Farm with space

Chapter 134

Chapter 134
When Fan Lihua practiced the Fan family's unique skills before, he went into a rut and almost died. Later, he passed this test by using the method of collecting yin to guide the true energy to flow smoothly.

It is precisely because Fan Lihua was too embarrassed when he first came into contact with a woman's body that he has always been disgusted and resistant to women, thinking that what happened that time was a stain on his life.

Although Fan Lihua didn't learn such dangerous martial arts as the Fan family's unique skill, which martial arts in the world can guarantee that nothing will happen to him.It is a dangerous thing to learn martial arts to enter the body.

Because those true qi are foreign objects to the body, if you are not careful, you may become possessed and explode to death.

Master Fan ran up to Fan Liyue worriedly, grabbed his palm, felt his veins and said, "The Qi pulse is calm, it's not as serious as you said for now, just in case, I really need to find a woman to take care of you. "

He heaved a sigh of relief at the same time: "Forget it, anyway, we have to leave sooner or later. You should send someone to tidy up the pear orchard, and bring the woman you fancy to live in. Because we will leave Nanzhang soon, There is no need to make large-scale construction projects to renovate the pear orchard."

Fan Liyue was overjoyed, and said with a smile, "Thank you so much, Dad."

Master Fan joked with a smile: "Then, why don't you find more women for you? That's true, you and your elder brother should also marry a wife seriously."

Fan Liyue was covered in sweat after hearing this, and hurriedly refused, "No need, Dad. I still want to be at ease for a few more years. As for getting married, I will definitely tell you which girl I want when I think it's okay." , he ran out in a hurry.

For them, having sex with a woman is a rare and common thing, but getting a wife is a major event in life and cannot be sloppy.

"You brat!" Master Fan scolded with a smile as he watched Fan Liyue leave in a hurry.
After Lu Zeting left Yijia Village, some Yijia children came to Bianjia Village to report what happened in their village to Bianjia Village.

At that time, Bian Erye was looking for Yuxi under the pretext of going out to hunt.

Only the female relatives are at home.

Yupang's mother, Aunt Bian Yu, heard about this and came to the house to inquire about it.

Aunt Zhang almost fainted after hearing what Aunt Bian Yu said. She didn't expect Yi Junyan's parents to be so impulsive and bad. The fact that Jing and the two conspired in Yuxi was made public, and now everyone in Bianjia Village knows about it.

Aunt Zhang forced herself to remain calm and said, "Look at what Third Aunt Yu said, how could my Yujing do such a thing, it must be that Lu Jun forged evidence to frame people in a messy way."

Third Aunt Yu sneered, supported the second wife who was so startled and felt pain in Yuxi's heart, and replied: "I said, Aunt Zhang, if you don't have other people, you can talk like this, and you dare to lie in front of Second Aunt Yu. Then Master Lu is Who, did he commit the crime? He lied and made up stories for two little people, Yu Jing and Yi Junyan, and why did he target them? A few days ago, he rushed to your married house in a fit of anger to teach Yu Jing a lesson Fan. So many things are linked together, do you think this one sentence can get rid of me? No matter how you say it, you have to let Yujing come out and say it clearly. I think it's best to kneel in front of the ancestral hall and explain it in front of everyone , or you will be in trouble."

"You..." Aunt Zhang was so angry that she couldn't speak.Looking at the family members who came here outside the door, and Bian Erye was not at home, she felt that the whole sky was about to darken without a backbone.

The second lady gave Third Aunt Yu a grateful look, and thought that she did not reject her because of her status, and even questioned Aunt Zhang about Yuxi: "Aunt Yu, you can come to care about Yuxi. I am very grateful. Because of my status, I dare not go out, I don’t know that so many things happened to her outside. My poor child, I still don’t know where to suffer!”

Third Aunt Yu looked at the second wife holding back tears, sighed for her experience, and comforted her: "Don't think about the past. No one would have thought of what happened. Besides, you have done a good enough job. Well, if it were someone else, they might not be able to do a good job. I don’t go to the second room, I don’t come to see you, I just want you to be clean, otherwise I’m afraid that others will talk about right and wrong. Now your daughter Yuxi is so sensible, son Yujing is so well-behaved, everyone in the village likes them very much, you can try to go out for a walk. After all, it is not three years ago."

"Thank you! Third Aunt Yu." The second lady choked up.Being able to get the affirmation and understanding of Aunt Yu made the second lady feel sad, and she was even more grateful for the other party's words in her heart.

Third Aunt Yu saw that the second lady had regained her composure, looked at the family members who had rushed over, and said to Aunt Zhang: "Everyone is here, why don't you go and ask Yu Jing to come out?"

"Yujing is still lying in the room and can't move." Aunt Zhang saw that everyone was too late, and the relatives in front of the door wanted to ask about this again. She had no choice but to sit on the ground and cry: "This What is it all about! You listen to the wind and the rain. How dare you trust an outsider, and you don’t want to trust me. Could it be because he is now a useless person, and you look down on him, even questioning his character? He completely denies him. The Lord Lu Jun is so trustworthy, he clearly wants to ruin my son, and vent his resentment that he couldn't find Seventeen Niang. Don't force me anymore. Now that the master is not at home, if you want to rush in and take her away Yujing, then step on my corpse!"

She lay down on the ground beside the gate, blocking everyone, if they wanted to enter Yujing's room and drag him to the ancestral hall for questioning, they had to step over Aunt Zhang.

For a while, everyone blocked the door and did not come in.

Although Aunt Zhang is said to be a concubine, she is the wife of Second Master Bian. Even if they don't want to give Aunt Zhang face, they still have to take care of Second Master Bian's face, and they can't embarrass Aunt Zhang when Second Master Bian is out.

Wen Min and her mother, Aunt Bian Wen, both came.

Second Aunt Bian Wen saw that Aunt Zhang was so desperate to live and die, she really couldn't bear to see: "I said, Aunt Zhang, no matter what we do here, we are also relatives and guests, no more than others, and we didn't say why we came here. How nervous are you, could it be that you have a guilty conscience and stopped us on purpose!"

"Mother!" Seeing that Second Aunt Bian Wen was speaking so bluntly, Wen Min tugged at her sleeves.

"What I said is not wrong at all. Everyone can comment on whether this is the case. No matter what, we have to be let in. Why is this kind of hospitality, it has embarrassed Uncle Bian Yu."

"What did you say!" Aunt Zhang blushed after hearing this, and almost jumped out of anger, thinking that the other party might just want to provoke her, and then waited for her to get up and barge in, so she gritted her teeth and suppressed her anger bear with it.

(End of this chapter)

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