
Chapter 204 He Loves Me So Much

Chapter 204 He Loves Me So Much
After setting Yulin County as the next strategy target, the rest is personnel deployment and site selection and other details. As for the personnel, a group of old people must be transferred from the current Dayan Mobile to form the management team. The problem can be solved in Yu Lin on the spot. Poor places also have the benefits of poor places. Now there are a lot of holy sons all over the country. If you are not careful, you will be usurped and seized by others like Xu Gangzhu, and you will lose your life. In Xiaopo place, it is estimated that the Holy Sons of July [-] don’t think much of it. Even if you dominate Yu Lin, so what? The top ten sects randomly arrange an intern from the outer sect under the age of ten to come over, and it can be leveled in minutes. you.

However, the transfer list still needs to be negotiated with everyone. After all, Yu Lin is no better than Qingyang, and the conditions are more difficult. When he goes there, he is engaged in a new business that breaks new ground. The salary must be higher than that of the General Administration. Paying money, and even so, not everyone is willing to go. Fortunately, the staff of Dayan Mobile are relatively young, can endure hardships, and are willing to wander around. young people.According to Zhang Da's intention, it is best for the masters to pass one, so as to ensure that nothing will go wrong.

But these things are not in a hurry right now, and it will be too late to discuss after the site selection is done first.The otaku is more interested in Liu Chuanfeng's previous idea of ​​"making Yulin a labor exporting county".

No one who is engaged in logistics would dislike a world with developed trade. If possible, not only Yulin’s labor resources, but also other counties can give full play to their comparative advantages, and finally promote specialization and division of labor, so that everyone can save costs. Let's increase the productivity together, so that the big escort Zhang can earn more and more money. Of course, this matter is more difficult at present. Take Yu Lin as an example. Although he is already so poor, most people may still not Willing to leave here, the ancients have a strong sense of locality, as long as you are still hungry, you generally don’t think about running outside, especially if you have old parents at home, once you don’t see anyone for a few days, your neighbors will surely poke your spine, eh , this otaku can understand, you ask why?Because he is also an otaku himself; there is also the cost of transportation, which is also a major problem restricting the specialization of labor. The Great Yan Dynasty is now considered to be a peaceful time, but except for the official roads, there are basically green forest heroes everywhere. Especially in remote places like Liangzhou, there are countless bandits and thieves. There are private toll booths almost everywhere in the great rivers and mountains. If you want to travel or deliver goods

It’s almost impossible to walk without a bodyguard, and after walking for a few miles, you’re left with nothing but a pair of underwear. Of course, everything has two sides. This is also the objective basis for Dayan Mobile and other bodyguards to thrive. Everyone can scold them. Thieves and bullies are the only ones who can’t do it for the police, because thieves and bullies are their parents, and good people will be unemployed even if there are no bad guys. So from the perspective of Dayan Mobile, otaku certainly don’t want these bandits and bandits to die, but The quantity is best not too much.

He and Liu Chuanfeng have discussed this issue before. If there are not so many threats along the way, the cost of the Escort can be reduced, and the fees charged can be reduced accordingly. In this way, more merchants will be willing to deliver their goods to Selling from farther places, the substantial increase in demand can make up for the losses caused by price cuts, and even create more profits.

But these are not the issues he needs to consider now, the most urgent thing is to consider how to develop Yu Lin's surplus labor force.

"This kind of thing must be promoted by the government, and it seems that the change of concept is not so easy." The otaku touched his chin, "Uh, we are not familiar with the county magistrate of Yulin County, why would he do it? Let's figure it out on the sidelines."

"Leave it to me from the government. The magistrate of Yu Lin is a very ambitious young man. He really wants to change Yu Lin's current predicament, but he has not been able to find a suitable method. Our proposal cannot come up. Surprisingly he'll accept it."

Liu Chuanfeng's answer once again surprised the otaku. It's strange. This kid doesn't seem to have been to Yulin much. Why does he know so much about the county magistrate there? Even the locals in Yu Lin may not be able to dig it out, so where did this guy know about it?Could it be that Mr. Liu knew the county magistrate before?
Hmm, speaking of Xiao Liuzi's origins is a mystery, judging by his words and deeds, he seems to be a son from a big family, so maybe it's not surprising to have one or two friends who are county magistrates, wait... ...In that case, this guy might know someone from the Western Army. The otaku gasped. Damn it, Gu Ping also said that he was entrusted to save us. Could it be Liu Chuanfeng who found him? .

Think about it carefully, everything that happened that day was not a coincidence. Why did Mr. Zhao, the supervisory censor, receive that anonymous report letter? When he had already decided to laugh it off, why did Gu Ping just find him and accidentally Found that letter?And why would he be so enthusiastic and willing to be Lao Zhao's guard, who was knocked out and stuffed into Zhou County Magistrate's home when he sneaked into the city to make an unannounced visit?When Gu Ping came to the door, why was it possible to dig out so many soldiers from Zhou County Magistrate's house, and then gave Gu Ping an excuse to come to Kuiyuan Tower to arrest people, and why did all of this happen by such a coincidence last night? When the gang and the iron master are in a decisive battle?If it was said that there was no one manipulating behind all of this, Escort Zhang would not believe it even if he beat him to death.

So, did Liu Chuanfeng already know the true identity of the Son?Well, this kid is a smart person. Of course, it is more likely that he just has doubts and is not completely sure. That's why he deployed Gu Ping as a backup. But this guy is not hoping that we can ascend to the fairy world as soon as possible, he Is it easy to counterattack the superior?Ho Ho Ho, could it be that this guy says one thing but thinks another thing in his heart, hey, thinking about it, he is probably in love with us in his current state.Tsk tsk, it really is worthy of the legendary M-shaking physique. I beat him that day and it seems that I have accumulated a lot of intimacy. No matter how hard I work, I might go straight to second base.Damn, it's not good, if you think about it, you'll be a beast...

Seeing someone staring at his little face, Liu Chuanfeng began to salivate. He couldn't help feeling a chill, and said with a vigilant expression, "I always feel that you are thinking about something nasty."

"Hehe, little Liu, you're overthinking..." Seeing Liu Chuanfeng turn around and was about to leave, Escort Zhang suddenly thought of a way to test his previous conjecture.

 Woohoo~ I did a stupid thing, obviously I was going to write a new volume, the title of the last chapter was not Chapter 1, but Chapter 210, er, so I had to go on like this (/□)
(End of this chapter)

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