water injection

Chapter 88 Tsing Yi Shui Huan Shui Ruo Shui Foam Shui Yanjiang Water Storage Water Warm Water

Chapter 88 Tsing Yi Shui Huan Shui Ruo Shui Foam Shui Yanjiang Water Storage Water Warm Water (3)
Xianhuan has gone south, deer deer are full of hills, roaring and roaring, and police screaming and wild.Peacocks fly, covering the sun and cage mountain.Duzhikou, to Jiude.According to "Jin Shu Di Dao Ji" there is Jiude County, "Jiaozhou Outer Regions" says: Jiude County belongs to Jiuzhen County, in the south of the county, and connected with Rinan.Man Lu Ju lived in his place and died. Zi Baogang took over, and Sun Dang obeyed Wu Hua. He was designated as Jiude County and subordinated to it. "Lin Yi Ji" said: "Nine virtues, nine barbarians are extremely strong, so it is named the county."The name of the county is located in Zhou Yueshang's Yi country. "Zhou Li" Jiuyi, far away from Yueshang.White pheasant ivory, translated from Chongjiu.Since Jiudetong.Leikou, the source of water comes from the remote wilderness in the northwest, and goes to the boundary of Ningzhou.The inner paths of Jiudepu are Yueshangjiu, Jiudejiu, and Nanlingjiu.According to "Jin Shu Di Dao Ji", there is Nanling County in Jiude County, which is also located in Jin Dynasty.Lizhi's "Funan Ji" is the study of Shanxi Seto. "Geographical Records" said: "There are 52 small waters in the county, which run parallel to the big rivers, and they are all called it." "Linyi Ji" says: In the ninth year of Yixi, Du Huiqi, the prefect of Jiaozhi, built Jiuzhen Shuikou, fought against Fan Huda, king of Linyi, captured and beheaded Hu Da's two sons, and captured more than a hundred people. Hu Da escaped.In May, Huiqi returned to Jiuzhen from Supu, the capital of Jiuzhen's water calendar.Long encircled and crossed the mountains, heavy gates and broken Pu, driving elephants forward, and under the edge of the city, fighting for days, killing and retreating. "Geography" says: Jiuzhen County, opened in the sixth year of Yuanding, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and ruled Xupu County.Wang Mang even called it Huancheng. "Jinshu Tunnel Records" says: Jiuzhen County has Songyuan County. "Lin Yi Ji" says: To the west of Songyuan, the birds and beasts are tame, and they don't know how to fear the bow.The widow lives alone, and spreads to old age.The mountain moving south does not exceed Ren.Cang Geng Huaichun is in the north of it, and the Emerald City is in the south. Although the sound is heard, the city is separated, and it is difficult to travel alone, because the common surname is Tu.From Nanling, it came from the barbarians in the southern border, and entered Hengshan.In the third year of Yonghe, Fan Wen invaded Jiaozhou, divided the border at Hengshan, visited Bijing Temple, from Menpu to Guzhanwan, in the 11th year of Wu Chiwu, and in the ninth year of Wei Zhengshi, Jiaozhou and Linyi fought in the Bay, and lost Suye at the beginning .Crossing Lurong County, a county under Nichinan County.From Lurong County to Wubian, over the beacon fire, to Bijing County, at noon, the shadow on the head is like the shadow on the body, compared with the shadow.For example, Chun said: Therefore, the county is named after Biying.Kan Hui said: "Compared to reading the shelter of the shadow, the shadow is under oneself, and the words are the shelter of the body." "Lin Yi Ji" said: Crossing Bijing to Zhuwu, Pu of Zhuwu County, today's Fengjie.To the south of Zhuwu, there are werewolf men who live in the wild without a room, stay in trees, eat raw fish and meat, gather incense for their business, and sell to others, just like the people of the emperor.In the south of the county, there is a literary wolf study, and the downstream is connected. "Jin Shu Di Dao Ji" said: Zhuwu County belongs to Rinan County, and it is two hundred miles away from the county.The people of this county were overwhelmed by two thousand stone chief officials in the Han Dynasty, and Qu Dugan was appointed as the country. "Lin Yi Ji" says: Qu Du, Yi Ye.Zhuwupu is connected to Dilao Lake, and there is no Laoshou water to Shoulingpu.

In the first year of Yuanjia, Ruan Mizhi, the governor of Jiaozhou, conquered Linyi. Yang Mai was married and was not here.General Fenwei Ruan Qianzhi led 7000 men and attacked Qu Su first. After four meetings, he did not enter Shouling. For three days and three nights, there was no stop.Congeal the sea straight to the shore, and be defeated by the wind.

