Farm with space

Chapter 108 Before and After the Conspiracy

Chapter 108 Before and After the Conspiracy
According to the plan with Yi Junyan, when Yujing wanted to take the right time to take Bian Erye and others to Lishan, Yi Junyan happened to finish Yuxi's work and his woman was smashed head-on by several people.

Yu Jing acted according to the plan. For this day, he discussed and discussed with Yi Junyan, and repeatedly revised the plan to make it more perfect.Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to let Yuxi be single while hunting in the mountains and put her in danger, but he didn't expect that Second Master Bian would watch her closely, and Yuxi was also highly alert.

Yu Jing thought that she had no chance to attack, but she didn't expect Yuxi to guard against hunting in the mountains, but she thought that her whereabouts were secret, and no one would know that she came to Lishan secretly by herself.

After being discovered by him, he boldly devised a conspiracy. Although the other party is Lord Lu Lu who is not easy to offend, in order to be able to marry a wife and have children and become the most important successor of Second Lord Bian, he has already risked it all. Fortunately, Yi Junyan is a fool Listen to him and agree to this ploy.Last night, he added a drug similar to cartilage powder to the firewood in the Yuxi cave, and the next day he found an excuse to return to the village while hunting in the mountains, and secretly removed the military personnel protecting Yuxi and some tails of the Fan family.

He is good at assassination, but he is good at assassination. When he was very young, he met a strange person and learned this skill.Even Master Bian didn't know this.He has been hiding it very well, because the martial arts of Bianjia Village have always been open, upright and orthodox. If others know that he possesses assassination skills, they will definitely be despised and tolerated by their relatives.

Although the soldiers of the military department have received orthodox martial arts routines, Yu Jing was born in Jiangmen, so he already understood their martial arts routines. In addition, he was good at assassination techniques, and it took him some effort to wipe out all the people in the military department in the morning .Even those people didn't have time to send a message back to the nearby hundred places to inform Lu Zeting.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that the Fan family's kung fu was higher than those in the military department.Fortunately, there was only one of them, and it was far behind the military personnel, which made him spend a lot of effort to successfully assassinate before the other party reacted.

Yujing couldn't imagine how Yuxi would offend the Fan family.However, the people who watched the Fan family acted more as surveillance than protection.

It's not that he didn't think about killing the second wife and making his biological mother Aunt Zhang the main wife, but it's not only laborious, but also requires the consent of the clan, and Yuxi will become a concubine, and he still needs to marry Yuxi to marry a wife.

Yuxi's status is more noble, it will be easier to marry her, and it will be faster for him to marry a wife.After Yuxi got married, he let the second wife die quietly.At that time, he married his wife and gave birth to a son. Second Lord Bian only had grandsons of his lineage. In order to keep them all from the direct branch and not become a side branch, the second master Bian who died of his first wife would not use him. His biological mother, Aunt Zhang, helped him upright.

According to his original plan, he could have done nothing, as long as he was an obedient son in front of Bian Erye, but he didn't expect Yuxi to be entangled by Yiling Qilang, whose young sister happened to be with Yuxi. Hong married, and then Yucheng stepped in again. He was not in a hurry because he believed in Second Master Bian, believed that Second Master Bian loved him and would let him marry a wife.

But Erye Bian's love for Yuxi became deeper and deeper, even surpassing him, and Erye Bian didn't disclose any information about letting him marry a wife, so he was anxious and lost confidence in Erye Bian. His biological mother, Aunt Zhang, cried to him that she wanted to be favored by Master Bian, wanted to be his wife, and wanted him to call her "mother" in a dignified way.

This "mother" made him really make up his mind to use tricks to force Yuxi to marry someone and let him marry a wife.Yi Junyan is the partner he decided to cooperate with after picking left and right, but don't let him down!
Yu Jingyi planned to return to the back mountain of Bianjia village. At that time, the wild game cooking party had not yet been disbanded, and there were still many people gathered in the back mountain.Yujing took Second Master Bian to a no-man's land, at the edge of a forest, and told him that Yuxi had a tryst with someone with a foreign surname in Lishan, and that the other person was not from Yijia Village!

Second Master Bian was shocked when he heard about it. His first reaction was whether the other party was Lord Lu Jun.

He originally wanted to let Yujing take him secretly to Lishan to find out, but he didn't expect that the partition wall has ears, and Bian Linggan came out of the seemingly deserted woods.

Bian Linggan, who was urging in the woods where there were few people, naturally heard the matter clearly.

Before Second Master Bian could react, Bian Linggan ran to the patriarch and whispered to him about it.

After the patriarch knew about it, he also thought of Master Lu, who had an affair with Yuxi. The person who could make Yuxi leave the wild game party and go secretly to her mountain for a date must be a great person. Except for Lu Zeting, the patriarch really didn't think of anyone else.

If the other party is really Lu Zeting, Yuxi's behavior must have broken the family rules, and the other party's status is special, if he wants to force Yuxi to be a concubine, he really can't do anything, the key is that Yuxi still voluntarily meets with the other party.

