng Zhiting stood in a far corner, unlike other people gathered together, his face was calm and his eyes were as deep as an abyss.

He was also looking at her, his cold and menacing eyes collided with hers.

For a moment she couldn't imagine what he was thinking.

Because I was afraid that he would not accept it.

In case he is really the boy who ruined the laboratory...

A figure broke in and cut off their sight, whether it helped her or hindered her.

"Grance?" Fu Xiuyao's face was cold, and the air around him seemed to have dropped to freezing point.

He was probably the one who caused everyone to speculate about her identity, and he was also the one who shouted out her identity just now.

Grans smiled evilly, his bloodshot eyes were full of cruelty.

He lowered his voice and said, "Did you know that Dr. L is here too."

"Hehe." There was no smile in her eyes.

"So what?" It wasn't her who was wanted worldwide.

Seeing her so calm, Grans was a little displeased, "Aren't you afraid?"

This fear may have two meanings.

Fu Xiuyao understood what he was saying.

Reed stepped forward angrily, and scolded Grans, "What are you doing here, a traitor?"

"Are you really Dr. G?" Hughes turned pale, thinking of the doubt just now, he was immediately ashamed and angry.

"Yes." Fu Xiuyao admitted very bluntly, his voice was cold, just enough for the people around to hear.

Anyway, Glance wanted her to reveal her identity, so he granted his wish.

 This article is really not abusive and there is no misunderstanding, after all, Fu Xiuyao's ring is being prepared, and it will come in handy soon.

  I'm already fantasizing about meeting in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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