Chapter 144 Partner (1) (National Day Chapter [-])
But it was not what she expected.

As I said before, the core of the bead is the pool of spiritual liquid that is only about one cubic meter in size. The spiritual energy in the bead space is diluted from here, and then radiates out, spreading throughout the entire space.

Where there is an exit, there is an entry. For 300 million years, the beads have continuously absorbed the spiritual energy from the outside world, and then compressed it into spiritual liquid for consumption in the space.

The conditions for turning spiritual energy into spiritual liquid are very strict, and the space itself needs to be supplied, so in millions of years, only so few beads have been accumulated, and the pool of one cubic meter was only filled to five points at its peak. Three or so.

In addition, in order to treat everyone who was seriously injured and comatose for a hundred years, Lin Ling accelerated the consumption of psychic fluid, so that when Xiaojing woke up, it was only more than one-tenth of it.

What will happen when the ectoplasm is completely consumed?

It's nothing, it's just that this small forest will be completely reduced to death, and even the space will start to reject living things other than Lin Ling.

This is too dangerous for those partners who are still unconscious.

Both Lin Ling and Xiaojing were not sure if someone from the Lingxiu family would come to them and recall what happened 200 years ago.

Therefore, in recent years, Lin Ling has slowed down consumption, keeping consumption and income at a balance as much as possible.

However, ten thousand years have passed, and now is no longer the era when a drop of spiritual liquid could be condensed in hundreds of years.

Xiaojing knew that Lin Ling was worried about the source of the spiritual liquid, but she had no choice but to watch helplessly as the water in the spiritual liquid pool dropped day by day.

Xiaojing, who sensed something was wrong with the spiritual liquid pool, naturally rushed over immediately.

However, what caught her eyes was the spiritual liquid that was slowly dripping into the pool drop by drop!
Xiaojing quickly judged the current situation of Lin Ling who was still outside.

Absorbing spiritual energy without any scruples and compressing it into spiritual liquid, it seems that sister Ling is already safe... and she is now in a place with a lot of spiritual energy.

A place with a lot of aura?

That's not right, at least on this planet, they have already traveled to places with a little more aura.

Could it be that elder sister Ling has gone to an alien planet?
Xiaojing, who was dragged by Qiu Chengying to watch various novels and movies, had her brains wide open.

How did elder sister Ling escape to an alien planet?

I don't know what the alien planet looks like, so I'll go out and have a look later?
No, no, sister Ling doesn't need to breathe, but she is a plant, and if she doesn't breathe, she will die.


I have to say that Xiaojing is pretty rough in a certain way (laughs).

real space.

This elemental resonance lasted for a whole day.

Lin Ling also sat there and absorbed the aura for the whole day.

Absorb, filter impurities through the body, send pure spiritual fluid into the space, discharge impurities, and circulate.

After about five or six hours, Lin Ling felt that the heavy pressure had eased a bit, at least it didn't take half an hour to stand up.

The degree of elemental resonance is based on Lin Ling's strength. Even if Lin Ling's strength becomes stronger in the future and the elemental resonance is triggered again, he will be immediately crushed to the ground.

Feeling that the aura began to dissipate, Lin Ling stopped absorbing it.

Taking a long breath, Lin Ling glanced inside the space, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the spirit liquid in the pool was already more than half full.

Very good, in this way, at least for 50 years, I don't have to worry about the loss of spiritual fluid.Lin Ling thought.

I really want to come back several times, so that not only can the small pool be filled, but it can even be expanded.

(End of this chapter)

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