Yang Mai came to the rescue with five or three hundred boats from the Ministry of Marriage.Humility suffers from the wind.The rest of the ships met at Shouling Puli at night, and they fought secretly. They shot Yang Maituogong with modest hands, and the ships were defeated.Dange from Kuncang picked up Yang Mai, humbly overwhelmed by the wind and drowned, and it was difficult to overcome the difficulties. Since then, he has crossed Shouling to Wengongpu.In the third year of Shengping, Wen Fang conquered Fanfo at the boundary of the bay, entered Xinluo Bay, and arrived at Yanxia, ​​a man named Abenpu, entered Penglong Bay to hide from the storm, that is, the sea island of Linyi.

In the 23rd year of Yuanjia, Tan Hezhi, the governor of Jiaozhou, broke through Suji, flew to Gaihai, directed Dian Chong, went up to the ghost tower in Penglong Bay, fought against Linyi, and crossed Dian Chong.When Linyi entered Pu, he ordered the army not to enter, so he was cautious.Puxi is also the capital of Linyi, Zhidianchong, forty miles to the coast.It is located in the frontier of Huangliu, the south of the frontier of Yueshang in the country, and Xianglin County of Xiangjun in Qin and Han Dynasties.

It borders Canghai in the east, Xulang in the west, Funan in the south, Jiude in the north, and then goes to Xianglin, Fulin Township.The founding of the country began at the end of the Han Dynasty.In the chaos of Chuping, people had different intentions, such as Lin Gong, who was surnamed Cao, had a son named Lian, attacked his county, killed the order, and called himself king.When the world was chaotic and separated, Linyi was established, and then he inherited the generation and passed on to his descendants.The three kingdoms are fighting each other, but nothing is attached.Wu Youjiaotu, adjacent to it, invaded Shouling, thinking of it as a border.Since District Lian, the country has no literature and history, lost its compilation generation, the number of generations is difficult to know, Zongyin is extinct, and there is no re-race.His grandson, Fan Xiong, stands on his behalf, and his favor is happy to push.After the bear died, Zi Yili.There is a fan essay, Fan Zhinu, a barbarian in Xijuan County, Nichinan, also.When Wen was a slave, he grazed cattle in the mountain stream. In the stream, he got two snakehead fish, which he hid and brought back, and wanted to eat privately.Lang Zhijian asked, Wen Da was ashamed and frightened, and said: "It's not for fish to return the whetstone."When Lang went to Yusuo, he saw that there were two stones, so he believed them and left.The text is different.There is iron in stone, and when writing in the mountains, you can smelt iron with stone, and forge two knives.Raised the sword to Zhang, because he wished: "The snakehead fish changes, the stone is smelted into a sword, and the one who smashes the stone and breaks it has a god. Wen should rule this and be the king of the country."Those who cannot be cut through are swords without gods.Entering and chopping stones, such as Longyuan and Ganjiang chopping reeds.

Because of this, human feelings are gradually attached.Today the chopping stone is still there, and the fish knife is still there, and it has been handed down to the descendants of the country, just like the sword that cuts snakes.When he was young, Wen Yuan traveled to merchants, went to Shangguo in the north, heard and saw a lot, from Jin Mindi who built Xingzhong, went to Linyi in the south, taught Wang Fan Yi, built cities, repaired and ruled Rongjia, and outlined the outline.The king loves and trusts him, so that he can win the hearts of the people when he becomes a general. If the sons of the king of Wenxuan move or run away, the king is independent.Chengdi died in Xianhe six years.No heir.Wen welcomes the prince to a foreign country, goes to sea to fetch water, and puts it in poisoned coconuts.He drank it and killed it, then threatened the people of the country and made himself king.Take the former king's wives and concubines and place them on a tall building. Those who follow themselves will take them and accept them. Those who do not follow themselves will die without food. "Jiangdong Old Things" says: Fan Wen, originally from Yangzhou, was plundered as a slave and sold to Jiaozhou.In the fifteenth or sixteenth year, when he met a crime, he should be given a stick. He was afraid, and because he fled, he went across the sea with the people of Jia in Linyi, and disappeared into the king, where he was greatly loved.After more than ten years, the king died, Wen killed the second son of the king, swindled and killed the generals, and proclaimed himself king, and strengthened the kingdoms.Or barbarian barbarian language, mouth food and nose drink, or carved face and body, wolf <Moon Desolation> naked species, Han Wei Liuch, salty for its use.In the second year of Jianyuan, Rinan, Jiude, and Jiuzhen were attacked, and the people rushed forward, and there was no smoke for thousands of miles, but they returned to Linyi.Linyi is [-] miles away from Guangzhou in the west. There are high mountains and long ridges in the southwest corner of the city, connecting Tianzhangling and Jianjian in the north.The Huai River in Dayuan flows out of the Yiyuan boundary, Sanchong Island, the Yinshan Mountain goes around the west side and goes back to the east, and the south of the Ridge opens a stream; Huai Liu, with Zhu Dian Chong.The city is bordered by mountains in the southwest and overlooks the water in the northeast.The southeast gradually outwards, because it is close to Bocheng, it is horizontally long from east to west, vertically narrow from north to south, and at the west end of the north, it twists and turns.Eight miles and one hundred steps around the city, the brick city is two feet high, and the brick wall is one foot high, with square holes, boards on the bricks, pavilions on the boards, houses on the pavilions, and buildings on the roofs.The height is six or seven feet, and the bottom is four or five feet.Flying to see the tail of the owl, facing the wind and pointing at the clouds, looking at the water from the edge of the mountain, and looking at the water.But the production is strong, and the ancients are clumsy.There are four gates in the Yisu city, the east gate is the front gate, and there are ancient monuments on the winding road, and the Yi book "Ming" praises the virtue of the former king Hu Da.Ximen should take two steps, go north and go up the mountain, and Shanxi is Huailiu.The south door is double gradual, facing Wen Gonglei.In the second year of Shengping, the governor of Jiaozhou, Wen Fangzhi, killed Du Bao, the prefect of Jiaozhi, and left Ruan Lang, and then conquered Linyi.

Five miles south of the east city of Linyi today, there is the second base of Wen Gong, yes.The north gate of Binghuai River is blocked off.The inner city is a small town with 320 steps around.The south is planned to be called the West District City on the back, the inner stone mountain is along the Huai River, facing the sun, opening to the east to the hall, with flying eaves and tails, green ridges and red ridges, ridges and jue rafters, and many other ancient methods.The pillars on the pavilion are more than five feet high, and the cow dung is mud.The blue light on the wall is back, the curved twig is beautiful, the purple window is the pepper room, there is no difference between concubines and concubines, the palace view, the road bedroom, and the Yongxiang, all in the hall, next to the Dongxuan, the path and the following words.Children, ministers and servants are not allowed to go up.There are more than [-] hills in the house, connected to each other, and the eaves are connected to each other.There are shrines and ghost towers, eight small and large temples, with multiple terraces and pavilions, resembling Buddhist temples.

In the city of Guowu, there are few people living in the city, the coast is desolate, and there are no living people. However, the head canal is Yong'an, which supports the country for ten generations. How long will it last?In Yuan Jiazhong, Tanhe conquered Linyi, and his king Yang Mai ran to the mountains at night.According to its city, the collection of treasures is huge.After the return of the army, Yang Mai returned to the country, his family and country were ruined, and the people at that time were exhausted. He hesitated and collapsed, and recovered from anger.At the beginning, Yang Mai's mother was pregnant, and the dreamer spread Yang Mai's golden mat, and she sat down on the mat with her son, and the golden light rose, shining brightly.Chinese custom calls Shangjin Zimojin, while Yi custom calls Shangjin Yangmaijin.Father Hu Da died, and he succeeded to the throne, he was able to win favors, and he thought of Lingmeng as a national auspicious celebration.The prince's first name was Du, and Yang Mai died at the age of 23. He was established on behalf of him.Zhaomu II, father and son share the same name, knowing that Linyi will die.Beyond the town god, there are forest thorns and barren vines, hazel stalks are gloomy, and vines are beautiful, interspersed with the sky.Among them, fragrant osmanthus becomes a forest, and the air is clear and the smoke is clear.Father Gui, a native of the county, lived in this forest and served Gui to gain the Tao.When the birds have different feathers, flying in the middle of the pass, and also lovebirds, they are no better than not flying. The name of the bird is Fei, and the song calls itself.Yuzhang Yu Yiqi has a straight temperament, does not fall into the vulgar style, has no place to live, and is far suitable for the south. "Book with Han Kangbo" says: "The betel nut tree is the most impressive in the south, but it is not frost-resistant, so it cannot be planted in the north, and it does not grow long." The eyes of those who make people hate deeply.Taste the love of birds and soil, and increase your thoughts.It is said that this bird has a green back, a red belly, a loyal heart, and has not yet reached its song. It returns to fly all day long.Ren Yan, the prefect of Jiuzhen, began to teach plowing, and it became popular in Xianglin. Since he learned about plowing, he has practiced farming with fire for more than [-] years, and the method is the same as that of China.The name is Baitian, and it is a kind of white valley.It is cultivated by fire in July and ripened in October. It is called Chitian, and it is planted in Chigu.It is cultivated in December and ripened in April, so-called double-ripened rice.As for the germination of the grass beetle, it is planted in the valley and the moon, and sooner or later, there is no moon and it is not beautiful. The hard work is heavy, the harvest is light, and the ripening is fast.The rice is not scattered, and it will always be a rich country.

