Correct use of chakra

Chapter 31 Return to the battlefield

Chapter 31 Return to the battlefield
Two days later, Tsunade returned to Konoha with the rope tree.

After resting for a few days, Naoshu will return to the battlefield the next day after celebrating his birthday.

At this time, he was still thinking about the battle ahead, and even Tsunade seemed helpless. In Tsunade's eyes, Nakoki was still a child after all, so what would happen to her if something happened.

Although she tried her best to stop him, how could the heart of a hot-blooded man be stopped.

Naruto returned to the camp impatiently, and Tsunade accepted another assignment.

She personally sent her farewell to the gate of the village, and told her thousands of times: "You have to be careful, don't be impulsive when you encounter problems, and run for your life when you encounter danger."

"Why do you keep letting me run for my life? I'm a man. Don't worry, I'll come back. After all, I'm the grandson of the first Hokage grandpa!" Naoki gave a thumbs up and smiled confidently.

Then he was on his way.

In just one day, Shengshu returned to the camp.

"The rope tree is back, so fast." A Chunin said unexpectedly.

"Yeah, the task here is almost finished, I can't give up at the last moment." Naoki laughed, "Where is Master Orochimaru?"

"He went on a mission, and the command from the commander said that today is the last day. The ninjas who engaged in spying in the country of birds have almost been cleaned up, and some remnants went to the country of rain to take refuge. We want to go back to the original to the battlefield."

The man first talked about the next plan, and then explained the cause and effect.

It turned out that after nearly ten days of cleaning up, the loss of the number of ninjas finally made Iwanin feel powerless, so he adopted an evasive strategy, which means that Konoha's actions have achieved their effect.

With the adoption of the above strategic plan, the ninjas of the Bird Country were recalled.

Of course, in addition to this reason, there is another important reason that the front is tight, and the third generation of Kazekage has joined the battlefield!

The troops in front were blocked from the protection of the third generation of Kazekage when they had gained a great advantage over the sand ninja. This one person made Konoha suffer a lot.

Sheng Shu nodded, knowing it well, and suddenly asked, "Where's Huan Lian?"

"He's practicing now." Saying that, the Chunin pointed to a high ground not far away.

After being ambushed, Huan Lian did not dare to go deep into the forest alone, and instead practiced in the open field near the camp.

He remembered that Naruto had done amazing training through the shadow clone technique, because the experience of the shadow clone would be added to the original body, so the practice was more effective with half the effort.

For Naruto who possesses Nine-Tails Chakra, it is the only way to speed up his practice.

Although Huanlian does not have so many chakras, after inheriting the body of the Uzumaki family, the potential of cell fusion is huge, which makes his chakras also increase sharply, and after refining, he uses the same ninjutsu every time The amount is only half of others!
He asked Orochimaru to teach him the shadow clone technique, and now he can separate two people to practice together.

On the high ground, there are weathered rocks everywhere. Occasionally, one or two stubborn trees stand bent in the wind, like old people who are dying.

Huan Lian is honing his physical skills. Most of his loopholes in combat come from his lack of fighting skills. His weak physical skills lead to him always being taken advantage of.

He swung his fists, taking the imaginary opponent in the air as an enemy, and threw his whole body into it.After several attacks, he began to train his physical fitness again.

Then practice repeatedly until the whole body starts to feel sore and the face is covered with sweat.


Just as he was concentrating on training, a sharp voice pierced the air, and several shurikens flew out of nowhere.

Huan Lian was startled, he turned several somersaults to avoid this direct and fierce attack.

Someone is obviously coming for him, who is it?
"You are still very sharp." Zhishu appeared from behind the rock and praised.

Seeing that it was Naoki, Huan Lian's nervousness disappeared instantly, but he was really frightened.

"Almost got stabbed! Can you stop doing such a dangerous thing!" Shouting at the culprit, Shengshu.

If you didn't dodge just now, it would be really dangerous.

"Then you should try this too..." Huan Lian suddenly smiled, raising his eyebrows mysteriously.

Sheng Shu had a bad heart, and turned around quickly, only to see two phantom chains descending from the sky at the same time, each punching at them.

"Shadow clone?" Zhishu recognized the difference in this clone, and retreated quickly, rubbing a road of dust on the ground, and the place where he was standing was full of rubble, and a big hole was punched out.

He was shocked: "You are... the strange power of my sister!"

"Not yet, I just borrowed a little bit of usage, and I only learned the superficiality after studying for so many days."

Although Huan Lian said this modestly, in Sheng Shu's eyes, what a breakthrough this was.Strange power is not something that can be learned just by learning. It requires extremely powerful chakra control ability. Tsunade knows how to control it because he is also one of the best medical ninjas.

And only she knows the method of control and outbreak.

Huan Lian has mastered this level only by his own research, which has already surprised him.

"It seems that you are really a genius at learning." Zhishu also had to admit.

It's just that Huan Lian is still young, if he grows up, maybe he can become a shadow.

After a long time, Shengshu recovered from the shock, "By the way, look at this!" He pointed to his neck, where a fine thread was tied, pulled along the thread, and a crystal amulet-like thing came out.

Huan Lian recognized it at a glance, it was the necklace of the first generation of Hokage, a priceless treasure.

"You don't know what this is, do you? I was shocked when I got it. This is the necklace of Grandpa Hokage. It means that my sister agrees with me. She always treats me like a child. It is not easy to get her approval. . " Rope said excitedly, for him, Tsunade's approval is really rare.

"Yeah, it's that woman after all."

The two continued to chat, chatting about their reunion.

Suddenly, a signal came from the tent below, which was the signal for assembly.At this time, there is only one possibility, they are about to set off.

Seeing that the sun in the sky is about to sink, and it will be evening soon, the action at this time is to rush to the border at night, so that it will be safer.

When Huanlian and Shengshu went back, Orochimaru had already returned to the camp, and everyone was there.

After simply saying hello to Naoki, everyone set off.Still divided into several teams to act, Orochimaru and Huanlian were in a group, and everyone else was divided into groups of three to four.

There is a distance between the teams, but they are not completely independent from other teams, which can not only ensure the smooth communication, but also be flexible when situations arise.

Ready to stop, the commander ordered to go.

All the ninjas left according to the arrangement, and Orochimaru and Huanlian were still the last group, following at the end of the team.

(End of this chapter)

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