Super Seminary I can absorb radiation

Chapter 69, I want to move bricks with you

Chapter 69, I Want to Move Bricks with You

After the training, Yuan Xiaoxiong returned to the dormitory after eating.

Apart from Lena having some communication with herself, Yuan Xiaoxiong basically didn't communicate with anyone.

Yuan Xiaoxiong then returned to the dormitory. He didn't take a shower, because Yuan Xiaoxiong didn't sweat a little during the whole training process.

After Yuan Xiaoxiong lay down, he opened his Moments on his mobile phone.

Soon he saw the circle of friends of those three people.

Ge Xiaolun: Damn!I didn't expect that I was just a scumbag in the ultrasound, and I was so awesome. I didn't expect that I would catch up with the school sports meeting today!When I was training today, I threw a shot put on the playground. I threw the shot put and then I don't know where it went!When I saw that shot put, I didn't want to throw it out of the school!
For Ge Xiaolun, Yuan Xiaoxiong was not surprised at all.

Xin Zhao: When I went back, because there was no car that I didn't catch up with, I ran behind with my luggage. Huang Tian paid off, I caught up with him, but the car had already arrived!I just discovered that I also have superpowers!This is not only [-] meters, but I have persisted! Σ(⊙▽⊙"a
Cheng Yaowen: After I went back, I was scolded by my father, saying that I am not material to save the world, I must have been cheated!It was only later that I discovered that I am not really the material to save the world, but the material to be a rich man!My dad later told me to go to the construction site to move bricks with him. I didn’t go east. I actually moved the amount of more than ten people by myself, and I didn’t feel any fatigue. I think I can do twenty people. no problem!Because I moved a lot, I received ten times more wages than others!My daily salary is more than ten times that of others!I took more than 5000 yuan in a few days!If I were to do 20 people tomorrow, wouldn’t I earn more than [-] a day, and if the annual income is calculated according to this, wouldn’t I have to earn more than one million a year!I'm really not the material to save the world, I'm really the material to be a rich man!Coming back seems to be a very wise choice!

When Yuan Xiaoxiong saw this, there were black lines all over his face. If Ducao and Ruiz knew about it, they would probably vomit blood out of anger. With such superpowers, you actually went to move bricks?

This is simply killing chickens with a sledgehammer!
"Nimma? Can you make so much money by moving bricks? Can you still become a millionaire?"

Yuan Xiaoxiong and his head are very big at this time, because of the circumstances.

The treatment is really good, and Yuan Xiaoxiong even wants to move bricks, because the income is indeed very high!
Seeing this, Xin Zhao also left a message: Yaowen, where are you moving bricks, let's form a group together!I think I can move that much too!If that's the case, I, Xin Zhao, will finally become a rich man!
Ge Xiaolun also left a message: Yes!Doesn't it seem that reading is of no use?I'll go move bricks with you too, and if it goes on like this, I can also live in a villa!
Xin Zhao: Brother Xiong!Is that together?Don't save the world, Brother Xiong, I think you can too, join me and make big money!

Yuan Xiaoxiong was moved when he heard this.

However, he thought that he only had so few abilities, so it would be useless to go there, but with his own speed, it doesn't matter at all to participate in the Olympics.

It is not a problem to get a few gold medals.

However, the leaders of this super seminary will definitely not allow themselves to participate. Isn't this letting a college student come to kindergarten to study?
Like Cheng Yaowen, after all, he bought it with his own labor, but he obviously violated the rules!

After thinking of these, Yuan Xiaoxiong felt extremely bitter in his heart.

Because such a good way to get rich is gone!
Yuan Xiaoxiong wanted to hang out with them a little bit, because if he had money, he wouldn't suffer here.

And hearing that those three people could earn so much money, Yuan Xiaoxiong still felt a little jealous in his heart.

"People are better than people! It's really maddening! Why should I come to save the world?"

At this time, Yuan Xiaoxiong felt very regretful in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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