The Tears of Rebirth in the End Times

Chapter 161 The Second Zombie Siege

Chapter 161 The First Zombie Siege (1)

On the other side, the zombies also made a big move.

For zombies, the longer the death time, the more "unpalatable" the flesh and blood, so Lin Ling guessed that they would choose to attack after three days.At that time, the death toll was not too many, but people lost their combat power and could only be slaughtered by them.

Secondly, it's not that the clever sixth-order zombies didn't see the reinforcements coming from afar.

Three days is enough for those new rations to be poisoned and collapsed.

Although it didn't pay attention to these few fire-type abilities from the southern base, it also didn't want them to jump out and kill its subjects when the war started.

In its eyes, whether it is these reinforcements or the people in the Lingyu base, they are just its food and future subjects.

As for whether they will lose?Will it fail?Oh, don't be ridiculous, let millions of zombies fight against a group of humans who can't even crawl?

The zombies had a good idea, but they didn't expect that there would be two variables, Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying.

They worked so hard to poison the layout, but it was nothing more than a bamboo basket to fetch water.

Of course, the zombies don't know about these things. They are all gathering in P City to train their troops and prepare for the next siege.

【April 1th, 4st year of the last days is probably a day that everyone who participated in that battle will never forget.

The first zombie siege event happened on this night.In the end, the human base "Lingyu" won after a three-day struggle.

This battle finally made the gradually stable people understand that their battle with the zombies was just the beginning. 】

Lin Ling sat on the 30-meter-high city wall with a cold face.

She glanced at her watch.

22: 48.

The army of zombies is still ten kilometers away from the Lingyu base.

She picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and took a deep breath: "Are you all ready?"

"East, ready." Lin Xiao said.He and Lin Zheng are in charge of the east.

"Xi Mian, the preparations are complete." Yan Ying said.He and Tian Lan are in charge of the west.

"North, ready." Cui Chengyun said.He and the two A teams are currently in charge of the back mountain in the north.

Lin Ling squeezed the walkie-talkie in her hand: "South, ready." As the main battlefield, she and her partner Qiu Chengying, who are the most powerful, are in charge of the south.

"There are still seven kilometers." Huang Xueyue's voice came out.

As for the city, Huang Xueyue is in charge, and her mental power will monitor and adapt accordingly.

As the core of this battle, besides Yue Yan, Huang Xueyue also has two A-level teams and five B-level teams to guard.

Lin Min, as the captain of the medical team and a fifth-order peak light-type superhuman, stayed in the city and was ready to treat the wounded coming from the front line at any time.

As for Qiu Lan, as a trump card, he is just a bystander in this war.

And the supernatural beings from the southern base are just bystanders.

Only Qiu Chengying and Lin Ling had really experienced the zombie siege here.Others have no experience at all.

Lin Ling believes in Lin Xiao's strength, but it doesn't mean that she believes that those partners who have experienced a couple of hundred at most will not be weak in the face of the wave-like army of zombies.

"There are still three kilometers." Huang Xueyue's cold voice brought her back to her senses.

Lin Ling and Qiu Chengying stood up at the same time and ordered: "Turn on the searchlights!"

Low-level zombies can't see and rely entirely on sound to identify their location, while high-level zombies have good night vision.

(End of this chapter)

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