The best service model for restaurants and hotels

Chapter 4 Serving customers well starts with serving employees well

Chapter 4 Serving customers well starts with serving employees well (3)
In order to care for employees, do practical things for employees, and solve practical difficulties, since March 2010, the hotel has started to organize monthly caring actions for employees, "Please tell us what difficulties and needs you have, and let us find solutions together" .The hotel requires all departments to issue forms to each employee before the 3th of each month to fully solicit and understand the difficulties and requirements of employees in work and life. Team supervisors and department managers communicate with employees in person according to the content filled by employees. Difficulties and requirements to be solved must be promised to employees and tried to solve; any difficulties and requirements that cannot be solved by teams and departments must be reported to the superior.The difficulties and demands of employees reported by each superior to the subordinates should be seriously resolved as a major matter.Any difficulties and demands that the manager can’t solve through hard work should be reported to the general manager, and the hotel will find a way to help solve them; if the hotel really can’t solve them, they should explain the reasons to the employees in a realistic manner so that they can understand.

On January 2010, 1, an intern from Zhejiang Jinhua Vocational and Technical College wrote this in a letter to the hotel when he left the Seaview Garden Hotel after his internship expired:
Dear General Manager:
Hello.I am Wang Bin, an intern in the Recreation Department of Seaview Garden Hotel.The one-year internship life is coming to an end. Here, I especially write this letter to express my gratitude to the hotel.

Since joining the company in February 2009, the hotel leaders and colleagues have treated me like family members, which left a deep impression on me.There are many things that moved me in the Seaview Garden Hotel: the care of the sisters in the dormitory, the care of the sisters in the restaurant, the help of department colleagues, and the teachings of hotel leaders have created a positive and pleasant working and living environment for me. Learned a lot in this year.Helping others makes you happy; caring for others makes you happy.Tolerance, understanding, respect, and strength are all my gains.

On March 3, I received my first official salary in my life, and I can still vividly recall the scene of excitedly calling my family and friends.I think this money should be handed over to the parents completely to repay them for their upbringing.So, I sent all my salary to my father's bank account exactly.In a blink of an eye, 10 months have passed, and today, I received my last month's salary at Seaview.I thought that the money should be handed over to the hotel, so I put all the salary in an envelope and handed it over to the hotel to thank the hotel for its one-year education.

Soon I will be able to set foot on the train home, but I am reluctant to give up.There are too many lovely people here, too many good memories, too many stories worth spreading...

Finally, I wish hardworking and industrious Haijing people can be safe and healthy.I wish the beautiful and moving sea view can be built into a century-old store loved by customers.

On February 2010, 2, the mother of Ye Rongfu, an employee of the logistics department, was hospitalized for emergency treatment. The hotel urgently raised more than 28 yuan to support it.Ye Rongfu was very moved after receiving the hotel's funding, and wrote a thank you letter to the hotel.

Dear hotel leaders:
I am Ye Rongfu, an employee of the logistics department. My mother was hospitalized for emergency treatment. After learning about the incident, Wang Quanxiang, the department leader, immediately approved the holiday so that I could return home to take care of my mother in Northeast China.During the rescue and treatment, the leader called many times to inquire about the mother's condition.When I learned that I had spent more than 8 yuan, the hotel and the department raised more than 12000 yuan to remit to my home, which made me deeply feel the care and love of the hotel leaders like relatives.Here, on behalf of the whole family, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the hotel leaders and all colleagues, and wish you all the best in the Year of the Tiger and all the best.

One case after another shows that the managers of Seaview Garden Hotel provide care for employees with sincerity, and they are also moving employees with affection.

(2) Beijing Yihai Business Hotel

On Mother's Day, Beijing Yihai Business Hotel invited the parents of outstanding employees to Beijing to carry out a warm and caring activity for parents.This is to extend the care for employees to their parents.Therefore, you should reflect on how you care for the parents of employees and what activities you carry out on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day every year, in addition to taking good care of the customers who send money and carrying out various Mother’s Day and Father’s Day activities ?

(3) Baoding Hall

There is a catering company in Baoding, Hebei called Baoding Club, which opened a store in Beijing called Zhili Club.Mr. Liang Lianqi, chairman of Baoding Clubhouse, pays great attention to caring for employees, and also pays great attention to the parents of employees.It is a group photo of the family members of their employees in Baoding and Beijing when they were traveling in Qianfo Mountain.They extend their care for employees to their parents. Employees are very happy, and the company is a big family.

