Super Seminary I can absorb radiation

Chapter 68, It's terrible to be uneducated

Chapter 68, It's terrible to be uneducated (recommended and rewarded)
At this time, there are still so many people.

Seeing Yuan Xiaoxiong come to their side in no time, this made them look enviously, because in their opinion, this is super power.

Indeed, it is unbelievable that ordinary people can do it, even those Olympic sprint champions may not be able to have such a fast speed.

At this time, these people were panting heavily. If they ran [-] meters without panting, they would be Yuan Xiaoxiong.

Yuan Xiaoxiong quickly set his sights on Qiangwei.

Firstly, Qiangwei was pretty, and secondly, it was my brothers who had promised me to take all these beauties. Of course, Yuan Xiaoxiong also had such intentions.

At this time, Qiangwei was panting heavily, obviously, he was also very overwhelmed.

The sweat had already soaked his body, if he took it off, it would definitely not be said, as it could be squeezed out of water.

At this moment, Qiangwei was panting heavily, her chest was violently heaving, it looked very sexy.

Yuan Xiaoxiong then came to Qiangwei's side, and said to Qiangwei, "That you want me to help you?"

Yuan Xiaoxiong asked.

After a while, Qiangwei didn't say anything, completely treating Yuan Xiaoxiong as air.

However, Yuan Xiaoxiong had already expected all of this, because it was very normal for Qiangwei to have such a reaction. However, would it be very abnormal if there was no such reaction?

Just when Yuan Xiaoxiong felt discouraged, Qiangwei asked coldly: "Why did you help me?"

"They're all classmates! It's only natural to help each other!"

Yuan Xiaoxiong explained.

"I don't need your help! You should help others!"

Qiangwei rejected Yuan Xiaoxiong to Hu.

Just when Yuan Xiaoxiong was about to leave, he ran over panting, and said to Yuan Xiaoxiong: "That brother! If she doesn't help, you can help me! We seem to be classmates too! Don't worry , I will cooperate with you very much. The [-] meters is too difficult to run. My legs are broken, so you can help me! Between classmates, what did you just say... No help each other?"

It was Liu Chuang who spoke at this time, and Liu Chuang was panting heavily at this time, looking like a tired pug.

Hearing this, Qiangwei echoed at this time: "This is what you said just now! Don't you think you said this because you want to have sex with me?"

After hearing this, Yuan Xiaoxiong knew that he had fallen into Qiangwei's trap.

Not enough, the words spoken are like water poured out, how can they be collected back!

So Yuan Xiaoxiong reluctantly agreed.

He secretly scolded Qiangwei as a scheming bitch in his heart, isn't this clearly cheating himself?
However, this Liu Chuang was number one, and he had a very good relationship with Gao Hao, which comforted Yuan Xiaoxiong's heart a little.

Yuan Xiaoxiong clicked on the panel in his mind, and then the whole person was immersed in that mood.

Afterwards, Liu Chuang was never like this.

This speed was too fast, and it was a kind of torture for Liu Chuang, because the face that had just been blown by the wind hurt.

If it were someone else, it would probably be even worse.

Therefore, along the way, Liu Chuang let out screams like killing a pig.

The voice was very miserable, as if being tortured by inhumans.

Originally, those people were envious of Liu Chuang being treated like this, but after hearing the other party's screams like killing a pig, these people no longer envied them, but felt pity for Liu Chuang instead.

Because from that voice, it can be known that it must have been tortured inhumanly.

Although he arrived at the destination soon, Liu Chuang looked very embarrassed at this time.

"What have I been through?"

At this time, Liu Chuang was very puzzled.

Then, Liu Chuang looked at Yuan Xiaoxiong, and said angrily, "What did you do to me?"

Liu Chuang's tone was very angry at this time, because in his opinion, there was nothing wrong with the other party, but he had been cut like countless knives on his body.

Moreover, his clothes were riddled with holes, and the other party seemed to have nothing wrong with them.

Seeing this, Lena walked over aggressively, and the high heels made a rattling sound on the ground.

"Hmph... really no brains! That speed is so fast! If there is no protection, the body will naturally be hurt. You have to know how much resistance you have to overcome at that speed, so the wind is like a blow. The knife made your clothes look like this, the reason why you were not injured is because your body is strong enough, if you are an ordinary person, you would have been cut into ribs by that Gangfeng!"

Liu Chuang didn't understand these words at all, because he didn't have much culture.

"What do you mean? Why didn't I understand?"

"I mean, because he's so fast and the force is mutual, those points are like a knife cutting your body!" Reina explained.

"The effects of internal force are mutual, you can play me! Don't think that you can deceive me because I don't study much! If you follow your example, when I hit you, you also hit me. How is this possible? Then we What else do adults do?"

Leina was very speechless when she heard this, because the other party didn't know such knowledge, and was even said to be profound knowledge.

Finally, Reina sighed helplessly.

"Uneducated! Terrible!"

Although Liu Chuang was very angry at Leina's contempt, but Liu Chuang dared not speak out, because Liu Chuang still had a little self-knowledge and knew that he was not the opponent of this woman in front of him.

After Liu Chuang's encounter, Yuan Xiaoxiong didn't help other people at this time, because other people's health is not as good as Liu Chuang's, so what if he waits for his own life?
Moreover, seeing Liu Chuang's appearance, even if he helped other people, he dared not allow anyone to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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