My cute baby is so hard to coax

Chapter 162 No, an ordinary person can do it

Chapter 162 No, Most People Can Do It

Wang Wenxuan was already familiar with the word "scroll", and it was no different from "please" in his ears.But he still drooped his eyebrows, looking like he was hit hard.

The voice was still aggrieved, "You don't take my spare tire seriously."

Lu Xinyue rested her cheeks on her palm, and looked at him with great interest, "I heard that you had a hot fight with a young third-tier model."

"Do you care about me?" Wang Wenxuan's eyebrows lit up again.

Lu Xinyue smiled, "There is an announcement in the Jincheng QQ group, that young model is only 19 years old, she has a baby face, and a tender grass, you, an old cow, can actually eat it."

Wang Wenxuan was unhappy, and there was resentment in his eyes, "We are in the same family, you don't want me to be a spare tire for you, but you are married to another man and pregnant, and I am not allowed to vent my grief and anger."

Lu Xinyue burst out laughing, "Your shameless stats are going off the charts."

Wang Wenxuan tilted his head and asked solemnly, "Who is your husband?"

"Don't tell you."


"Much handsomer than you."

"Certainly not as rich as I am."

"I'm just a potential stock. You, a rich second-generation prodigal, will definitely lose to him in the end."

"Tch, do you know how much I am worth?"

"It's definitely not as good as me."

Wang Wenxuan had inquired about Lu Xinyue's property, but was speechless for a moment.Tilting his head to look at her for a while, he had a sudden thought, "You don't know how to learn from rich women, you have a pretty face."

Lu Xinyue didn't move her eyes, "No."

Wang Wenxuan was speechless, and stared at her for a while, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"As expected of Wei Shu's daughter, she was ruthless and steady in doing things, and she killed my amazingly talented and uneducated cousin. You know, I have been against him since I was a child, and I have worked hard for more than [-] years, but I have never won you. Such an achievement, I enjoyed watching this scene very satisfyingly. So, even though my spare tire has not been turned into a regular, your good cabbage is not cheap, isn’t it, my cousin.”

Lu Xinyue looked at him expressionlessly, "I gave you half an hour, so hurry up if you have anything else to say."

Wang Wenxuan had already said HIGH, leaned his body against the back of the chair, and sat in a comfortable posture.

"I'm actually here to remind you." He said with a smile.

"Go ahead."

"You know, my grandfather has faded out of Jincheng for a long time, but in the past three months, he has rarely visited Jincheng every week. The strategic decision-making committee controlled by my mother is his key inspection target. Obviously, he I regard the Dai clan as my great enemy, and I will spare no effort in manpower and material resources to defeat you."

Lu Xinyue disagreed, "I feel it."

Wang Wenxuan raised his brows, "As far as I know, your project in S City is not progressing satisfactorily under the resistance of Uncle Wu."

"That's a small project."

"That's right, the Hot Spring Mountain in City H is the big project."

Wang Wenxuan smiled playfully, "My cousin's powerful leader, Xiao Jun, has tried his best to block Cui Yuan from Xinnanjiang in the past six months. Two months ago, my uncle even sent his cousin to City H. The Dai Group The idea of ​​going further in City H may not come true."

Lu Xinyue bent her lips, "What you say is old-fashioned, it's not new to me."

Wang Wenxuan sighed, "I also want to say something new, but I am from Jincheng. According to the current situation, we are enemies belonging to two camps."

"Okay, got it, you can go now."

Lu Xinyue waved her hand casually, "Go out by yourself, don't send me off."

Wang Wenxuan looked at her with a half-smile, "I didn't realize it before. I'm probably a bit of a masochist. I'm actually a little happy when you scold me like that. I'm willing to do something out of the ordinary for you."

Lu Xinyue raised her eyes suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Wang Wenxuan moved his head closer, and said in a very low voice, "I also heard from my mother that my grandfather will drive Dai out of the mainland at all costs, so he will do everything he can."

Lu Xinyue frowned, "Scare me?"

Wang Wenxuan laughed, "My mother whispered to me that if grandpa used the energy to injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight hundred, the fate of the Dai Group in the mainland would not be better than that of the company surnamed Mai."

Lu Xinyue shook her head, "Today is different from the past. Back then, the market was very open and the business system was not standardized. The whole society was in the stage of barbaric growth. Although Jincheng has a strong fortune, it also responds to everyone in the mainland market. However, this market After all, it’s too big, Jincheng can’t cover the sky with one hand.”

Wang Wenxuan looked at her meaningfully, "Ordinary people would think so, but my grandfather is not an ordinary person."

Lu Xinyue's heart shuddered. He sent Wang Jingsheng's mother to a nursing home in a remote area, fed her medicine for more than [-] years, and committed suicide every now and then.

With a straight face, she nodded sincerely, "Thank you for reminding me."

"It's good that you can listen to it."

Wang Wenxuan laughed nonchalantly, Xuan Er, he stood up, "It's half an hour, I'll leave on my own, you don't have to send it off."

"Well, let's go."

Lu Xinyue waved her hand with a smile on her face.

Wang Wenxuan was dissatisfied again, "Won't you stand up and let me see your belly?"

Lu Xinyue would not follow his wishes, she lowered her head and looked at the documents, "Don't forget to close the door."

Wang Wenxuan had no choice but to say, "Okay, you are awesome."

He really is gone.


Ten minutes later, Lu Xinyue raised her head with serious eyes.

She sensed a hint of danger from Wang Wenxuan's words, as if a volcano was gaining momentum and was about to erupt.

Squinting her eyes, she picked up the phone and called Ying Youhai, her spiritual mentor.She has bothered him a lot recently, and he has indeed given her practical guidance.

"Is there something you can't handle again?" Ying Youhai didn't know what he was doing, and his voice sounded a little weird.

"Is it convenient to talk?" Lu Xinyue asked habitually because the relationship between the two parties was sensitive.

"It's convenient... Ouch." Ying Youhai couldn't help but yelled, and quickly explained, "I'm washing my feet."

Lu Xinyue was speechless, "It's broad daylight, old man, what kind of feet are you washing?"

"A foot washing shop opened by a friend, I bring customers here to experience it, and wash myself at the same time. It's the first time for a big girl to sit in a bridal sedan chair, and it really hurts me to death."

Maybe Ying Youhai really couldn't take it anymore, so he greeted the foot-washing girl, "All right, let's wash here, just put some water on it and let me soak it."

Then he came back to entertain Lu Xinyue, "Okay, tell me what you need. I have a private room here, so it's very convenient to talk."

Without hesitation, Lu Xinyue asked straightforwardly, "Based on what you know about Mrs. Jincheng, would he find someone to kidnap me?"

Ying Youhai was confused by her question, "What are you thinking? He threatened you?"

Lu Xinyue felt concerned, "No, I just think he is so cruel to Wang Jingsheng's mother, if he really fights, will he use some indecent tactics? It doesn't have to be kidnapping, if it's buying murder, Not more terrifying."

Ying Youhai laughed uncontrollably, "You are the eldest daughter of the Dai family. He didn't even touch Dai Jianrui, so he will touch you?"

(End of this chapter)

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