
Chapter 374 I'm Pretty Pretty

Chapter 374 I'm Pretty Pretty
Pei Lang was not in a hurry, clapped his hands, and a masked and barefoot dancer stepped out from the darkness. Her waist was softer than silk, her eyes were brighter than the stars in the sky, and her skin was smoother than milk. And her small jade-like hands lightly hold a dagger, dancing in place with the beat, and the flying skirt seems to lift every man's heart.

Pei Lang stroked his beard and said with a chuckle, "I heard that Grandma Gongsun's sword dance was unparalleled in the world. I only regret that I was born at an untimely time and couldn't see it. Fortunately, there are Qianqian girls in the world. Beautiful women are rare. The vulgar Zhang Daebao We might as well talk about it later, how about enjoying a section of Qianqian girl's sword dance first?"

The nerd is not sure what kind of medicine is being sold in this old fox's gourd. Maybe he wants to seduce himself with this girl named Qianqian? She is indeed an out-and-out beauty, adding one point is too much, and subtracting one point is too little, and she is also a dance major, with amazing flexibility, and her dancing posture is even more exciting, but the most wonderful thing is still Her face half covered by the veil, who said that what you can't get is the best. Not only did her behavior not make her look pale, but it also added a sense of mystery, as if there was only one. The kitten is constantly scratching your heart, in order to lift the veil, even the men present have the idea of ​​paying all the price.

Those beautiful bare feet kept spinning on the ground, stepping on every beat accurately, and her strong and elastic calves appeared and disappeared under the skirt, which made every man's blood spurt , she is like an elf under the moonlight, her every move has a breathtaking beauty.

Mr. Pei treats guests to look at his thighs, of course someone would not be polite, but after watching for a long while, the head of escort Zhang's eyes suddenly froze, and cold sweat ran down his back. He was still thinking about sex before. Is it because the style is too low, and I didn't realize that I was really too young until now.

If the flat head was the first test question Pei Lang set for him when he entered the door, then this beautiful and enchanting dancer at this moment is the second test left for him.

The music gradually subsided, and Qianqian's figure also stopped still. She put away the dagger in her hand, turned her head and smiled at the otaku, "Can the little girl's clumsy dancing posture still catch the eye of a big escort?" There is a hint of hoarseness, as if it was born like this, but it is not unpleasant, but hides an indescribable charm.

The nerd knows that this thing is called a smoke voice, and the sexy Hollywood goddess Scarlett Johansson feels the same way when she speaks, rubbing her nose and smiling bitterly, "If this kind of dance can only be called clumsy, then I really don't know what it is. Is there any good dancing in the world?"

Qianqian seemed very happy to hear that, and took two steps forward, sweetly said, "Really, is my dancing posture really that beautiful?"

Escort Zhang sighed, "It's not just beautiful, it's terribly beautiful."

Qianqian finally stopped when she heard the words, and a look of surprise appeared in her big eyes that were as bright as stars, "When did you find out?"

"Although your calf is beautiful, what is even more beautiful is the dagger in your hand."

"Is this a dagger?" Qianqian took out the dagger from her bosom again, and giggled, "I just bought this dagger at a blacksmith shop in the city this afternoon. It's nothing more than ordinary. It's only two taels of silver, and you haven't even started yet, no matter how sharp your eyes are, what can you see from it?"

"That short sword is nothing, but your sword dance is very interesting, girl. I know that you deliberately danced this short sword in a mess in order to hide your identity, and you didn't use your internal strength to prevent me from seeing your body. You have martial arts skills, but you have forgotten that a person who often uses a sword will always be a little different from others when he holds the sword." The otaku explained.

"What's the difference?" Qianqian asked.

"Sword Intent, you have Sword Intent on your body. To be honest, this is the first time I have encountered such a pure Sword Intent. It is said that less than one tenth of the masters who use swords have reached the level of perfection can comprehend Sword Intent. And such a pure sword intent may not be one in a hundred people, I only have one question now, you seem to be about the same age as me, how did you develop such a deadly sword intent."

"Because Miss Qianqian is one of the most outstanding disciples of Hongxiu Mansion's generation." Pei Lang finally spoke, and explained to the otaku with a smile, "Don't be angry, Chief Zhang, this..."

The otaku smiled bitterly, "I know what you want to say, this Qianqian girl must have heard you mention me, and felt a little unconvinced, so she wanted to find a chance to have a look at me, Mr. Pei, don't worry, I'm not angry at all, so much People want to look at me, at least it shows one thing..." When he said this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he pointed to his nose and said, "I'm pretty good-looking."

This time it was finally Qianqian's turn, and Xiao Pingtou and Pei Lang were speechless.

Of course the otaku knows where Hongxiufu is. It is said that there are all women, pure women, enchanting women, lovely women, beautiful women... Every man wants to marry a girl from Hongxiufu as his wife, because they Not only is the dance beautiful, but they are also considerate, gentle and considerate. In addition, they can kill for you when necessary, because their swordsmanship is very good, and if they are good, otherwise Hongxiufu will not be with Shushan Pai and Pai are listed as the top ten in Jianghu. No wonder Qianqian has such a pure sword intent. It turns out that she was born in the top school of Hongxiu Mansion.

He also knew that Pei Lang, an old fox, could not believe a single word that the disciples of the Hongxiu Mansion and the Great Compassionate Temple appeared in the Pei Mansion tonight. It was just to test his fineness and there was no need to make it so grand. Although Dayan Mobile has been in the limelight recently, it is only limited to Liangzhou. The Hongxiu Mansion is far away in the capital, and the Great Mercy Temple is located in the south. It is definitely not without reason that these two people came here.

But he didn't ask Pei Lang, maybe because he already knew that even if he asked the old fox, the old fox wouldn't tell him.

Sure enough, Pei Lang seemed to turn a blind eye to what happened before, and said with a smile, "Tonight we also drank wine and ate food, and we were lucky enough to see Miss Qianqian's alluring dance, but I don't know what Chief Zhang is thinking. gone?"

The otaku didn't have any hesitation, of course he chose the second way, he likes the unrestrained life now, even if Zhu Ziwen's brother really sat on the dragon chair, he didn't want to run to seek refuge, not to mention the water is so bad now. Even if he wants to hug his thigh, he has to wait for the situation to stabilize. He doesn't want to be ruined by a word from the new emperor.

But those who run an escort agency can't always get over the government. This thing is not like a sect. You can still show your ambitions indifferently, find a small ravine and ignore no one. Maybe your friends in the world will think you are a hermit Fan Er, and the Escort needs the care of the government in all aspects. When it has developed to his level, it is necessary to find an agent in the political arena.

What he was thinking about earlier was not the question of which path to choose, but what kind of reward he should pay to impress Pei Lang.

(End of this chapter)

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