Farm with space

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

Second Master Bian sighed secretly, there is no one who can take care of the male in his life.No matter how bad Yuhui was, she was from Bianjia Village. If there were any conflicts between her children, she had to take Yuhui back to the village and make a fuss about it.

Compared to Second Master Bian's silence, the children did not dare to make a sound.Such an atmosphere made Bian Linggan feel uncomfortable.He felt that the presence of these fathers suppressed him severely, leaving him without the right to issue orders, so he looked at Bian Erye and others with a dark face, even though his younger brother Bian Linghe pulled the corner of his clothes and hinted that he would come forward with him. He didn't even bother to help.

After Erye Bian and Uncle Bian Wen finished the wooden frame, they lifted Yuhui, who had less air inflow and more outflow, onto the wooden frame, and asked Bian Jinbo to collect the game that he got along the way, so any big snake would naturally not let it go.

The comatose Jin Ting was woken up by Bian Jinbo. She clutched the back of her painful head in a daze. Before she could recall the past, she was scolded by Bian Jinbo. By the time she recalled the incident, her mind had recovered. She glanced worriedly at Yuhui on the wooden frame, and walked aside, closely following the two of Master Bian, as if she was the guardian of Yuhui.

Yupang took out the wooden fan with great interest, and whispered to Yuxi: "Unexpectedly, this girl with a scar is quite loyal, but it's a pity that she used the wrong person."

Yuxi said disapprovingly: "Everyone should be responsible for what they have done. She will look brighter in the future."

Yuxi glanced at what Bian Jinbo and the others got.Their team got one big snake, three pheasants, two squirrels, four bamboo rats, and some wild animals that she didn't name well.The pheasants captured alive are to be brought back to be raised, which means that tonight’s evening meal is likely to be big snakes and bamboo rats. The thought of snakes and rats in a pot makes Yuxi feel disgusted, secretly glad that it was opened on the top of the mountain where she is in charge. Xiaozao, you can cook and eat whatever you want.

On the way down the mountain, Yuxi and Yupang bundled the five-fingered hair peaches down the mountain.When Bian Lingji saw it, he asked curiously, "Why do you collect these herbs?"

Before Yuxi could reply, Bian Jinbo, who was carrying the snake's head on his shoulder, said, "They are sympathetic to our fathers. Stewing game soup with this herb can invigorate the spleen and lungs, remove heat and dampness, and prevent getting angry. Jinbo is getting old. It’s not like young people like you, eating some roasted wild game is easy to get angry and hot, which is not good for my body.”

Bian Jinyu, who was carrying the tail of the snake, said: "Father, look at what you said. You are an upright man, so you can say that you are old."

"That's right, Dad. Look at you carrying the big snake, you are much stronger than us." Bian Jinning said with three live pheasants in his hands.

Hearing the words of his two sons, Bian Jinbo was always relieved and laughed.

Bian Lingji rubbed his hands, and said with a greedy expression: "That's a good thing. With this herbal medicine, I will stew snake soup at night. Thinking about it, it's really delicious. I haven't eaten meat for a long time."

Several generations agreed with each other.

Yuxi felt a chill after hearing this.Such a snake soup, I would rather not eat it.

Yupang patted his chest and said: "So, if it weren't for me and Yu Shiqiniang who followed you all the way, how could I find the excellent herbal medicine for this stew. I, Yupang, am not a hindrance, but a great contributor. here."

"Okay, Yupang, you are a great hero!" Bian Wenqi punched Yupang, and then laughed.Being teased by Yupang, everyone's atmosphere improved a lot.

On the way down the mountain, Bian Linghe saw a hornet's nest, yelled, and pointed it out for everyone to see: "It's a huge hornet's nest, there must be a lot of wild honey in it. Tsk tsk~~" He added his mouth as he spoke.

Everyone else remembered the tasks ordered by the patriarchs and their fathers. Gathering honey was one of the things they had to accomplish.

Bian Linggan patted his head to one side, and cursed with a smile: "You are the only one who is greedy, when you were besieged by hornets just now, I don't know who didn't dare to move."

When Bian Linggan said this, everyone looked at Yuhui in fear.The appearance of Yuhui's pig's head now reminds them all the time that this hornet's nest is really hard to deal with, and if you want honey, you have to see if you have the guts and courage.

Walking in front, Second Master Bian, who carried the front branch of Yuhui wooden frame, said: "Okay. Now Yu Jiuniang is injured and needs to rush back to the village for treatment. If you have any thoughts, we can discuss it tomorrow. Let's talk again , it happened that Yu Nineteen Niang was stung by a wasp, but we were not stung. This incident is weird, and the wasp is naturally weird too. All weird things must be done with caution, which is the strict discipline of marching .”

"Yes." The children were taught one after another.

Even Yuxi had to sigh, Second Master Bian still remembered the same thing in the army at this time, no wonder others said that occupational diseases were difficult to cure.

If Master Bian knew what Yuxi was thinking, he didn't know how to smile bitterly.

Everyone returns to the village.In Bianjia Village, the family members of the parents and some men stayed in the village, so as to guard the house and ensure that the cultivated land would not be destroyed by man or other things.

The man guarding the plowing field was a little surprised to see that Bian Erye and others returned to the village earlier than the other teams. After hearing about Yuhui, his first reaction was the same as that of Bian Linggan and others, thinking that it was Yuhui. Doing more bad things offends the gods.

Problems that cannot be solved or explained by manpower are not only attributed to the gods, but also affected by the people and customs in Nanzhang and the conditions of occlusion of information, the residents here will know this way.

Although the men who greeted Second Lord Bian were reluctant to invite Dr. Yun, but Yuhui's life was at stake, they had to let go of their worries and invite Dr. Yun to Yuhui's home at the risk of offending the gods.

Dr. Yun is more or less aware of the conflict between Yuhui and Yuxi, but he will not disregard medical ethics for selfishness.

Because Yuhui is a female family member, it is inconvenient for Dr. Yun to help her detoxify. Yuhui's father, Bian Yusi Bo, is still hunting and has not returned. His mother has been judged to be paralyzed by Doctor Yun a few days ago. The matter naturally fell on Jin Ting.

As for Yuxi, who seemed to be a thug, but actually watched the excitement and Yuhui's misery, she would definitely not kindly step forward to help.

Yuxi estimated that there were probably hundreds of wounds on Yuhui's body that were stung by hornets.Especially the most dense in the back of the head and neck.The venom of the wasp passes through here, and it is easier to enter the brain, causing severe coma.

Yuhui broke two ribs in her waist because she rolled down the hillside.Her life was saved, and she will have to lie down for at least a month. As for whether she can wake up within this month, and whether she will become a vegetable after that, it is hard to say.

But Yuxi thinks that as long as Doctor Yun is willing to let Yuhui wake up, there will be no problem.It's just that she didn't want to, so she hinted at Dr. Yun.As long as no one is killed, this Yuhui will stay at home for a month and will not cause trouble, which is not a good thing, and she will save her ears.

This time, Yuxi was not even an accomplice of Yupang's mastermind in plotting Yuhui's being stung by a hornet, but just a spectator.She has absolutely no burden on her mind.

If Yuhui can learn from this incident and be an honest person, Yuxi doesn't plan to pursue her previous affairs, otherwise, she doesn't mind that she is more ruthless than Yupang.

(End of this chapter)

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