Chapter 1069
After a night of hard work, the medicines and modulated infrasound audio for the treatment of prisoners have all been prepared.

In order to test the effect, Lin Dong deliberately found a poisonous monster to test. As a result, the infrasound hit his ears, and the poisonous monster immediately fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

The effect was immediate, but it couldn't satisfy Lin Dong.Because if it is so soft, it will not be easy to be noticed, but will inevitably be noticed.

In this way, he must grasp the timing of releasing the audio, rather later than earlier.Otherwise, they would have to face the desperate attack of more than 200 poisonous monsters.

About 5 minutes later, the poisonous monster regained control of its body and bounced up from the ground.

The poisonous demon, who no longer had a clear mind, could not detect the abnormality, and continued to stand there guarding stupidly.

This also means that if someone cuts off the audio, it only takes 5 minutes for the poisonous demon to recover, which made Lin Dong frowned again.

Then he hurried back to the room.

At five o'clock in the morning, the order to go to the island came from the radio of the fellow villager, but he did not receive it, which shows that Drierson is quite trustworthy.

But what Lin Dong rewarded him was to let him die without pain.

Lin Dong acupunctured the acupoints of his fellow countryman, waking him up from a deep sleep. Knowing that it was time for him to go to work again, he couldn't help complaining and lamenting Lin Dong's good luck.Nesting on the hard ground for six hours without much movement is indeed an unspeakable torture.

It's just that he doesn't know that today's job is not only a physical torture, but also a road of no return to hell.

After seeing off his fellow countrymen, Lin Dong stabbed Drielson's death spot with a needle, causing him to die from a hangover without feeling any pain.

Then he hid Driesson's body under the bed, made some disguises to look like Driesson, and kept imitating Driesson's language and some behaviors in front of the mirror.

It finally looked decent until seven o'clock, and the news of starting work came from Drierson's communicator.

Lin Dong straightened out his clothes that smelled strongly of alcohol and sweat, and walked out of the room in satisfaction. As soon as he went out, his steps became a little staggering, acting like a hangover alcoholic.

When he arrived at the laboratory, many people were already waiting in front of the laboratory's heavy iron gate.

Three of Drierson's colleagues, each with a member of the bottom organization.

Lin Dong couldn't help snickering a few times, because Drierson's actions yesterday caused a wave of substitutions.

He is happy to see the results, if all these low-level members can be replaced, it will be perfect.

Then the scientific researchers and surveillance personnel arrived one after another. The poisonous widow came a little later, and when she saw the situation in front of her, her face suddenly became gloomy.

These guys know the truth that the law does not blame the public, but it is impossible to really open the door to convenience.In the end, the poisonous widow allowed three of them to take over as substitutes, and the others were rotated on a daily basis, which finally calmed down the emotions of her subordinates.

"Go, bring that basin of cold water, let this damn thing wake up." Then the poisonous widow vented her anger on Lin Dong, the instigator.

A bucket of cold water poured down, and Lin Dong pretended to be excited, and his spirit immediately improved a lot. He pretended to be drunk and saw the poisonous widow in front of him. Hello!"

The poisonous widow snorted coldly, ignored him, turned around and entered a series of numbers on the electronic lock of the laboratory door, then inserted her ID card, and the door slowly rose.

As soon as the door was opened, the lights of various instruments and meters flickered. Lin Dong quickly entered the laboratory, and immediately sat in front of the center console and lay down on the main display screen, pretending to be asleep.

At the same time, he connected the external device to the center console computer very deftly.

The computer issued a slight instruction sound, and quickly imported the modulated audio signal.

Almost at the same time that the audio signal was imported, he felt a heavy blow on his buttocks.

Seeing that the signal import prompt had disappeared, Lin Dong bounced up from the chair and glared at the person who attacked him behind him: "What the hell..."

When he saw clearly that it was the poisonous widow who attacked him, he immediately put away the anger on his face, and said with a flattering smile: "Head."

"Go away, if you can't stay awake, I'll help you screw your head off."

The poisonous widow scolded angrily, and Lin Dong cooperatively put on a frightened expression, and hastily agreed to get out of the way.

His embarrassing appearance immediately aroused the laughter of the colleagues next to him. Naturally, no one would notice any abnormalities on the computer.

Everything is almost ready.

Seeing that less than half of the researchers had come here, the poisonous widow's face darkened and asked one of the researchers: "Then there are other people in the old thing? Why haven't they come yet?"

The researcher shook his head blankly, and the poisonous widow frowned, turned to look at the deputy and said, "Go, see what's going on."

The assistant had just left when news reached her that three of the five modified operating tables had malfunctioned and could not be started.

