Grandpa's great writer

Chapter 418 The Tragedy on the Nile River

Chapter 418 The Tragedy on the Nile River

Qin Cheng is more concerned about his son's affairs during this time. He just took his son to Jiangyang some time ago, just to meet Zhao Re.

Teacher Zhao said that he would introduce a powerful writer's agent to his son. To be honest, although Qin Cheng opened a bookstore, he didn't know much about writer's agents. He didn't even know that writers needed agents before.

Seeing that he didn't understand, Zhao Nuan helped to explain a lot. After listening to Zhao Nuan's explanation, Qin Cheng probably understood that the function of a writer's manager is similar to that of a celebrity manager in the entertainment industry. Find channels for writers and do publicity.

At that time, he didn't know that Zhao Re's economic company and Zhang Zhong's economic company were the same company. After meeting the agent named Chen Qing, he learned from the other party that their economic company was Zhang Zhong's company.

After hearing such news, Qin Cheng, who had already made a decision, naturally became more confident.

Speaking of which, last summer, they still had some relationship with Zhang Zhong, and the most conspicuous book in his son's room was "A Bouquet for Algernon" signed by Zhang Zhong.

Qin Chengyuan thought about it, since he was in Jiangyang, and he had hooked up with his manager by such a coincidence, he wanted to get close, but his son Qin Zhao firmly opposed it.

He knew his son's character, so he didn't say anything about it.

After he came back, his son worked overtime to revise the novel "Underwater Kingdom" which had already been drafted many times before finally sending it to Chen Qing.

This is the most serious time Qin Cheng has seen his son.

My son has been smart since he was a child, he can learn everything faster than other children, and his mind has matured very early.

However, what came with it was his son's aloof and independent personality. Although he was only 11 years old, it seemed that no one could put him in his eyes. Since meeting Zhang Zhong, his personality has changed.

After publishing the manuscript this time, Qin Cheng seemed to see a primary school student who was waiting to correct his homework. Although Qin Zhao didn't say anything, Qin Cheng knew that the meeting had a great impact on him. It is very admirable.

He glanced at his son's position. Qin Zhao was sitting in front of the window holding a book.But he didn't seem to be paying attention, his eyes turned out of the window after a while, and he became dazed.

The son should be thinking about "Underwater Kingdom".

Shaking his head, Qin Cheng ignored his son.

Not many people came to buy books now, but he was not in a hurry to close the store and go home, but opened the webpage to read the news.After looking at it, it turned to Weiyu, and then turned to Zhang Zhong's new news.

Seeing Zhang Zhong's new news, Qin Cheng's eyes widened. He actually saw his son's novel!
After checking Zhang Zhong's dynamics several times and making sure that the information was correct, he excitedly waved to his son, "Zhao Zhao, come here quickly."

Qin Zhao turned his head, expressionless, he didn't want to go there, but seeing his father slapping his hands so fiercely, he got up and walked towards the counter.

"What's wrong?" Qin Zhao asked.

"Come and see what this is?"

Qin Zhao looked in the direction of his father's finger and saw Zhang Zhong's movement. After watching it, his eyes flickered slightly, but he quickly adjusted back to his original expressionless expression.

"Oh, I see." Qin Zhao said lightly, and then walked towards the window sill.

It wasn't until he returned to the window sill and sat down that he finally showed a smile. Suddenly, he even felt that the scenery outside the window became a little brighter.

Seeing the slightly raised corners of his son's mouth from the side, Qin Cheng also shook his head and smiled. Seeing his son look like a child, this feeling is really good.

Being a father to a genius is really stressful.


For Zhang Zhong's Amway this time, most readers are satisfied.

[This novel is of a high level, but is there really such a bird?Can't land? 】

[There is indeed this kind of bird with short legs and poor mobility. Generally, it will not land on the ground, and it basically looks for a relatively high place to stop.Pretty much the same as described in the novel. 】

[This kind of bird's perspective is quite powerful, and it feels very novel to read. 】

[There are also some novels with non-human perspectives, of course the quality of this one is pretty good. 】

[Does the author want to express the helplessness of Swift's lifelong wandering? 】

[The ones upstairs are high school students? 】

[I searched just now, but I didn’t find Qin Zhao. It seems that Zhang Dada found this short story. 】

[Impossible, there is no previous work?So this is the debut? 】

[Maybe Zhang Zhong's company has already signed someone. 】

[I'll go, I didn't even find the other party's whispers, I found a few Qin Zhao, but none of them were writers. 】

The next day, Zhang Zhong's company sent an official Weibo, announcing that Qin Zhao's new book would be released in a while.

As expected, Qin Zhao was signed by Zhang Zhong, and netizens were not surprised.

The publication of "Undersea Kingdom" is still under negotiation, and Chen Qing is negotiating with [-] Company on behalf of Qin Zhao.

Zhang Zhong didn't take care of these things, so Chen Qing would naturally act.

Of course, besides dealing with Qin Zhao's affairs, Chen Qing also had to release Zhang Zhong's new book.The new book is "Tragedy on the Nile", which has been stranded before, and it is also a book in the Polo series.

"Tragedy on the Nile" had been sent to Chen Qing a long time ago, but it was delayed because of the books "The Last Starfish" and "Ordinary World".

The official release time of this book is set on February 23, which is the twelfth day of the first lunar month, which happens to be Peng Peng's birthday.

And that day was also the day when the second Hope Primary School donated by Zhang Zhong was signed.

As soon as the title of "Tragedy on the Nile" was released, netizens began to guess at the Polo series. After all, the title is too obvious.

【Hahahaha, Detective Poirot is coming out again. 】

[Although the official hasn't said it yet, I've already guessed it. 】

[I think so too, but I won't say it to avoid slaps in the face. 】

[It must be the Poirot series, but what I am more concerned about now is whether there are any big names in the film and television industry who pay attention to the Poirot series, whether it can be made into a movie, or if it is not possible to make a TV series. 】

[Yeah, such a big ip is a sure-fire deal. 】

[It is estimated that someone has already asked. There is no movement from Zhang Zhong's side, and it should be that the takeaway has not yet been delivered. 】

【It's better to package them up and sell them, and unify the style, otherwise I won't be able to stand seeing different Poirots. 】

[This is not bad, multiple Poirots are shot, and in the end we will choose the one we are most satisfied with. 】

[Speaking of which, "Ten Men" will be released on April [-]st, is there a team to watch it? 】

[We must support it. Last time, some people said that our fans can't steal the box office. 】

At this juncture, Zhang republished a detective novel, and Hua Yi was overjoyed, because it was tantamount to giving free promotion to "Ten Men" that had been going on for a while.

Maybe once this detective wind blows, it will be able to send "Ten Men" to a higher level.

 Thanks for the reward of [Starry Sky 1 Story 1], thank you big brother

(End of this chapter)

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