Chapter 95
It will be available at 52:[-] noon tomorrow, which is [-]:[-] this week...

Emmm... It's a testimonial, I really don't know how to write it.

Don't write, I feel that something is missing, and I don't know what to write when I write.

I can only say that I hope everyone can subscribe more, although I also know that it is not easy...

I have always felt that as long as the writing is good, everyone will naturally be willing to support it.

I still remember that the first book I fully ordered was called "The Poor Ghost's Up and Down 2000".

However, my book is not to that level. I always feel that what I write can only be at a normal level.

It's not too good-looking, and it's not too ugly. It doesn't have too many poisonous points, but it doesn't have too many explosive points.

The main reason for this is that alien beast literature is not my strong point...

To be honest, it is really difficult for the protagonist to interact with others with a head of Godzilla. I think every day that the main character has something to do with it. Only after fighting monsters has leveled up, the head is bald...

It's really difficult to write least I think I've written so far, and there are many things I'm not satisfied with, but I don't have the ability to change it.

It's hard to be strong, but it's easy to admit that you're a waste.

As long as I admit that I am a waste, I don't have to think about changing the text, and I don't have to be bald!
Eh!I am trash!
PS: I think it would be nice to have 200 for the first order.

Of course, after more than 50 subscriptions, one update will be added for every [-] subscriptions.

To be honest, I don’t even know if there are 200 first orders~
If you give a reward, the reward of ten thousand coins will be added. After all, I don’t think I’m worth so much money. If I don’t add more, the money will not be secure!
Attached water friend group: 719110284, there are not many rules in the book group, don't drive and it's over~
Well, I hope everyone can support the first order tomorrow if possible, Rui Sibai!

(End of this chapter)

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