Baoding Guild Hall Baoding and the family members of employees in the Beijing area took a group photo. In fact, in addition to caring for the parents of the employees, the managers also care about the children of the employees.

A hotel in Beijing once launched a caring activity for employees' children called "Future Stars".For example, what Liu Chao, the son of Liu Wei, a hotel employee, likes to play the most, what is his special love, and when is his birthday...Through such activities, the managers not only know the basic information of the employee's child's name, birthday, etc., but also understand The child's hobbies and interests.

(4) Haidilao Catering
It is the scene of Haidilao's managers and supervisors caring and condolences to the employees' families.When the manager went to the employee's home to condolences, the employee's grandfather, grandmother, father, and mother all said with a smile on their faces: "You have come all the way here, thank you! It's not easy! Thank you for nurturing the children, thank you for the company Thank you to the leadership for caring so much about us!"

The manager of Haidilao cares about the family members of employees

From the perspective of the employees' family members, the "leader" was able to travel a long distance to visit them in their small mountain village, which moved them very much.From the bottom of their hearts, they think that such an enterprise is not easy, so they say to everyone: "This enterprise is very good." In the end, even the people in the whole village and town will say: "This enterprise is really good." Therefore, Many employees of Haidilao were introduced to each other.This kind of care can also make the parents of employees feel that "it is an honor to send their children to work in such an enterprise."

In addition to caring for employees, Haidilao also cares for their families.Just think about it, although everyone is advocating caring for employees, have you extended your care for employees to their families?To what extent do you care for your employees' families?How do you express your wishes to the employees' families during the holidays?How do you care for your employees' families?
Let’s take a look at Haidilao’s employee benefits system.

First, Haidilao pays employees' parents wages.

Not all employees, Haidilao will pay their parents salaries.The objects here are very clear, one is managers, and the other is excellent employees.Haidilao will pay the parents of each store manager a salary ranging from 200 yuan, 400 yuan, 600 yuan, and 800 yuan per month. The better the children do, the more their parents will get paid.Part of the bonuses for outstanding employees is also sent directly by the company to their parents.In fact, how much money is not important, what is important is that in the hearts of the employees' parents, this is a kind of honor.

Second, the staff do a good job and parents can visit relatives for free.

In Haidilao, if an employee who has worked for one year has been rated as an advanced employee 3 times a year or 3 consecutive times, the employee's parents can visit their relatives once.Not only the round-trip tickets to Haidilao are fully reimbursed, but also the employee has 3 days of accompanying leave, and his parents can also eat in the store for free.

This is the benefit that Haidilao gives to employees, and it is also the benefit that Haidilao gives to employees’ parents.This makes every employee of Haidilao feel proud, and it also makes their parents feel great honor-parents will be proud of their children for doing well.

Zhang Yong once said something like this: Employees are easily moved. Among our waiters, there are more children from rural areas.In this case, we only need a little more affectionate management, that is, to treat everyone as human beings. "Treat employees as human beings, as "family members", that is, everyone is equal, I think it is very profound. He also said: "For example, our lobby manager, and cadres above the store manager, we will Send money to their parents, not much, that is, 200 yuan, 400 yuan, 600 yuan.Most of their parents are in the countryside and have worked all their lives without endowment insurance. My money is equivalent to giving them endowment insurance.If the employees don't work well, they won't get the money, so I don't need to scold the employees. If the employees don't do a good job, their parents will scold: 'You stinky girl, I took 500 yuan last month, this Why do you only get 200 yuan a month?Is your performance not good?", "You brat, your company paid me 200 yuan salary last month, why is there no money this month?". "

Zhang Yong once said: "Employees' first managers are actually their parents." If you think of employees' parents, you will find good managers for employees.I think Mr. Zhang Yong is very smart. He thinks very well and extends his care for employees to their parents.Haidilao even organizes trips for employees’ family members every year, which is also an extension of caring for employees.

Words from Yi Family
Customers are our food and clothing, and employees are also our food and clothing.Only when the employees are attentive, the employees will be attentive to the customers; only when the employees are taken care of can the employees take good care of the customers.

Therefore, when you walk into Haidilao, you will find two words on the faces of every employee: happiness.Happy Haidilao tells you that only by serving your employees well, will your employees serve your customers well.

The cases of these excellent catering and hotel companies all express a concept: to extend the care for employees to their families.In fact, many companies have achieved this, but there are still some companies that have not yet done so.If you fail to do so, you should try to learn from excellent companies and do a good job of your own services.

(End of this chapter)

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