Hands make fragrance

Chapter 1213 The Dark Cloud Covers the Top

Chapter 1213 The Dark Cloud Covers the Top
"Ms. Sun, your progress is also very fast... As long as you practice hard for a period of time, I will not be your opponent." Albenny smiled flatteringly: "But even if we don't rest, we have to let the horse rest. Okay, let's go have a drink first?"

It was his words that moved Sun Yu, she affectionately caressed the maroon Arabian horse that sat down, turned over and got off the horse.

And a few people who had been waiting on the sidelines to help Ebene take care of the horses immediately stepped forward to take the horses and take them back to the stable to take care of them.

To say that raising horses is really a very extravagant hobby, not to mention that these Arabian thoroughbreds are outrageously expensive, but to say that paying the salaries of these professional horse-care personnel every year can be equivalent to a large enterprise for a year of total income.

Of course, the need for such a huge expenditure is not unrelated to the fact that Albenny has raised a lot of horses.

Raising horses with a lot of money is really hereditary. Albenny's father has already spent nearly one billion on raising horses.On the whole, Albenny is not as luxurious as him.

After a while, Albenny's car parked on the beach of the island.

Fruits, drinks, rest guys, things have already been prepared. All they have to do is to find the most comfortable way to lie down, enjoy the sunny beach, and the cocktail specially made by the attractive blonde bartender next to them .

In terms of enjoyment, Albenny is more than ten streets away from Lindong.

A hundred meters away is another island, and a luxury yacht is still parked on the pier that has been built.

This island was originally chosen by Abdullah for himself, but now it has been handed over to Lin Dong as a reward for Lin Dong's consultation.

Abdullah also thought about it carefully. Lin Dong not only recuperated his body, but also helped Ebeni ​​get rid of his drug addiction. This really has to be measured in money, and he really doesn't know how much to give. .

What's more, Lin Dong had rejected his gift before, so he decided to give Lin Dong the island he had built.

Abdullah invested nearly [-] million in construction funds on the island, not to mention the helicopters and yachts that were already prepared as gifts. The total value is definitely more than [-] million US dollars.

Using it as a reward is definitely enough to express sincerity, and in this way, it can also attract Lin Dong to pay homage to the enemy from time to time.It is more convenient to deepen the friendship between the two parties and kill two birds with one stone.

And the first time Lin Dong landed on this island that was gifted to him, he fell in love with it.

What he liked even more was that after the island was gifted to him, it became his private territory, and the owner had absolute sovereignty over the island.

Without his permission, no one is allowed to go to the island, otherwise he has the right to take all means and measures against trespassers.Isn't this the country of China?
It's no wonder that so many world celebrities and dignitaries from all over the world spent a lot of money on Giant Island during the construction of Giant Island.

Of course, with Lin Dong's current financial resources, it is not difficult to buy an island, but after experiencing the construction of Wanjie Island, he already knows how much work it takes to build an island.

Without the monster construction team, it would take a year or two to complete the construction of the island by machinery and manpower.Now that he got an island that had already been built, it saved him a lot of time.

In the future, the employees of his group will be able to provide one more benefit, the outstanding ones can take vacations on private islands for free.

With so many reasons, Lin Dong has no reason to refuse, right?

"Professor Lin, I'll have the horse and the staff sent there in a while, and if you need anything, just call me."

Albenny handed over the cocktails ordered by Lin Dong and Sun Yu, and then took a sip of the flaming red lips he ordered.

"It's costing you." Lin Dong also took a sip of the cocktail he ordered, which was delicious with a little sweetness.

Albenny smiled. After two days of getting along, he felt that Lin Dong's affection for him had deepened, especially after he gave away those few good horses.

A few good horses can be exchanged for Lin Dong's friendship, which is a good deal.

Of course, he was not stupid enough to think that with their current friendship, they could talk about getting Lin Dong to express his support for him, or use this to ask Lin Dong to transfer him more life substances.

"By the way, there is a party tonight, Professor Lin, are you interested in participating?"

Before he finished speaking, Sun Yu looked over.

He didn't mean to invite Sun Yu just now, but Sun Yu didn't know what was going on in the party where only men participated?

