Chapter 195

Jingwu stood still and refused to move, "Let's wait a little longer, someone might escape, and if we leave, they won't be able to find us."

"It's been so long, if I want to come out, I'll come out a long time ago." Someone whispered, now they all want to leave here early.

This time Xiao Yuan learned how to behave, even if she disliked Jingwu, she didn't show it in public, so even if she heard someone express dissatisfaction with Jingwu, she didn't follow her to ridicule Jingwu.

"Wait a minute, what Jingwu said makes sense. Maybe our brothers are still there." Ouyang pondered for a moment, then said.

Ouyang helped Jingwu speak, although everyone did not raise any objections, but some people felt that Jingwu was hypocritical, and at this time, someone would come out of it alive and waste everyone's time.

Jingwu didn't know the truth of shooting the top bird, but for Chaojiao, she had to speak up, otherwise even if Chaojiao was still alive, she might not be able to keep up with them.

After waiting for a while, finally saw two vague figures in the confused smog. Jingwu was surprised and happy, but dared not show it.

"Look!" Jingwu suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, pointed in the direction of the two figures and shouted.

Unexpectedly, Chao Kai rescued Dr. Yang. