Farm with space

Chapter 101

Chapter 101
In order to take care of Yuxi, Erye Bian specially applied to the patriarch to let him lead the team.Uncle Bian Jin and Uncle Bian Wen were also accompanying his parents, but Yu Jing Yucheng was not in the team.

After the three parents led a team of more than ten people, they began to leave Bianjia Village and headed for the deep mountains deep in Nanzhang.

Yuxi, who followed the big team, realized that Yuhui and Jinting were also in their small team.

Yuxi didn't expect Yuhui to get out of bed so early and go about her normal activities.I really applied the sentence: A good man does not live long, and a thousand years of disaster will be left behind.

Yupang, who was originally unwilling, was even more displeased when he saw that Yuhui and Jinting were on the same team, and said: "These two troublemakers are also on our team. I really don't know how the patriarch arranged it." .” But Yu Pang has a plan in mind, and he wished Yu Hui could be on the same team.

"Shhh, keep your voice down." Yuhong poked Yupang and said, "In any case, she is related to the clan. She is still in the same branch as us, so it's not good to make too much noise."

Yuxi glanced at them, and said lightly: "It's fine for us to stay away from them for a while. I don't want anything to happen during the hunting in the mountains."

Yupang shook his head meaningfully and said, "I'm afraid the tree wants to be quiet but the wind won't stop!"

"Okay, Yupang. Don't talk about what you have." Yuxi patted Yupang, telling him to follow the big team.

A group of people took out farm tools and various so-called hunting tools, and walked for an hour on the beautiful mountain road before reaching the destination mountain.

Looking at this continuous mountain range and the lush trees with intertwined roots, Yuxi and others standing in the valley canyon felt like looking up at the mammoth and looking at themselves as ants.

"Oh, my dear," Yupang said with a wooden fan on his back, "The mountains are so big, how can we hunt? It's good to not get lost when walking inside, and hunt wild game. Aren't we a bit self-conscious? It’s better to go back now.”

After he finished speaking, he found that no one was paying attention, so he touched his nose in self-deprecating manner, bumped into Yuxi's shoulder cheekily, and whispered: "Why don't we find a chance to escape later."

Seeing Second Master Bian looking over, Yuxi coughed lightly. After Second Master Bian looked away, he whispered to Yu Fatty: "You are not afraid of whipping, I am. If you die, don't hurt me."

Yupang caught the eyes of Second Master Bian, and after listening to Yuxi's words, recalling the wound on his back, Ji Lingling shuddered, a little cold sweat broke out on his back, and said embarrassingly: "Hehe~~ I've come here Then be safe."

Second Lord Bian asked everyone to rest and rectify, drink some rice water that they brought with them, and check their equipment. After they were getting ready, they were divided into two groups and went up the mountain one after the other, ready to hunt.

Each group will assign two people to be responsible for cutting grass and exploring the way where everyone passes by.Second Master Bian was leading the team in front, and he repeatedly swung the bamboo whip in his hand, making it impossible for the poisonous snakes and beasts hiding in the grass to hide.

Every time Bian Erye's whip flicked, Yu Fatty's face turned pale. It seemed that he was so frightened by Bian Erye's whip a few days ago that his face changed when he heard the whip.

Yuxi took a scythe and cut down the tall weeds on one side, so that the people behind could move forward.She looked at the scythe in her hand suspiciously, thinking that this bird farming tool could hunt wild game?A slingshot issued by the village is stuck in her waist, and stones for slingshots are hung on her belt.It can be said that the equipment is undoubtedly simple.

The men in the same team were carrying heavy agricultural tools such as hoes and plows, and also had slingshots hanging from their waists.Only Uncle Bian Wen carried a bow and arrow in the team.

Yuxi knew the vision of the patriarchs and fathers, and wanted to replace bows and arrows with high lethality and difficult weapons with light and easy-to-make "weapons" like slingshots.

After all, they just want to enter the outskirts of the deep mountains, hunt some small animals, and give the younger generation experience by the way.If Bianjia Village used more rice grains to go to Wudong Village to exchange for a batch of bows and arrows, it could still be done, but the patriarch and the others didn't want Bianjia Village to become addicted to hunting and become wild people.

After all, at the time, farming was not a menial job.Moreover, many armies are trained for seven days of farming and seven days of training.After being generals, they have long been accustomed to farming.They think that hunting in the mountains all day is the behavior of barbarians.

Therefore, for the development of future generations, Bianjia Village naturally takes everything into consideration.

Bian Erye's bamboo whip hit a dense bush and grass, a big three-angled snake with a thick bowl mouth suddenly jumped out of it without warning, and was about to bite Bian Erye.

Yu Hui and Jin Ting let out an exclamation, and Yu Xi was taken aback when she saw it. Wen Min, who had been silent all this time, tightly tugged on Yu Xi's sleeve.

Although the male in front was surprised, he didn't lose his footing.

After Second Master Bian managed to dodge, the big triangle snake took advantage of the momentum to attack Bian Jinbo in front.

Bian Jinbo yelled: "Good time!" He turned sideways and dodged, skillfully swinging the plow in his hand, with quick eyesight and quick hands, he landed seven inches between the snakes.

Although Bian Jinbo was strong enough and his position was right on the point, but the big snake was too big and kept struggling, almost breaking free from the plow's confinement.

Without the orders of the three parents, the children, led by Bian Linggan, used the farm tools in their hands to hit or smash the big snake.

Under the "group beating" of the crowd, the big snake finally died on the verge of dying.

Because of the distance between Yupang and Yuhong, when they came forward to help, the big snake was already dead.

Seeing the big snake die on the spot, Yupang clicked his tongue, "My dear, what a big guy! It's more than three meters long."

Women are resistant to snakes, and Yuxi is no exception.Looking at such a big snake, she felt trembling in her heart. Thinking that everyone would have to disembowel the big snake and cook it in the pot during the evening meal, she felt a chill, and kept hoping that the hunting in the mountains would end as soon as possible.

But she heard from Second Master Bian that there seemed to be two months, and there was not much busy farming to do, so wouldn't it be another two months to toss.

Thinking of this deadline, Yuxi felt that the future was bleak.

In modern times, these two months are the busiest time for farmers to do farming, but there are not many grains in Bianjia Village, and they want to cultivate more varieties, but they have no way to do so.

Second Master Bian was in a good mood when he saw that the children surrounded by the big snake were so brave, he laughed.He asked people to move the big snake to one side and hide it, and make a mark for it to be picked up when hunting down the mountain today.

After killing a big snake, everyone was encouraged and continued to move forward under the leadership of Bian Erye.

Walking halfway up the mountain, before noon, the sun was already burning red.Sweat poured down on everyone's foreheads.

Fat people sweated even more. Yupang finally couldn't stand the scorching heat and collapsed under a big tree. No matter how Yuxi yelled, he refused to move.

Yuxi knew that Yupang was cheating, so he wanted to defend him: "Yupang has passed out. Dad, let him rest for a while."

"How can this be done? Everyone can't delay the trip because of him." Bian Lingqian saw that the closeness of the two people was not pleasing to the eye, and if he had the opportunity, he would let them go.The only thing to blame is that the two have no eyes for him.

Yu Hui remained stubborn, and also echoed from the side: "Yes. If this continues, our team may not be able to hunt any game at sunset, and we will inevitably be talked about by our relatives after we return to the village."

Seeing Yuhui disturbing the situation, Wenmin was about to say a few words to her, but when Second Master Bian looked over and shook his head at her, he hesitated to speak.My own father doesn't speak, so it's not easy for her as a daughter to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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