What's more, she has heard about this person's reputation, and the reason why she has a bad impression of Albenny is mostly because of these rumors.

"Ms. Sun, I just want to introduce some friends to Professor Lin. If Professor Lin is not available, let's forget it, haha!" Sun Yu's eyes full of evil spirits made Ebene break out in a cold sweat, and he laughed dryly and explained.

Only then did Sun Yu snort coldly, and turned her eyes away. It was absolutely impossible for her to let Lin Dong go to Albenny's party alone.

"What's wrong with me?"

After dealing with Sun Yu, Albenny wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, besides his mother, Sun Yu was the first woman who could give him such a sense of oppression.

He couldn't help but glanced at Lin Dong sympathetically. With such a powerful wife, Lin Dong's life might not be easy in his opinion.

Only then did he realize that Lin Dong was frowning and looking at him with a very strange expression.

He reached out his hand to touch his face in doubt and asked, "What's the matter, Professor Lin, what's on my face?"

"No, nothing."

Lin Dong said very solemnly: "I think you haven't fully recovered yet, and you should take a good rest. You should remember that I told you what activities you are not suitable for now."

His sudden seriousness made Abney's heart tremble, and he felt like he was facing Abdullah or Samander for a moment.

Albenny hurriedly sat upright: "Professor Lin said that I also feel that I am not fit to attend the party now, so I called and pushed after a while."

When he said this, Albenny was sincere, and it didn't seem like he was perfunctory. Lin Dong smiled faintly and nodded to him, then stopped talking, and lay down on the chair with his eyes closed, sinking into his own thoughts.

He was thinking about how to call Ebene.

The reason why he suddenly became so serious just now was because when he talked about Ebene talking about the party, a cloud of blackness quickly gathered between his brows.

In terms of physiognomy, this situation is called dark cloud cover.Having such an abnormal state indicates that this person will be in great trouble.

As for what the catastrophe of Albenny was, Lin Dong could guess.

Just saying it directly, this is leaking the secrets, which is taboo by the way of heaven, and will give back to those who leak the secrets.Just because he dissuaded Ebene from going to the party just now, he already had a feeling of palpitations in his heart.

If you want to avoid the backlash from the Dao of Heaven, you can only hit the sidelines, and point out the words that you can't hit with eight shots.

This is also the reason why those physiognomy masters who are proficient in physiognomy speak mysteriously and mysteriously.

After pondering for a while, Lin Dong suddenly said to the beautiful bartender, "Leave first."

The bartender glanced at Albenny, who also waved at her, and she quickly put down her bartending tools and left quickly.

"Albenny, has anyone told you that your character is not suitable for managing a country?" Then Lin Dong dismissed Sun Yu and said to Albenny.

Abney never expected that Lin Dong would suddenly ask him such a question, and he was immediately stunned.

Immediately, his face turned cold quickly, and he asked at the beginning: "Do you think Harden is more suitable for the crown prince than me?"


Now that he has spoken, Lin Dong is not going to hide it. Being able to wake up Albenny is helping him: "In terms of communication skills, personality, and means, do you think you are better than Harden?"

Hearing his unadorned and blunt answer, Ebeni ​​was even more furious, and his face turned red.

But he really had nothing to refute, because what Lin Dong said was the truth.

It's just that Lin Dong was the only one who dared to say so bluntly in front of him.

"You have money, you have good looks, and you are already an out-and-out winner in life. Why do you want to tie yourself to a position that is not suitable for you? You can still retain your dignity if you voluntarily give up."

Lin Dong didn't even intend to give him a chance to refute, so he continued, "You really didn't notice anything, did you?"

Hearing this, Albenny's face, which was originally flushed with anger, quickly turned white again.

He is not a fool, he knows a lot of things in his heart, but he just doesn't want to believe it.

After being silent for a while, Albenny's breathing became more and more rapid, and finally he let out a long sigh, grabbed the glass next to him and drank it in one gulp. After drinking, he got up and walked to the temporary bar, grabbed the half bottle of whiskey on the table and drank it stand up.

Lin Dong didn't stop him from doing this, his scars were uncovered, and he needed a channel to vent.

With Albenny's pouring method, he didn't drink much, and the wine flowed down his strong muscles all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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