those brothers in those years

Chapter 23 Xu Zhicang

Chapter 23 Xu Zhicang

The head teacher looked up at us, reached out and pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of her nose, and finally locked her eyes on me.

"Li Yujun, I heard that you discussed the problem in class last class. With whom, you worked so hard." The head teacher looked at me and asked with a smile. He didn't ask us about writing a self-criticism.

I didn't speak, and silently lowered my head.Because I know that since the head teacher asked this question, then that "nosy PE teacher" must have told her about Wan Xinxin and me.

So I consciously lowered my head, without the slightest thought of defending myself.

But as soon as Wan Xinxin, an idiot, heard what the head teacher said about discussing problems, he immediately became interested, and said with a smile, "Yes, teacher, I am discussing math problems with Li Yujun. This is not to improve my academic performance, don't talk about it." It’s the hind legs of our class!”

"Well, it's a good idea, but the four of you have been late since the beginning of military training, and you fought with me when you ran morning exercises on the first day of school. Is this trying to win glory for our class?" The head teacher looked at us and said with a smile on his face.

As soon as I heard it, I immediately "thumped" in my heart, and I couldn't help turning my head to look at Wan Xinxin, a fool. Isn't this shooting myself in the foot?
"Teacher, we know we were wrong." I bowed my head and said actively admitting my mistake.

As soon as I opened my mouth, Guan Xinfei immediately echoed, "Teacher, we really know we were wrong."

"Teacher, let's promise, we will never do it again in the future." Wan Xinxin immediately promised, he almost swore.

"Okay, I trust you, I'll give you a chance." The class teacher pointed to the self-criticism in our hands and said, "Let me take a look and see if your reflections are deep or not."

The four of us took the initiative to hand over the review in hand. The head teacher took it and glanced at it casually. He immediately put the review in his hand on the desk and said with a gloomy face, "Is this what you call a review? The process is written in the end." They are quite consistent, as if carved out of the same mold." The head teacher said sharply, "Who wrote it!"

Forget about the regret in my heart, my intestines are full of regret.We underestimated the head teacher's investigative ability, Guan Xinfei and the others copied mine, could it be different?This group of second Bs didn't know how to change it!
Until now, there is always someone who takes the initiative to take responsibility. Just when I wanted to stand up and say that I wrote it, I didn't expect Guan Xinfei's voice to sound.

"Teacher, this review is almost the same. I asked them to write it. But we are telling the truth. It was wrong for us to fight, but we have to fight back when others beat us!" Guan Xinfei didn't have the slightest awareness of making mistakes. Ling Ran said.

"I also understand what you said, but you have to be clear, you can't slap. I have also looked for Sun Changliang and the others, and I have talked to the three of them. As for why fighting is not the point, the point is not to fight. "The head teacher said and took a sip of water, "Now your junior high school life has just begun, and you are all still on the same starting line. If you degenerate and indulge yourself, then you will not be admitted to a key high school in the senior high school entrance examination three years later." Even if you are not wanted in high school, when the time comes when you face your former classmates, will you still be on the same starting line?"

The four of us lowered our heads and listened to the eloquent and earnest education of the head teacher.

The 10 minutes that lasted like years finally passed under my torment. When we walked out of the office, everyone let out a long breath, and their faces were full of relief.

The first class of the second day is math class. Since yesterday's math class was the last class in the afternoon, and it was a self-study class, we still don't know who our math teacher is.

In the first class after morning reading, when the math teacher walked into the classroom, I was immediately stunned.

Isn't this the nosy gym teacher?
I saw the math teacher holding a stack of test papers in his hand, and walked to the podium while talking.

"Yesterday I have something to do and our math class was self-study. Today's class is our first math class. Math is a very wonderful and interesting class. Let's do some problems in the first class, let me get to know you , and let you review the mathematics knowledge of the six years of elementary school." The mathematics teacher handed out the mathematics test papers while talking.

There are not many math exams, only 45 minutes for a class.I was just finished when the get out of class bell rang.

Since I had good grades in mathematics when I was in elementary school, I didn't need to check, so I was the first to hand in the paper.

I don't care about the quality of the grades. On the contrary, I am very interested in our math teacher.

Long three to seven points mixed with a few strands of white hair, a thin face, and a height of more than 1.8 meters with a slightly curved back.But there was an inexplicable temperament that made me feel kind and scary.This is our math teacher, his name is written on the blackboard, three vigorous characters—Xu Zhicang.

(End of this chapter)

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