Chapter 268
Facing my mother's relentless pursuit and staring at her like a tiger, I immediately became depressed.Usually my mother plays the role of a good person, a righteous angel who protects me, and my father is the one who beats people.

Although I don't know if my mother ever hit me when I was young, I know that in my impression, my mother never hit me.But today my mother was uncharacteristically, she chased me and wanted to hit me.

Fifth brother, I'm not a fool, even my mother who has always been an "angel" started beating me, I still want to be beaten if I don't run away!

So when Brother Wu saw that my mother was going to attack me, I ran away at a high speed and ran outside.And my mother was chasing after me, as if she would beat me to death if she caught up with me.

Brother Wu, I'm not a fool, I muttered worriedly while running, "Only grandma can save me now!"

The last time I jumped off a building to go to an Internet cafe, my dad almost beat me to death. It was my mom who tried her best to protect me, and gave Fifth Brother a chance to turn over a new leaf.And now my dad hasn't done anything yet, and my mom can't wait to beat me up, which shows the seriousness of the problem.

So when my mother was chasing me out, Fifth Brother and I found a way out for myself while running.

But fifth brother, I was sad enough, I ran with my head down and was thinking about how to explain when I got to grandma's house, but just as I ran out of the door, fifth brother, I bumped into someone's arms with a bang, hitting me The head is straight and confused.

Before Fifth Brother and I raised my head to see who was so short-eyed and dared to block Fifth Brother's escape path, I heard the person in front of me shout angrily, "Boy, I see you run there!"

Fifth brother, I was immediately depressed when I heard it. I just wanted to look up but suddenly my heart thumped. This voice is too familiar, it can't be my father!
I couldn't help but raised my head and saw that the person in front of me was none other than my dad!

Looking at the furious father in front of me, Brother Wu, I haven't reacted yet, I saw my father reached out and grabbed my arm.As for Fifth Brother, I just turned around and wanted to run away. With this sudden pull, I grinned at the painful Fifth Brother.

The sad thing is that the pain from this arm has not yet swept through the whole body. My father directly shook his arm vigorously, and directly threw my fifth brother and me to the ground.

Fifth brother, I screamed "Ah", and I only felt a piercing pain all over my body.

Before Fifth Brother could react and get up, my father rushed to me with a stride, raised his foot and stepped on my chest fiercely.

Fifth Brother, I immediately frowned, almost knitting my brows together.Then a piercing pain swept through my whole body, and what was more serious was that my fifth brother immediately felt dizzy and dizzy, as if my chest was being pressed down by a mountain, and I felt difficult to breathe.

A feeling of suffocation hit me, Fifth Brother, I didn't have time to scream, I opened my mouth wide and panted heavily.

"Little bastard, let you run, I think you still want to run there!" Dad looked at me and said angrily.

I looked at my angry dad, trying to explain, but it took too much effort to move my throat, let alone speak.

"Dad is really going to kill me? I'm his own son!" Just as Fifth Brother, I didn't know what to do, when a terrifying aura swarmed towards me, my mother appeared in front of me. side.

If it was in the past, when my mother appeared and Fifth Brother appeared, I would have seen a savior.But now it's not working, and my mother is also on fire, what should I do!

"Li Yujun!" My mother said loudly to me, "What on earth do you want to do? If you don't study hard at school, you can jump off buildings and go to Internet cafes, or drink and skip classes. You are not worthy of us!"

Facing his mother's questioning, Fifth Brother didn't have a chance to explain and admit his mistakes. Dad looked at his mother and said impatiently, "This is a good son you taught!"

Facing the angry father, my mother also became angry, and counterattacked at her father, "Why didn't you say that Yujun was my son when he was the first in the exam, and he took your son one by one. Now he will become my son if he doesn't learn well." Already!"

"You're used to it!" Dad said as he stomped on my chest hard and started arguing with him on the street.

As soon as Dad's feet moved away, the breath of death that surrounded Fifth Brother and me also disappeared.

I stretched out my hand to hold my chest tightly, lying on the ground panting heavily.After a while, Brother Wu, I regained some strength and slowly got up from the ground.

What the hell, there are always people coming and going on the street, but today there is no one.There is no one who comes to fight, which makes Wu Ge very depressed.

But when I got up from the ground and saw that the quarrel between my father and mother had reached a fever pitch, Fifth Brother, I was even more depressed.

I clearly remember that my father and mother fought a lot when I was young, and the quarrels between them gradually decreased as I grew up.

But now seeing them quarreling so fiercely, Fifth Brother, I immediately forgot the pain in my body, and I was terrified looking at them.

The picture of them fighting when I was a child clearly appeared in my head. I remember that I was alone squatting at the door and crying loudly.

Although I have grown up now, when I see them quarreling and fighting, I am still as scared as I was when I was a child.

Seeing them getting louder and fiercer, Fifth Brother, I yelled at them, "Stop arguing, I know it's wrong!"

As I said that, I covered my chest with one hand and limped towards the house.

Now my father and mother are doing things for me, and fifth brother, I don't have any worries about myself or thoughts of escaping.

Fifth brother, I walked into the living room with my front foot, and slumped on the sofa weakly.Then mom and dad walked into the living room.

"Li Yujun, what did you say you did at school!" Dad saw me and immediately shifted the blame from my mother to me.

"I went out to dinner with my classmates at noon today, and drank a bottle of beer, but I was late for class." Anyway, I was beaten now, so I didn't say anything at all, and just told the truth.

Compared with this matter, the homeroom teacher is very clear about it, and my father must know it too. Fifth Brother, I don't need to hide it anymore, so I just told the truth.

"Yujun, do you think it's easy for us to spend so much money to send you to the city to study? You can't argue for us!" Mom looked at me and said earnestly.

"It's like our money is blown by the wind, don't let him go!" My father said to me with a straight face and angrily shortened "We spend money for you to study, not for you to spend money with your I don’t have that much spare money for you to waste my friends drinking and surfing the Internet!”

(End of this chapter)

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