Chapter 283 Five Years Later (6)

Lin Ling actually doesn't like the so-called female respect, because the female respect is essentially the same as the patriarchalism she hates more, except that the genders have been reversed.

But she also knew that she was not qualified to discuss and stop them, pointing at these poor women from the moral high ground.

She knew that the female leaders of these three bases were more or less bullied and oppressed by their fathers, brothers, husbands and even sons. I strangled my newborn daughter to death, but I could only watch numbly. Some were pushed out by the husband and given to his good brothers to enjoy, which is the so-called "wife swap", and some were just walking on the road and were raped by some strangers. The man was dragged into the alley, but afterwards the public opinion blamed the women...

Probably due to retribution, the ratio of males to females who have awakened abilities in this country is actually lower than 1:9.

The awakening of supernatural beings depends entirely on luck and individuals. Generally speaking, it should be 1:1, and it can be as low as 1:9. It can be said that it is no wonder that men have become so miserable.

Lin Ling finally just sighed, said nothing, and left with Qiu Chengying.

She is not qualified to say anything to these women who were once cowardly but now they have become cruel, because she knows that if she has also experienced those pains, she will definitely not forgive these men like a saint after gaining strength.

The knife did not stick to her, but she knew how painful it was.

The body is abused wantonly, the dignity is trampled into mud, the kind of pain that is wrong even to live, how many people can endure it.

For those who can survive, for them, they no longer expect the so-called hope and revenge, and they can live every day.They will not kill themselves, even if their memories are all dark.

But if there is really hope of turning around and taking revenge, they who have been driven crazy by reality can stab the knife into the chest of the oppressor without hesitation.

So the most important thing is strength.

Equality between men and women?No, the strong are respected.

Whoever is stronger will be able to step on the other side.In the past, men in country I were stronger than women, so they were allowed to do whatever they wanted, but now women are stronger than men, so it is only natural for the two to switch positions.

She didn't have the ability to awaken at the beginning of the end of the last life, so she was betrayed and discarded by Xiao Zixuan as a matter of course. Unfortunately, she didn't complete the counterattack in the end and killed the man with her own hands.

As for this life, she doesn't want to deal with that "enemy" who doesn't remember anything at all. Even if she has the ability to kill him, it's really meaningless to kill a person who has no memory. He doesn't know anything, and her life has changed Now, does this revenge still make sense?

It's meaningless, Xiao Zixuan in this life is nothing more than an ant to her, he can be killed with a wave of his hand, so there's no need to waste his strength.

It's just that she didn't expect that she could still see Xiao Zixuan.

Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying have also wandered in the Central Continent for more than a year, and with the addition of a few newly awakened partners, the efficiency of this team is very high.

Xiaojing, who is fishing in troubled waters, has recovered to the eighth rank, Xiaohui, Xiaolan and Huangmao are both at the peak of the eighth rank, and Bai Ye, who focuses on spiritual power, is also a light-gold dual-line spirit beast. It is also very easy to deal with zombies below the eighth level.

Needless to say, Lele, the low-level Phoenix Fire is also a Phoenix Fire!
(End of this chapter)

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