Correct use of chakra

Chapter 5 Laboratory

Chapter 5 Laboratory

Huan Lian practiced at the Ninja School during the day, and returned to Orochimaru's place to continue practicing with him at night.He didn't have many friends at school, and he was used to being treated coldly wherever a person from another village went.

On the contrary, he felt a little relaxed when he returned to Dashewan's residence. Although the cultivation here was more difficult, he could do whatever he wanted.Dashewan didn't care about other things except his practice, so that Huanlian could have free space.

In the past two months, Huanlian has learned the basic methods of using chakra, including the extraction of his own chakra, the convergence of spiritual energy, and various individual "seal" methods.

Orochimaru crammed him with Ninja School lessons, teaching several times more than in school a day, but Huan Lian didn't have a single complaint, he studied and practiced silently, and he didn't fall asleep until midnight every day.

As soon as the sun rises in the morning, he will get up and exercise, then go to Yile to eat a bowl of ramen and go to school.

After class, others can still play for a while, but he has to go back directly to receive training.

He returned to the residence with his bag on his back and turned on the light, but he didn't see a familiar figure.Orochimaru should be waiting here on weekdays, why did he miss the appointment inexplicably today?

In doubt, Huan Lian vaguely saw that a corner of the floor was slightly raised, and a little yellow light pierced out of it.The light is very faint, like the only firefly on the wasteland.

Out of curiosity, he squatted down and gently moved the floor, but he was able to move!
He became short of breath, and with more force in his hands, he pushed the floor away, and there was a layer of stairs leading directly to the bottom.There are lights on both sides, and the light just now is the dim light of the lights.

Huan Lian took a deep breath, his lungs expanded violently, and his heart beat wildly!

If you guessed right, this is the underground laboratory of Orochimaru.Do you want to go?

After struggling for a while, Huan Lian finally gritted his teeth and decided to go in to see what happened.Because he suddenly thought, if the principle of ninjutsu is thoroughly studied, with the power of science, can it be possible to create a near-perfect ninjutsu?

Thinking of this, he strengthened his determination, stepped inside, and did not forget to move the floor back to its original position after entering.

The space inside is not big, and the aisle is only two or three people side by side. After walking to the end, you can see several rooms closed by iron doors on both sides, and you can see the end at a glance.

Obviously this is not the main research site, probably because it was built occasionally when I couldn't hold back my thirst for knowledge at home?
Keen Huanlian smelled the familiar smell of chemical reagents, no matter which world he was in, the elements that make up the substance would not change.

He carefully looked through the railings on the iron gate, and sure enough, Orochimaru was inside.The upright figure in the ninja suit turned his back to Huan Lian, and was carefully mixing the two reagents.

On the table in front of him were several bottles of reagents of different colors, and the clear liquid was flowing with faint waves.A thick snake lay in a glass box beside it. Its body was coiled in a circle, but its head was sensitively poking around.

Except for the table and simple equipment, there are only walls left on all sides. There are several anatomical diagrams and meridian diagrams of the human body hanging on the walls, and lamps are lit in the corners.

There is a sour smell wafting from the test tube, with a pungent smell.

Just when Huan Lian wanted to see more clearly, a small snake suddenly jumped out from behind the iron railing, its slender and cold eyes were like sharp needles, and it opened its bloody mouth.

Huan Lian turned pale with shock, fell to the ground, and yelled "Ah".Fear flickered in his eyes, as if a snake was swimming away on his back, chills pierced his bones.

"Huan Lian, your vigilance is not enough." Dashewan pushed open the iron gate, and the little snake landed on Dashewan's shoulder, and Huanlian realized that the eyes of the two were exactly the same.

For a moment, Huan Lian didn't know what to say, he sat on the ground, feeling that his hands and feet had lost strength.

"This is my laboratory, which is used to develop new ninjutsu. As my disciple, you can take a look." Orochimaru seemed very relaxed, "When you come in, the snake climbing on the top Already told me."

Thinking of the snakes crawling over his head, Huan Lian couldn't help shivering.

"I did it because I saw..."

"I know." Orochimaru interrupted him, "Only a curious person can go further on the road to the truth. If you want to be powerless in the face of death, you need the ability to resist death." Power, which, coincidentally, I was also looking for."

Huan Lian understood, the concealed floor was to test Huan Lian, to see if he would come in.He didn't know whether he was qualified or not, but looking at Orochimaru, it seemed that his choice was correct.

Orochimaru had an evil feeling when he laughed, he stretched out his hand to help Huanlian up.

"Come in." He took the initiative to let Huan Lian in.

Huan Lian smelled a more pungent smell, and even felt a little dizzy, "Is this nitric acid?" He vaguely discerned the transparent liquid in his confusion.

Orochimaru was surprised: "You know it."

"Someone in the village taught me this."

"Oh?" Orochimaru looked at him suspiciously, and closed the lid smoothly, he could see that Huan Lian was a little dizzy from the suffocating irritating smell.

Huan Lian continued: "It is highly corrosive and easy to decompose. It is a very dangerous thing."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, as if he had picked up a treasure, and his smile became more obvious: "I'm developing a kind of medical ninjutsu, and I need to use this thing, but it's really unstable. There have been some accidents recently... ..."

"Could it be a problem with the concentration?"


"that is……"


The two of them were discussing in this way, time passed unconsciously, Dashewan became more and more excited the more he listened, his eager eyes stared at Huanlian without moving a bit.

He looked at Huan Lian and his heart was trembling.

Suddenly, Orochimaru said leisurely: "You can't learn this in the village, right? However, no matter where you come into contact with this, a five-year-old child can remember so many things, you are amazing. Follow me from now on Do experiments and be my assistant."

He sent out the invitation directly, and Huan Lian was stunned for a moment, so he started to be Dashewan's assistant?Isn't this the job of stealing pockets?
But this is an opportunity, and he must seize it.

Huan Lian thought about it carefully, then raised his head and said, "I want to learn the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand, Orochimaru... Teacher."

"Snake Hand, with your current chakra and control ability, you can't master it yet. I will teach you when you pass the test of the ninja school."

"I want to learn, at least before passing the school test." Huan Lian's tone was firm, and his small body stood upright.

(End of this chapter)

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