Chapter 393.
Chapter 340 Three

When the siblings went back, Geng Mei told them something unexpected.

"What, grandpa passed away?"

Geng Mei sighed, "Yes, your father and your godfather have passed away, and they probably won't be back for a while, so we can only wait for the news at home."

The death of Mrs. Mo made the brothers and sisters feel a little sad. Most of their funds were earned by their luck, rather than the opportunities Mrs. Mo gave them.

Geng Mei said while cooking, "The funeral is probably over now, and I don't know what's going on with them. After all, it's a big family with a lot of property. Once the old man is gone, the distribution of property in the family will be a problem. , I guess your father and the others have to face these things in the past."

Yu Xi knew that Mo Fei didn't have any thoughts about the family's property. She didn't think about it before, and she definitely wouldn't be tempted now. When the old man came last time, she felt that not only came to see Mo Fei's grandson, but also other things. confessed.

"Mom, nothing major will happen. Don't look at my father who usually keeps quiet, but once he gets serious, they will probably be afraid. They won't be able to make trouble with my father around."

Yu Xi really guessed right. After the funeral, the Mo family will face the problem of distribution of family property, but without the old man's suppression, these people in the family will see the sky in the liberated area a little bit. This time they have to stand up and call the shots.

No matter how everyone sat down and talked about it, the problem came out. The third child’s family wanted to branch the factory, which greatly violated the old man’s original wishes. The distribution of the shares given is unfair, and the second child of the family feels that those who don't work well still pay dividends every year, which is a bit unfair.

When the old man was alive, they didn't dare to say these words, because all the things were created by the old man, but now that the old man is gone, it is their real benefit to strive for more.

Mo Fei and Bai Wenli were sitting in the living room listening to the sounds of men and women arguing, feeling a little dizzy.

As the youngest son, Mo Zhengdi contributed less to the family, and he didn't have a son himself. At this time, he could only hang his head down and let everyone make noise there.

Wu Jinhan was anxious, the two of them were fine, but there were two daughters, even if they had no sons, but she wanted to create better conditions for the daughters, besides, there was one divorced at home.

Mo Xiulin was a little annoyed. What these people said implied that her father was incompetent, and shouldn't share the family property equally with them.

"Several uncles, what do you mean, is it possible that my father is not my grandfather's son?
Don't forget that when serving grandpa, it was done by my parents. Which one of you took the shit and urine by yourself, why didn't you refute these words when grandpa said it?

Once the emotional grandpa passed away, do you feel that the distribution is unfair?If you think it’s unfair, you can ask grandpa. According to the law, each of our families should get a share of this property. I don’t ask too much, just give us dividends every year. "

Mo Fei glanced at everyone with a cold face, "Stop arguing, grandpa left a message, if you dare to split up the factory, none of you will get a penny of his property, you should all add up, it is to continue the previous The model still doesn't matter, let me know when you think about it."

As a junior, he spoke at this time, which immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of several elders of the Mo family.

"I'm talking about nephew, we adults don't have the role of you, a junior, to intervene. How to decide is up to me and your brother. Don't forget that when the old man distributes the family property, you don't have any part."

The second aunt was not polite, and directly pointed out that she had no status in this family, let alone a right to speak.

Could it be that Yin stared at her for a while.

"Second aunt, you have to go through your brain when you speak, I don't have the right to speak?
Hmph, don't forget, I'm the representative of Sifang, if I really make a fuss, you should all give me a share. "

Looking back at the boss of the Mo family, "Uncle, you are the boss, and you can be regarded as the head of the family at present. You don't work hard, and everyone is not for others, you are all brothers, don't deceive yourself because of that little property.

I won't say anything else, grandpa is watching from the sideline now, you guys discuss whether to follow what grandpa said, or have other ideas.

Although I am a bit reluctant to force people, but if you really violated the original wish of grandpa, I still have something here, you might as well let you see it, but if you really see what I have in my hand , I am afraid there will be nothing left of what belongs to you...'

The brothers of the Mo family are not stupid, they are all old people who have been immersed in shopping malls for many years. Although what they said sounds uncomfortable and they want to scold them, the meaning revealed in Mo Fei's words can make everyone present Ripples appeared in everyone's heart.

This nephew has been away from home for many years. They couldn't see through this kid when they were young, let alone when they grew up.

The brothers began to hesitate, and the children and grandchildren of the family began to panic. Everyone wanted to get more benefits, but if there was really nothing left, they would rather keep the status quo.

This cousin is not an ordinary person, these brothers and sisters have never had a deep relationship with him, so what he said has formed a sense of oppressive fear in their minds.

Bai Wenli sighed. Although it is a good thing to have more sons, it may not be a good thing at this time.

Uncle Mo and the others were not sure what exactly this nephew had in his hand, and they had to think a lot about how dare to say such big words at this critical moment.

Some of the women in the family didn't quite believe it, especially the third aunt. She felt that the old man had left a last wish. How could this man still have something in his hand? What did the old man say about his last wish before?

But she is not stupid, she can't force herself to stand out at this time, and stare at the reactions of the boss and the second family.

For a while, no one in the room dared to speak easily, if what they said was true, then whoever spoke would be a sinner.

The boss of the Mo family exchanged opinions with the second child.

"All the family members in the house go out, leaving our brothers in this room, I will call you anytime if something happens."

When there were only a few of them left in the room, could it be that he sighed.

"Uncle, don't you have any feelings after so many visits?
Isn't it good the way it used to be?
Let me tell you the truth, Grandpa did leave a will with me, you can read it if you want, but you also have to think about the result after reading it. "

(End of this chapter)

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