Correct use of chakra

Chapter 1 War Orphan

Chapter 1 War Orphan
Rainstorms in Yuren Village always come as soon as they are said, black clouds are long, silver lightning flashes, and the rain pours down.

Some people jokingly say that it rains only once a year, but once a year.

Looking at the torrential rain outside the cave, Luo Huanlian's expression was dignified and silent, everything in the distance was washed away by the rain, and the cold water vapor invaded his thin clothes, making him tremble after trembling.

The grass at the entrance of the cave was rustled by the crackling raindrops, and the splashed water instantly smashed into pieces.

A dazzling white light flashed in the distance, tearing a gap in the dull iron sky.A few seconds later, the sound of a thunderstorm boomed in my ears.

A wry smile appeared on Luo Huanlian's face.

"Damn it! It really is Yuren Village, and it's the age of war."

In his previous life, he was a technical talent who studied science, and because of an accident, he traveled to the world of Naruto.

Occasionally watching some anime, he knows a little bit about Naruto, and knows that it is the Second Ninja World War at this moment, and he is now in the central battlefield of the first stage of the war - Urenin Village.

"The current body is only five years old, and it is inconvenient to do anything. And I don't know any ninjutsu, so it is difficult to live. Will God play me like this..."

At this moment, his identity is Na Luo Huan Lian, a war orphan.

The assassination technique of Yuren Village is very developed, so it often accepts commissions from other countries to carry out various types of assassination missions.His parents died surrounded by the enemy while performing their mission.

For the past ten days or so, he barely survived on the food he brought from the dilapidated village, just a few slices of bread a day.

Fortunately, at this moment, his body has not yet developed, and he does not need a lot of food.

He tried every means to go to Konoha. In this war, the Land of Fire is the biggest winner, and it is the safest place for Huan Lian.

But it didn't go well along the way.

Countless ninjas gathered in Yuren Village. They slaughtered wantonly here, even children. If Huanlian was discovered, he would die.

To be on the safe side, Huan Lian walked carefully along the mountain, hiding, rushing, hiding, and rushing every day, and he didn't go far in the past few days.

The torrential rain outside was too heavy to hurry, so he began to exercise his body.

Fell down on the spot, Huan Lian did push-ups, his tiny arms burst out with astonishing strength, and his body heaved up and down.

"One, two, three... 41, 42..."

He felt his cold body gradually warming up, and he was a little tired, but his spirit was refreshed.

"44, forty...five, huh, huh, fifty..." Huan Lian gritted his teeth and insisted, his face was flushed, his arms were trembling slightly, his whole body was stiff, and he used all his strength to fight against the ground.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly rolled to the side.

Huan Lian was panting violently, hiding behind the stone, trembling with fear.He just hid vigilantly when he heard movement outside the cave entrance.

"Is anyone there?" Not long after, a childish voice came from the entrance of the cave.

is a child?Huan Lian didn't answer, just looked around quietly.

Against the gloomy and gloomy background, the face of the person coming could not be seen clearly, but it was vaguely discernible that they were three older children in their teens. They were carrying earthen pots, some food in their hands, and a puddle of water under their feet.

They also came to the cave to hide from the rain.

"Hi, we don't have any malicious intentions. My name is Yahiko. This is Nagato and Konan, exiles from Urenin Village. Come here to hide from the rain." The leading boy continued to say tentatively, and at the same time, walked in.

Huan Lian relaxed his vigilance, walked out, and saw the three people in front of him clearly.

Xiaonan has blue-purple hair, slightly slanted bangs in front, and a few strands on both sides reaching to her shoulders. Her face is somewhat melancholy and mysterious, and she looks like a rose trembling in the rain.

On the other side, Nagato's red hair almost covered his eyes, and he stood silently, with the rain dripping down his body.

The leader, Yahiko, has flamboyant short hair. His eyes are different from those of the other two. There is no obedience or depression, no shrinking back and carelessness. In the era of flames of war, the most intense fire is actually in the eyes of this child!
Standing in front of the two of them with his small but stubborn body, it could be seen that he was also afraid until Huan Lian showed his face, but he stubbornly wanted to protect the two companions.

"Hey, is it a child?"

"My name is Huanlian, and I'm also from Yuren Village."

Although Huan Lian had seen Hokage in his previous life, his understanding was really limited, and he didn't even know the three people who changed the fate of the ninja world in front of him.

Yahiko was obviously relieved, he laughed, and greeted like a big brother: "Sorry, the rain is too heavy, and we also want to hide from the rain here." He looked around and said to Huanlian, " We have some food, let me give you some."

"No, I have it myself."

"It's okay, it's just a gift." Yahiko pointed to Xiao Nan, who smiled softly, and took out a large piece of bread from his side.

It was a great blessing to find the same clan during the war. They were very happy to see each other, especially Huan Lian. After walking for so many days, it was the first time they saw their own people.

The four of them sat together, and Yahiko played the role of an older brother, and he distributed the food.

Huan Lian also got some dried meat and a piece of bread.

They hid from the rain for a while, felt hungry, and started to eat.

"In the war between big countries, in the end, it is small countries that are hurt. Yuyin is like a crying child! How annoying!" Yahiko bit his food, looking at Yumu with ruthlessness in his heart.

"In this world, the weak prey on the strong. If Yuyin is strong enough, it won't be like this. Someone always has to bear the pain of war. Whose turn will it be?" Huan Lian sighed.

Yahiko seemed surprised: "You are only five or six years old, you can see it so thoroughly."

"Uh... this... I heard from the people in the village."

"Forget it, forget it." Yahiko waved his hand, "We are going to learn ninjutsu and become a ninja, what about you? Do you want to come with us?"

"I plan to go to the Land of Fire, it should be safer there."

Nagato and Konan were taken aback, and Yahiko jumped up directly: "You are going to our enemy's country? Don't you know that there are many Konoha ninjas among those who destroyed our homeland?"

Xiaonan pulled Yahiko back: "He's still young." She smiled softly, and then said to Huanlian, "Let's go together, we don't have to go to the Land of Fire to survive, as long as we are together."

Huan Lianxin said: I have traveled to my second life, so I can't waste it. The resources and environment here are not as good as Konoha, so forget it.

"Thank you sister, but I still want to go to Konoha." Huan Lian smiled, but still refused.

"Hmph, stinky brat!" Yahiko suddenly yelled, "I will rebuild Yuyin and end all wars in this world, just wait and see! If you want to come back then, you have to... um... Give me back my bread!"

Yahiko was full of ambition, and when he spoke, his eyes flashed like fire, like lava flowing.He is like a flame that keeps burning even in the rain, so active and tenacious.

Huan Lian felt that he seemed to be able to create miracles.

(End of this chapter)

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