Chapter 74, Irrefutable

Liu Chuang didn't expect that this woman was Wei Potian's younger sister?
You know, I treated her like that just now, how will Wei Potian treat himself later?
Liu Chuang asked weakly at this time: "Then Yuan Xiaoxiong is your brother-in-law?"

When Wei Potian heard Liu Chuang's question, he immediately became furious.

Originally, what I did made my sister very angry, but now Liu Chuang is undoubtedly adding fuel to the volcano.

"Sister, uncle! Let me tell you, Liu Chuang, you can eat indiscriminately if you want, but you can't talk indiscriminately!"

Wei Potian scolded angrily.

At this time, Wei Potian wished he could slap Liu Chuang to death, because this guy talked nonsense and made trouble for himself.

At this time, Liu Chuang also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and then stopped talking.

"Sister Ling'er is all right?"

Wei Potian asked with great concern at this time.

However, the other party did not respond at this time, but after a while.

Then Wei Linger hesitantly said to Wei Potian: "Okay... a Wei... Potian, what are you talking about!"

Wei Ling'er finished these words with great difficulty, and then said unkindly to Wei Potian: "Still...don't...get me away!"

Wei Potian heard this, and then he was going to get Wei Potian away.

Wei Potian bent down, and said to Yuan Xiaoxiong angrily: "Yuan Xiaoxiong! What did you do to my sister?"

From Wei Potian's point of view, all of this is Yuan Xiaoxiong's fault, if Yuan Xiaoxiong hadn't shocked his sister, such a thing would not have happened.

Just when Wei Potian was about to move his sister away from Yuan Xiaoxiong's body, Yuan Xiaoxiong's body suddenly moved at this moment.

Then, pulled Wei Linger away, and stood up.

Because Yuan Xiaoxiong was electrocuted last time, his body has a little resistance to this electricity generation.

For this, Wei Linger stared wide-eyed.

Maybe he was surprised that the other party could still stand up, maybe the other party could stand up, but why was he still lying on the ground, taking advantage of him, or maybe Yuan Xiaoxiong was too rude to treat a beautiful woman like this?
Because of Wei Linger's awkwardness when speaking, her fierce eyes said everything.

Then Yuan Xiaoxiong said indifferently: "It's not what I do to him! It's what she wants to do to me? Don't think I'll do something to your sister just because your sister is a woman? You asked your sister what to do to her?" what did I do?"

After Yuan Xiaoxiong finished speaking, he continued to do what he hadn't done before.


Wei Linger yelled out these words from behind.

If her body hadn't been numb by Yuan Xiaoxiong's electric shock just now, Wei Linger would have made Yuan Xiaoxiong desperate.

Not to mention that the other party called me, the other party ignored me first, and then said these words to myself, which is enough to make Wei Linger fly into a rage.

Because when has Wei Linger been treated like this, when has Wei Linger been in such a mess?
When Wei Linger was able to move her body, she came to Yuan Xiaoxiong's side angrily, and asked Yuan Xiaoxiong angrily, "Tell me what I did to you? If you can't explain clearly, don't Blame me for being rude to you?"

Wei Linger threatened.

Yuan Xiaoxiong was very helpless when he heard this.

But Yuan Xiaoxiong asked indifferently: "Is this what you said?"

Wei Linger nodded, wanting to see what Yuan Xiaoxiong would say.

"You ask the bodyguard to block the door first, and say that no one is allowed to enter! I am my dormitory, so it has nothing to do with me. I think you are the one who has nothing to do with it?"

After talking about this matter, Yuan Xiaoxiong continued: "How did I come in? Do I need to report to you? And who are you, do I need to know? It's like the whole world knows you! I know Your family is very rich, but there are many rich people in this world!"

Yuan Xiaoxiong didn't let the other party interrupt, but continued to say: "If you don't touch me, why would I shock you? I did it out of helplessness, purely in self-defense!"

Wei Linger wanted to refute Yuan Xiaoxiong's words, but she didn't know what to say.

Subconsciously, he raised his leg high.

Yuan Xiaoxiong saw this, and then said to the other party: "You still don't touch me, if I release the discharge later, I will control myself!"

Hearing this, Wei Linger stopped her legs.

Then he gritted his teeth and said: " remember it!"

After saying this, he said to Wei Potian: "And you! I will take care of you too!"

When passing by Liu Chuang, he just kicked Liu Chuang's shoulder.

Liu Chuang didn't know that Wei Potian's sister was so powerful, so he didn't react for a while.

So this kick hit Liu Chuang in the neck.

Liu Chuang's body tilted slightly after being kicked, and then he seemed to be a normal person.

As for Wei Ling'er originally wanted to vent to Liu Chuang, who told him to say such shameless and obscene words to him just now.

But after this kick, Wei Linger was also very confused, because the other party was kicked by herself like a normal person, on the contrary, it was her own kick just now that hurt, she just felt like she was kicked on a steel plate Like above!
This undoubtedly made Wei Linger very angry, but he was too embarrassed to say it.

After all, she's not that brazen if she says she's doing it herself, but she's talking about others instead.

Then Wei Linger limped, slammed the door and left.

Of course, Liu Chuang also looked confused at this time.

Because he doesn't feel anything at all!

Liu Chuang didn't know that his body was already as hard as a steel plate.

These are all these days of exercise, which have gradually developed the potential of the genes in his body.

After Wei Ling'er left, Liu Chuang sighed to Wei Potian at this moment: "Your sister looks quite skilled, but she's still a woman, she doesn't have much strength!"

Hearing this, Wei Potian's eyes widened.

Because he knows how fierce his sister is.

But thinking that all of these people are beyond ordinary people, Wei Potian calmed down this time, and immediately chased them out.

After Wei Potian left, at this time Liu Chuang said triumphantly to Yuan Xiaoxiong: "Boy! Do you think that girl likes me! That kick actually showed mercy to all of my subordinates?"

Of course Yuan Xiaoxiong knew the reason, he was very speechless at this moment, because this guy was unavoidably a little narcissistic.

Yuan Xiaoxiong ignored Liu Chuang.

As for Liu Chuang at this time, he is dreaming of marrying Bai Fumei and going to the pinnacle of his life from then on.

PS: Jump in time and let those teammates who got rich come back.

As for the beautiful president adding some drama, otherwise it would be difficult to write, and of course the content will be changed magically. As for the ending, I have thought about many kinds.

(End of this chapter)

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