If he went to smash the good thing between the two of them this time, it would be good to pierce this layer of paper. Maybe Lu Zeting knew that he was wronged, and he could take care of Bianjia Village in the future; Yuxi secretly eloped with Lu Zeting. If Yuxi completed the outside of the customs and implicated the Bian family and could not return to Beijing, Lu Zeting would not take any care of Bian's village.

After clarifying the relationship between Yuxi and Lu Zeting, and telling Lu Zeting all about Yuxi's inability to become an outsider, he can find a way to deal with their future development as a couple of lovers.

What the patriarch is most afraid of is that Yuxi doesn't know the seriousness. After eloping with Lu Zeting in a fever, he settles in Guanwaihu in order to get a name.Because these exiled people cannot settle down and register marriages with good people.Unless Lu Zeting is like the people in Yijia Village, he is a prisoner like Bianjia Village.

But it is an undeniable fact that Lu Zeting is a military master and a good citizen.

Therefore, after consideration, the patriarch had a quick private discussion with Second Master Bian, and without disturbing the other Bian family villagers, he took a few of his fathers to Lishan where Yuxi was in charge of.

The patriarch's decision was understandable, and what he said was logical, and Erye Bian had no choice but to object.

The dull Yujing followed Master Bian to Lishan where Yuxi was in charge, with a triumphant smile.Things were going well, and everything was going according to his plan.He has long seen that there is a crack between Bian Lingqian and Yuxi. Originally, he was worried about finding the wrong person to leak the news about Yuxi. Yuhui and Yuxi were not in the same boat, but she was unconscious at home.

After hunting in the mountains for the past few days, Bian Lingqian privately complained and dissatisfied with Yuxi and Yupang.He was so sleepy that someone gave him a pillow, and Bian Linggan was destined to help him.

When Yujing came to the game party, he first deliberately added more salt to Bian Linggan's food, then he would drink more water, and then find a place to urinate.Yujing then seemed unintentional, but in fact brought Second Master Bian to Bian Lingqian on purpose, and hesitantly told Second Master Bian what he had seen and heard between Yuxi and Lu Zeting, and Bian Linggan naturally heard it.

Bian Lingqian just didn't have a chance to clean up Yuxi, how could he miss this great opportunity.

It can be said that Yujing spent a lot of effort on this series of serial designs.

Bian Erye and the patriarch brought Bian Lingqian and Yujing along and hurried from the back mountain to Lishan where Yuxi was in charge.

Yu Jing, who was full of anticipation, was in a proud mood, and then was splashed by the sudden shower. How could it be convenient for Yi Junyan to do things in Yuxi on the spot under the heavy rain, but he thought that Yuxi had found a natural cave for opening a small stove, and put It was decorated inside, and there was a broken bed inside.

Thinking of the medicine they gave Yuxi, it is impossible for Yuxi to escape. This Yi Junyan is not a fool. Seeing that it is raining outside and it is difficult to do things, he will definitely take Yuxi into the cave and love her on that broken bed. .

This scene will be more fragrant-yan.The adultery between Yi Junyan and Yuxi will be an ironclad fact.

Thinking of this, Yujing's mood that was damaged by the heavy rain improved again.

Several people drifted away, braving the heavy rain.No one complained, and no one said that they had to go back to get the coir raincoat, because the next thing was not a trivial matter.

The rain fell on Bian Linggan's face and it hurt him, but he was in a good mood.He has long been very dissatisfied with Yupang and Yuxi, who are "in collusion", and these two people are increasingly disregarding him, even ignoring his opinions, especially Yuxi who doesn't talk much, but hits him. Every time he proposes, he is criticized and often puts him in a passive and embarrassing situation.

This time, he decided to make Yuxi look good. This shameless woman had a private meeting with her lover outside before she had time, which really shamed Bianjiacun.He wants to let her know what the family rules cannot be violated!
Second Master Bian walking beside was full of worries. If it was true what Yu Jing said, Yuxi would leave him and marry someone else in the future, and it would be difficult for him to see his daughter in the future, just like her sister San Niang With Qiniang like this, she doesn't know if she is doing well even in the capital.

Lu Zeting is not a thing in the pool, it is impossible to stay here forever.

But if Yuxi's heart is attached to him, will he object?

Forget it, sons and daughters have their own blessings. He once remembered what Master Bian Er said to him before he died, asking him to learn to let go, and worrying about children's affairs is endless.

The patriarch finally came to Lishan in the rain with Bian Erye and others.Walking in the bamboo forest, several people looked around, but they didn't find Yuxi's figure. Yujing took his time and deliberately led them to Yuxi's cave. He was sure that Yi Junyan would eat Yuxi dry in the cave. net.

Yujing looked dull and honest, and said: "Father, why don't we walk inside, there seems to be a cave somewhere."

Second Master Bian looked at the rows of dense green bamboos in front of him. No matter how he looked, he couldn't see any caves or other things through this piece of greenery, so he couldn't help but cast a suspicious glance at Yujing.He wondered why Yujing's eyes were so sharp, he seemed to know where the cave was, and he was the one who said that Yuxi was having an affair with others, and Bian Linggan happened to know about it, and then the patriarch knew about it.

These are too many coincidences, and the coincidences seem to have been arranged in advance.

Second Master Bian has not forgotten how Shilang Yucheng planned to marry Yuxi to marry a wife.

(End of this chapter)

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