Chapter 1036

Empoli's question seems to be a very sharp question, but it is actually a question of giving points.

Zhuang Yu said with a smile, "The distinction between Huaxia is based on etiquette, not race and skin color. Those who know etiquette are Huaxia, and those who don't know etiquette are barbarians. This is the way China used to distinguish barbarians in ancient times. The distinction between China and Xia The purpose is actually to use Chinese etiquette to influence the barbarian neighbors. In the words of our modern people, we hope to use our knowledge to help them get rid of poverty and backwardness. It is not so much hegemony and centralism as it is A kind of fraternity."

"I can understand that Huaxia has been trying to assimilate other ethnic groups?" A teacher from Fourth University asked.

After the teacher spoke, Zhang Zhong and the others didn't respond, but Empoli was taken aback. He quickly said, "Poitou didn't mean that. He wanted to say whether China has been helping other countries."

Because of the language barrier, there is a time difference between the two sides in communication.

The Poitou's words and Empoli's words were translated one by one for Zhang Zhong and the others.

Zhang Zhong glanced at the others, and the people in the Huaxia Exchange Group laughed because they didn't think it was a big deal.

If they are not even psychologically prepared for this, how can they have the face to fly to Paris.

Regardless of whether the Poitou was an accident or Empoli arranged it deliberately, Zhang Zhong and their side were not prepared to evade this question.

Zhang Zhong said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. I am very happy to have some exchanges with Mr. Poitou on this issue. Of course, before answering Mr. Poitou's question, I also have a question to ask Mr. Poitou. Mr. Poitou just used the word assimilation. I don’t know much about the meaning of this term. Does it mean that any behavior that makes the other party have similarities with oneself is called assimilation? If this is the case, then we Everyone here is doing assimilation every day, especially teachers, you stand on the podium and teach your knowledge to the students, can I also understand it as a kind of assimilation? You want your students to love learning , respecting parents, supporting the country, is it a kind of assimilation?"

Poitou bit his lip and said, "Of course I don't mean that when I say assimilation."

He said that he didn't mean that, but he didn't go on to say what he meant by assimilation.

But Zhang Zhong didn't care about him at all, and continued, "We have an old saying in Huaxia, governing with virtue, such as Beichen, who lives in his place and is surrounded by stars. Only by cultivating his body can he save his people. The so-called inner sage and outer king are So. Huaxia has never forced other countries. We just do what we should do. Naturally, kingdoms will come to court, and nations will come to court not because of how powerful China is, but because there are many things worth learning about Chinese culture. Only then will other countries travel thousands of miles to study.”

The translator wiped the sweat from his forehead, this kind of translation work is really difficult.

Fortunately, the professional level of the translators is still good, so they don't get stuck in the middle of the battle, and they still convey Zhang Zhong's meaning well.

What did Poitou want to say, but Empoli smiled and applauded, "pz, listening to your words is better than reading 100 years of books. It seems that we still know too little about Chinese culture. In the future, our school will definitely strengthen the study of Chinese culture."

Zhang Chong said with a smile, "Everyone is welcome to visit Huaxia at any time. My friends and I come here to communicate in the name of Huaxia, but in fact we are just the tip of the iceberg in Huaxia. You can only understand it when you go to Huaxia."


The sudden speech of Poitou was not arranged by Empoli in advance, and he was also very surprised by Poitou's behavior.

Originally, Empoli and Adrian also prepared a lot of seemingly sharp questions similar to the "discrimination between Hua and Yi", but they were actually points.

But now that Poitou is so disturbed, it is not easy to ask later, and it may cause misunderstandings on the Huaxia side.

Empoli didn't want to offend Huaxia's cultural exchange group at all. As a university president, what he had to consider was the development of the school. At the same time, he even considered the importance of win-win cooperation.

Today they treat the Huaxia exchange group a little better, and they will be able to treat their fourth university a little better in pz later.

Nowadays, there is no more influential writer than pz in the whole world. It is not a wise choice to offend such a person.

Even a scholar like Adrian would not go crazy and deliberately trouble Pz, unless he really can't understand Pz.

But in fact, Adrian's tolerance for culture is more than half of the scholars, so he is more curious about Chinese culture than hostile.

At the exchange meeting later in the day, everyone was talking about the literary history of France. They talked about French literary works in the Romance period to the origin of French literature in 842.

The martial arts songs in the middle of the middle ages, accompanied by court novels and admonishment novels, reached the peak of civil literature in the late middle ages.

Later, the Renaissance came, Rabelais's popular novels, Montaigne's skepticism, and the classicism influenced by it.

The decline of classicism, the bright century, that is, the rise of the Enlightenment...

The history of French literature is well worth studying.

Apart from the Renaissance period, the most important thing worth talking about is the Enlightenment.

At that time, the novels of Diderot, Voltaire and others were all philosophical novels. In the eyes of these people, literary works were just an auxiliary means of expressing ideas, and the writing itself was not the core.

But even if they think so, their contribution to literature cannot be ignored.

These philosophical novels are not only famous for their depth of thought, but also unique in their artistic form.

Similarly, Rousseau's "Emile" is also an educational novel.

Adrian listened to people on both sides discussing the history of French literature. The representatives of the Fourth University were all very excited, excited by the glory of French literature.

But Adrian had a different idea.

In the past, they always thought that French literature had a great influence on the outside world, shining on the earth like the sun, and people everywhere could receive the favor and influence.

But look at these people in pz, they understand French culture, but stick to Chinese culture, while French people know nothing about Chinese culture.

In a sense, pz and the others have gone further and stood higher than these people.

What's even more frightening is that many French people don't know about this matter, just look at the expressions of the representatives of the Fourth University at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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