The poisonous widow's face became more and more gloomy, and she immediately ordered the electrical engineer from the base to be called.

After some inspection, it turned out that the equipment had been running at full capacity for too long, and some of the components had aged and failed.

The other two reformed stations that can still operate, although they can still be used barely, have already experienced a similar situation, and they will inevitably repeat the same mistakes if they are forced to operate.

The deputy who went to find out about the situation of Wei Lao and the others also brought Wei Lao and the others here, but they were all lying on stretchers.

"What's going on?" The poisonous widow frowned again when she saw the sickly old Wei and the others.

"The vomiting and diarrhea could be food poisoning."

After listening to the deputy's words, the poisonous widow walked over to Elder Wei, reached for his veins and examined him carefully.

There is no distinction between medicine and medicine. Poison art is an important branch of medicine art. Those who are proficient in poison art will undoubtedly be masters of medicine art. In addition, at least their medical skills are not bad.

Although the poisonous widow is not famous for her medical skills, her medical skills are actually very good. After a simple inspection, it was confirmed that Wei Lao and others did have the symptoms of food poisoning.

Without hesitation, she took out a box of silver needles from her bosom and gave Wei Lao and others acupuncture treatment.Judging by her acupuncture technique, it is the orthodox ghost gate thirteen needle technique.

With the combination of silver needles and internal qi, and in order not to cause too much burden on the health of Wei Lao and others, Lin Dong gave a very light dose of medicine, which was quickly resolved by her.

Fortunately, there was an accident of equipment failure, and their plan of delaying time should be successfully completed.

During the process of her treatment, Tianyan appeared in the laboratory without a sound. The only one who noticed his arrival was Lin Dong, but he didn't dare to show any abnormalities, and tried his best to restrain his breath.

The reason why he didn't change his clothes was because he hoped to use the smell of alcohol and sweat left in his clothes to cover up his breath.

His idea was correct, the pungent smell of alcohol and sweat did cover up his own aura, but in an environment where everyone else was clean, it also made him very eye-catching, so that no one would notice him. Disaster.

Feeling Tianyan's gaze resting on him, a strong sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of his heart, and Lin Dong could hardly bear to make a defensive posture.

He was betting that Tianyan just disliked him, rather than finding any flaws. As long as he didn't see through his identity, Tianyan would naturally not make a move here.

Fortunately, he made the right bet. Tianyan was only disgusted with his state, looked at him in disgust for a while, and then turned his eyes away.Feeling his eyes move away, Lin Dong's hanging heart relaxed.

"How's it going?"

After the treatment of the poisonous widow was over, Tianyan opened his mouth. Everyone was startled by his voice, and they all stood up straight and saluted him.

After listening to the poisonous widow's report, Tianyan frowned, turned to look at the electrical engineer under him and asked, "How long will it take to repair the instrument?"

"I'm afraid it will take about six hours." The electrical engineer thought about it carefully for a while, and then gave an approximate time.

"I'll only give you three hours. Three hours if it's not fixed."

"Boss, three hours is impossible. At least four hours." Hearing that he cut the time in half, these engineers protested anxiously.

"That's four hours, I hope you don't let me down."

When he said this, his tone was very gentle, but these engineers knew where this place was, and what the price of disappointing Tianyan would be, so they dared to talk more nonsense and immediately began to work hard.

Then, Tianyan turned to look at the poisonous widow and asked, "How is Lao Wei?"

"I gave him the medicine to invigorate qi and relieve diarrhea, and I used silver needles to help him dredge his meridians. Old Mr. Wei is completely competent for the work of guiding the experiment." He is quite confident in his medical skills.

Indeed, under the treatment of her medicine and silver needles, Wei Lao's complexion has become much rosier, and his physical strength is gradually recovering.

Fortunately, there is only one instrument left that can operate in good condition, and it takes four hours to repair the remaining instruments, but it is not difficult to delay the time until the time of changing the guard with a little manipulation.

As for whether these engineers can't complete the task, whether they will really be dealt with by Tianyan, it's really beyond his control now.

But thinking about how Tianyan will deal with them, it should be after the repairs are completed, and he will be too busy to take care of himself by then, so I'm afraid he won't have time to think about these things.

As for the replacement, Tianyan seemed to express dissatisfaction with the poisonous widow, and the result was that Lin Dong, the instigator, became the target of the poisonous widow's anger.

After that, all the work was thrown to him and the three hapless ghosts who took over.

It's just that they never dreamed that such an arrangement was in Lin Dong's arms. If he was not arranged to do these things, he would be tied up, which would not be conducive to the development of follow-up plans.

This time it's a slap in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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