Farm with space

Chapter 198 Strong Queen

Chapter 198 Strong Queen
"Don't dare to dare, Gu Gu Wu will follow the instructions of the saint." The head of the barbarian tribe seemed to be obedient.

"I can help you get the barbarians out of Fan Lihua's control, but you have to listen to me." Yuxi pretended to be X again.She saw Gugu Wu nodded and continued: "First of all, you can't call me 'Holy Maiden', and you swear to keep my identity a secret and not let anyone know, otherwise I will cause trouble, and barbarians will also cause trouble, even the one who exterminates the tribe." disaster!"

The last sentence made Gu Guwu's body tremble. Thinking about it, if other people know the identity of the saint, she will definitely be murdered, especially for other barbarians, lest other clans rise.

"Yes, I will swear immediately." The oath made by Gugu Wu was in ancient barbarian language, and Yuxi didn't understand a single word.Yuxi asked him to swear again to the common language.

Gugu Wu complied, and after taking the oath, he weakly asked: "Then I don't call you a saint, how should I call you?"

Seeing that things were almost done, Yuxi walked towards the gate of the yard, followed closely by Gugu Wu
Yuxi walked and said, "I'm Bian Yuxi, just call me 'Miss Bian'."

The Gugu Wu who followed behind staggered after hearing this, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "You are the "Queen of Strength" Bian Yuxi who knocked Fan thief to the ground?" Gu Gu Wu was so surprised that Lian Jing I forgot to use the phrase "you".

That time when Yuxi rushed into the barbarians to save Lu Zeting and kicked Fan Lihua away, Gu Gu Wu was very impressed. At that time, because the distance was a bit far, Gu Gu Wu never saw what the other party looked like.Afterwards, the barbarians were talking about Yuxi and nicknamed her "Queen of Strength".He didn't expect Yuxi to be a saint.

Ever since Tiyu was handed over to him, he had heard that saintesses would appear every few hundred years among the barbarians. He did not expect to be met by his generation, what a blessing.Also, only the magical Queen of Hercules can be worthy of being this saint.

"Strong Queen?!" Yuxi stopped after hearing this.

Gu Guwu told the story of Queen Vigorously, and hoped that Yuxi would not be angry.

But Yuxi said proudly: "This nickname is good, I like it! Haha~~" She is the queen of strength and the saint of the barbarians. Yuxi feels that she is more and more like a leader, and she is in a good mood, so she will count on these things.

Afterwards, under Gu Gu Wu's fearful expression, Yuxi took him to meet Lu Zeting and other elements who were now hostile to the barbarians.

Lu Zeting and his subordinates were curious about how Yuxi subdued Gugu Wu, and kept asking Yuxi.

Yuxi waved her fist in front of Gugu Wu: "Tell them, what your people call me."

Gugu Wu knew that Yuxi could not reveal her identity. Seeing what she said, he, who was not stupid at all, understood: "They call you the 'Strong Queen'. On behalf of the people, I submit to the power of the Strong Queen. I hope that the Strong Queen can give us guidance. The way out is to get rid of the bandits Fan. At the same time, I hope that everyone present here will not slaughter my family, they are all innocent." After speaking the last words, Gu Guwu knelt down to the crowd.

This is the white flag of surrender!Lu Zeting's subordinates looked at each other in surprise, not understanding why Wu Gu called Yuxi the "Queen of Strength".

Lu Zeting hugged Yuxi in public and explained: "Everyone still remember that some time ago, my old injury relapsed and was almost killed by the barbarians. It was Yuxi who rushed into the encirclement and rescued me."

With such an explanation, everyone understood.Director Qian and Baisuo had heard about this incident, and they felt admiration for Yuxi from acceptance to admiration.Yuxi's reputation rose for a while.

Heroines and other praises are endless.

After Yuxi blushed and said a few words modestly, she didn't understand why Lu Zeting praised her so much.She told everyone the news she got from Gu Gu Wu, thinking that she must find a way to steal Tiyu from Fan Lihua.

Someone suggested that Gu Gu Wu should ask the barbarian to steal the jade.Gugu Wu shook his head like a rattle drum: "My people regard the crowing jade as a fetish. Letting them steal it is a blasphemy against the fetish. When they see the fetish, they will only pay homage. Their legs are weak. How dare they go there?" steal!"

Yuxi was speechless, a clansman who was so loyal to the dead didn't know whether to call him pious or stupid and cute.

Lu Zeting suggested: "It's better to let Fan Lihua's personal maid, Bian Yuhui, steal it. I asked her to do it a few times earlier, but she did it very well."

Yuxi shook her head and did not support her: "She is selfish by nature. Before we lured her to listen temporarily. Now that she sees the patriarch being rescued, it is not difficult to guess what we said. She will definitely feel dissatisfied and feel that we are treacherous. I would rather take the risk of saving the patriarch than save her."

Gu Guwu clapped his hands and came up with an idea: "Fan Thief didn't know why he said I poisoned him before, so he must be looking for me everywhere, trying to get the antidote from me. Why don't I get a fake one?" The antidote, and then exchange it to Tiyu on the condition, so that the clansmen will not be afraid to listen to him."

Ever since Yuxi said that the Gu poison on Gu Gu Wu could be cured, Gu Gu Wu was no longer afraid of Fan Lihua threatening him with the Gu poison.

As soon as he came up with this idea, the tent was quiet for a while.Gu Gu Wu scratched his head and said, "I'm just thinking wildly too. You guys continue to discuss it. If you think of a good idea, just ask me to do it."

"No one said your idea was bad. I think it's a good idea. I guess everyone didn't expect you, Gu Gu Wu, to have such courage." Lu Zeting patted him on the shoulder and praised.

One of the directors of Qian said: "It seems that barbarians also have smart people, not all stupid people."

Gugu Wu was praised in high spirits: "That's right. What our barbarians lack is the opportunity to learn, so there are many white people. Not to mention going to the school, even if you learn a few more words and learn to communicate with others, you will not become a barbarian. I believe that in the Under the leadership of Queen Hercules, our clan will definitely prosper!"

The last sentence made Yuxi feel very embarrassed, what she promised to Gu Guwu was just a blank check, but she never expected that the other party would treat each other with sincerity.

Many brothers were killed by the barbarians. Zhao Buchang, who used to be the director of Nanzhangbai, snorted and said, "I'm afraid this guy named Fan won't be so easy to fool. The barbarian patriarch looks intact now, and he doesn't look injured at all. It’s strange that he doesn’t suspect it.” He forgot that in the labyrinth of secret passages, the number of barbarians he killed far exceeded the death toll of hundreds of soldiers.

Gugu Wu thought about it, so he took out the long sword of a Qiansuo, and swung it up and down at him. There were cuts on his hands and feet. Although the wounds did not show bones, they were bloody, which made Yuxi's heart skip a beat.

Yuxi blamed him and said: "Who told you to use the knife. You surrender to me now, and your life is mine. Without my permission, you dare to hurt yourself, and you are impatient!"

Gugu Wu said pitifully: "Then what should I do? I'm already like this now. Oh, it hurts!"

Everyone was speechless.A barbarian is a barbarian, and he still does things impulsively and without thinking. ==
(End of this chapter)

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