Grandpa's great writer

Chapter 416 Undersea Kingdom

Chapter 416 Undersea Kingdom
In the first year of junior high school, Chen Qing called him and said that he was going to meet a writer, which was recommended by Zhao Re.

At that time, it was still very mysterious, which also aroused Zhang Chong's interest. He even asked Chen Qing to talk to him after seeing it.

Chen Qing called him after seeing him that day. Zhang Zhong still remembered Chen Qing's tone at that time, and he was 120 points surprised.

"That Qin Zhao turned out to be an 11-year-old boy."

When Chen Qing said this, Zhang Zhong was also very surprised, because it is difficult for ordinary people to associate the title of writer with an 11-year-old boy.

But the person was recommended by Zhao Nuan, and Chen Qing made a special trip on the first day of the Lunar New Year, it must not be a joke.

So, this 11-year-old boy does have something special.

But Zhang Zhong was also surprised, where did Zhao Nue find this little boy? After all, if he had works and was very talented, the news would have already been reported, so it is impossible that he and Chen Qing have no impression at all.

Chen Qing told Zhang Zhong that Zhao Re had read Qin Zhao's article in a magazine and thought it was interesting so he contacted him. At that time, Zhao Re did not expect that he would be contacting an 11-year-old boy.

Zhao Nuan told Chen Qing that Qin Zhao was very talented in literature, even better than he was back then.

This is a real compliment, Zhao Re himself is a very proud person, he can say such a thing, it is definitely a recognition of Qin Zhao.

Curious, Zhang Zhong ran to read Qin Zhao's article.

The article was published in a not well-known magazine "Sea Breeze", the full text is more than 2000 words, and it is a novel genre.

The title is "Swift", the title is No.1 in the text, and the perspective is a swift.

Qin Zhao described the life of a swift from the perspective of "I".

The swift's legs are very short, and the protagonist's legs are shorter than those of other swifts, and he has almost completely lost the ability to walk.

Because it has no walking ability, it spends most of its time flying in the sky. Even if it wants to stop, it must find a high place, because only with the help of a high place can it take off again.

Therefore, apart from flying, the protagonist's life is looking for high places and fighting against flat ground.

But this swift fell in love with a garden.

"I like the big garden between the two buildings. I often fly over it. The flowers below look up and smile at me. The grass on the ground beckons and welcomes me, but I can only let them down. Because I know that once I land, there is no way to turn back..."

At the end of the novel, Swift could not fly anymore. He felt that he was going to die, so he traveled day and night, trying to land on the garden for the only time before he died, but at that time, it was snowing heavily and the flowers withered.

After reading the novel at that time, Zhang Chong was very moved, and thought that it was written by an 11-year-old child, and he was even more shocked. Such a young child can use symbolism so skillfully, which many adult writers cannot do.

If we take a deeper look, the novel takes Swift as the protagonist, to a certain extent, it is also a challenge to the concept of "man is the primate of all things", and it is critical of human-centered behavior.

Of course, only Qin Zhao himself knows whether Qin Zhao has this purpose when creating.

But no matter how you say it, this novel has concise language, mature structure, and strong expressive force. Even if it is written by an adult, it is definitely a masterpiece, let alone the author is a child, which must be a plus.

After reading the novel, Zhang Zhong also remembered a movie called "Days of Being Wild", which contained such a line.

"There is a kind of bird in this world. It is born without feet, and it can only fly in the sky all its life. When it gets tired, it sleeps in the wind. This bird can only land once in its life, and that is when it dies."

Obviously, the bird described in "Days of Being Wild" was inspired by swifts, but it is more exaggerated.

Zhang Chong also wanted to meet this Qin Zhao, but he had already returned to his hometown and it might take some time before he could come again.

But there is also good news. Qin Zhao recently wrote a novella, and he said that day that he would send the manuscript to Chen Qing in two days.

Now this email contains the manuscript of Qin Zhao's new book.

Zhang Zhongrao opened the email with interest, then downloaded the document, and read it slowly.

There are not many words in this novel, and it is marked with a total of more than 3000 words, plus punctuation marks.

It took Zhang Zhong less than an hour to finish reading the novel.

The name of the novel is "Under the Sea Kingdom", and there is a bracket after the name, and the word "preliminary draft" is written in the brackets, which should mean that the name may be changed.

The novel with more than 4 words tells about a kind of underwater creature, which is different from human beings but also different from fish. They have their own civilization, and they have also formed a country with a strict hierarchy.

It's just that their density is too high, their mobility is relatively poor, and their lifespan is relatively short, so they can neither surface nor walk to land along the seabed.

They don't even know land exists.

And the king of a certain generation finally made a decision to move the whole country and move in one direction without stopping. He wanted to see if there was no end to the place where they lived.

However, the king's decision did not win the support of all the subjects. Some opponents felt that such a waste of national power and relocation wasted money.

However, the tough king still resisted all opinions and launched the relocation.

The end of the story did not explain what happened after the migration. Did they find the boundary in the end?Or did the people get tired and abandon the migration plan after a few generations of migration?Or was the kingdom's regime overthrown by opponents?
If you classify this novel, it should belong to the category of science fiction, but there is not much content about science fiction, but more philosophical thinking.

And Qin Zhao's talent shown in this novel is even higher than that of "Swift".

After finishing the novel and closing the file, Zhang Zhong sent an email to Chen Qing, with only four words: extremely high quality.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sent these four words, Chen Qing's reply came: agree.

Although there are two words, Zhang Zhong can feel Chen Qing's joy, after all, he has another author with strength and potential under his command.

The most important thing is that this little author doesn't need Chen Qing to put too much effort into packaging, his age alone is a huge selling point.

This time, Zhao Nuo helped a lot. Who would have thought that he could find such a good seed just by searching casually.

Zhang Zhong put his nipple-biting head aside, and first posted on his own Weiyu, he was going to promote his little author.

The last time Zhao Re joined, he was also treated like this, so of course he can't favor one over the other this time.

(End of this chapter)

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