Chapter 122 Preparation (5)

Xia Tran just shook his head at Lin Ling's question.

Like Lin Ling, he ran into this temporary team under a pseudonym.

Xia Zhuben's name is Xia Zhuzhi, and he is a member of Team A-00002. He was training, but was suddenly captured by Lin Ling and made a strong man.

Lin Ling has seen this mission and knows the danger of this mission. Even if there are six fourth-level masters, she can't easily take down these mutant animals, and she is tied up by herself, so she can't show too much strength, so she asked A "partner", commonly known as "shield", or "lookout".

As for "Xia Tran" and "Lin Qing", of course they don't exist, they are just fake identities arranged by Lin Xiao, but the data of these two people does exist in the background, otherwise they would not be able to accept the mission.

As for the issue of her identity being exposed, Lin Ling wasn't too worried.There are countless people with supernatural powers who come and go to pick up tasks in the base every day. Who will remember every one of them?Although there are not many Tier [-] supernatural beings, the number is still considerable.Even if you meet one or two new faces, you will just think that they are people who have been promoted from the third level at some point.

Seeing the confused faces of the two, Shen Qin asked in a low voice, "You don't know this child?"

Lin Ling shook his head.

"It seems that you have just come to Lingyu Base not long ago, and she is considered 'little famous' in our circle of supernatural beings." Shen Qin sighed, and said, "If it weren't for giving up the mission halfway, a lot of honor points and points would be deducted. , and I don't have many points, I really want to go back to the base right away... With the girl here, it is almost impossible to succeed in this mission."

"Is there something wrong with this girl named Yue Yan?" Xia Zhu frowned: "Isn't she a fourth-order supernatural being?"

"Of course it's a fourth-level power user, and she's a high-grade water-type power user." Shen Qin replied, "But her strength is not as good as that of a second-level power user. I heard that almost none of the teams that did missions with her before succeeded in their missions." , so there is no team to take her in. I heard from those who traveled with her that this kid always makes mistakes, loses the chain at critical moments, and always throws supernatural powers on his companions by mistake, he is simply a pig teammate!"

"But this girl does have a good brother, Nun, that is the sleeping man next to her, Wen Ou, is Yue Yan's half-brother, a fourth-level ice-type high-grade, powerful. For this reason Sister Ping, who rejected all invitations from the team, insisted on doing tasks for two people and collecting crystal cores for two people. Yan, Wen Ou has already reached the fifth level! Fifth level, maybe it will be reused by the base!"

"But it's also weird. The last time Yue Yan was promoted to Tier [-] and a bunch of Tier [-] and Tier [-] took on a simple mission, she not only failed the mission, but also suffered serious injuries. The scars on her face were still there. Anyway, after that, she Being squeezed out, Wen Ou never asked her to go on missions again. Why did she come here suddenly this time? The waiter who assigned the mission was probably new and didn't know her, otherwise it would be impossible to arrange her for this kind of mission. If it had been earlier Knowing that she is here, I will definitely not accept this task, even if I give ten times the reward!"

Lin Ling twitched the corner of her mouth.

She took a closer look at the girl in the hood, and the young man lying beside her who looked like he was in his twenties.

 Last night... no internet again...

(End of this chapter)

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