Subduing All Beasts: Mrs. Zhu Tianjiu

Chapter 220 Picking up a bargain 2

Chapter 220 Picking up a bargain 2
 Lin Chege said shyly, "Junior Sister, I just heard about it, you don't have to take it seriously."

 Ling Shuang smiled miserably and said, "Even if we heard about it, we can give it a try."

 Seeing Lin Chege so shy, she must have never been in contact with a woman before. Now, she feels very shy in her heart.

 At this time, the key to life and death, I really don't care too much.

Ling Shuang only felt that her body was gradually recovering unconsciously. The vitality in Lin Chege's body was continuously blending with the vitality in her body to repair each other.

 And the cultivation of the two is also advancing without knowing it. Ling Shuang broke through the second level of the psychic secret realm, while Lin Chege stepped into the psychic secret realm and became an eternal giant.

 As the bodies of the two gradually recovered, the glow emitted from the Punishing Mirror became more and more intense, and finally, an extremely dazzling white light was emitted. Amid Lin Chege's low roar, the dragon emperors were killed alive. hit the ground and flew out.

 The two people came out of the glow wrapped in the Zhutian mirror, and they had all recovered.

 It seems that double cultivation is really a very happy thing. It can not only make each other feel happy, but also improve each other's cultivation.

 Ling Shuang's eyes were watery, and there were two red clouds on her cheeks, very pretty.

 She said: "Chege, let's destroy the Dragon Realm together."

 Lin Chege said, "Okay."

 The two flew up, and flew towards the dragon emperors who were knocked out by the glow of the Zhutian mirror, and the glow of the Zhutian mirror flew, directly sucking the dragon emperors into the Tianhe diagram among.

 It was quickly refined month by month into a top-quality Biluo Dan, the quality of which was similar to that of a god king.

 Ling Shuang said: "These dragon emperors are really terrible. It would be great if I could go to the Black God Realm to have a look. I really want to meet that white-haired queen again. Last time, she relied on her numbers Everyone, let her pick up a bargain."

 Lin Chege smiled and said, "Shuangshuang, actually, I was the one who picked up the biggest bargain this time. I got a beautiful girl like you."

 Ling Shuang rolled his eyes at him shyly, and said: "Don't tell anyone about this matter in the future, who knows if you will still treat me so well in the future, and don't know if you will marry me in the future, I am serious A girl who cares a lot about her reputation."

 A girl who regards reputation as important is a very good girl, and a girl who is seduced by a handsome guy casually is not a good girl.

 This time, if it wasn't forced by the situation, she would never have had such a thing happen to him, although it was a good thing.

 After Ling Shuang thought about it, she was still very shy in her heart, that feeling was really good.

 She, who has never had a man before, will become more fond of Lin Chege after this time.

 In Lin Chege's heart, he really wanted to double cultivate with her every day, but this time it was really not enjoyable, and it was over before he could fully appreciate the more fun.

 Next time, next time he will definitely work harder and sprint bravely to make Ling Shuang's love for him deeper and harder to forget.

 He gently held Ling Shuang's hand with his hand, and said: "Shuangshuang, I will be with you for the rest of my life, I will only marry you, and I will spend my whole life like this."

 After hearing this, Ling Shuang couldn't help but smiled slightly at the corners of her lips, and said: "I don't have that good fortune, I'm already going to burn incense if you live up to me, alas, I hope you can remember what you said now. "

(End of this chapter)

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