Mulberry silkworms ripen cocoons in eight years. "Sandu Fu" so-called the cotton of the eight silkworms.Its cliffs are small and watery, often spouting and flying, or snowy and sandy, cold and bottomless, divided into streams and valleys, and Jinji is connected.Its water flows from the northeast corner of the city, and a high bridge is suspended on the water to cross the north bank of the Huaihe River, that is, Suzhi Tongkui in Penglong District.In the battle of Tanhe's East Bridge, Yang Mai was created and fell into Xiangxiang, which is the place.

The water flows southeast to Chuanguankou, Chuanguan Chuanyuan is Xulang, and the barbarians are all naked. The men cover themselves with bamboo tubes, and the women cover themselves with leaves. They are also known as wolves.Although it is customary to be naked, it is still shameful and shameless, but in the dark night, when dealing with people in the dark, you can know what you like and dislike by smelling gold.In the Ming Dynasty, everything is as it said.From the outside, get to Funan.According to Zhu Zhi's "Funan Ji", it is four thousand miles from Funan to Linyi, and there is a water trail.Tan Hezhi ordered the army to enter Yipu, and occupy the six miles of Guankou City in the ship.From the boat officer betting on the East Lake in Dapu, the water flows continuously, and the tide flows to the west. The tide is seven or eight feet long day and night.After seven days, day and night are divided into tides again, and the water is one or two feet long.Spring, summer, autumn and winter are strictly determined, high and low, and the water does not shrink.The so-called Jinli Qingjing in "The Table of Meritorious Officials" is also like Zhu Chengyuan.In Chuanpuzhu, there are water worms, and wooden food boats are built, which break down in dozens of days.Yuantan Zhanlai, there are fresh fish, black in color, five feet tall, with a head like a horse's head, waiting for people to enter the water, and then come to do harm. "Shan Hai Jing" says: Li'er country and Diaoti country are both in the south of Yushui. "Lin Yi Ji" said: Han Dynasty set up nine counties, and Dan Eryan.The people like to wear bare clothes, and their ears hang down as decorations. Although men and women are promiscuous, they are not ashamed.The bureau desecrates the sun and makes people black, and the habit becomes a habit, and black is beautiful. "Li Sao" called Xuan Guo.However, Dan'er is also Lier.Wang's "Jiaoguang Chunqiu" said: Zhuya and Dan'er counties, both of which are open to Jiaozhou, were placed by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. They are in the sea, outside the South Pole, facing Xuwen County, Hepu. On a clear and windless day, look at Zhuya in the distance. The state is as big as a village.Crossing from Xuwen, the north wind raises the sails, and it comes day and night.It travels more than [-] miles in a week, with a diameter of [-] miles.There are more than [-] families of people, all of different species, who are carved with hair, and the women are beautiful, fair, with long hair and beautiful temples.Dogs and sheep gather together and refuse to obey moral teachings.

Dan'er was abolished first, Zhu Ya rebelled several times, and Emperor Yuan dismissed the county on Jia's proposal.Yang's "Southern Foreign Objects" said: Dan'er and Zhuya are both in the sea.It is divided into Dongfan, so the "Shan Hai Jing" says: It is also in the south of Yushui.

Yushui goes south again, pouring into the sea from Shouleng County.In the past, Ma Wenyuan accumulated stones to form a pond, which reached Xiangpu, and built a golden mark as the boundary of Antarctica.Yu Yiqi's "Notes" said: Ma Wenyuan erected two copper pillars on the north bank of Linyi, and there were more than ten families of relics who did not rebel, living in the south of Shouling Bank, facing the copper pillars.Xi's surname is Ma. Since his marriage, there are now two hundred households.Jiaozhou is known as Maliu because of its residence.

Words are left to eat, but they are still the same as Hua.The mountains and rivers have changed, and the copper pillars are now back in the sea. It depends on the people to know where they used to be. "Lin Yi Ji" said: In the 19th year of Jianwu, Ma Yuan tree two copper pillars in the southern border of Xianglin, and the southern border of the Han Dynasty was divided with Xituguo.The natives named them Maliu because of their residence in exile, and they are known as descendants of Han in the world. "Shan Hai Jing" says: Yushui flows out of Xiangjun and pours into the South China Sea in the southwest, and enters the southeast of Xiangling.Ying Shao said: Yushui flows out of Guangxin and enters the sea in the east. If you say it at the beginning, it will be possible, but at the end it will be wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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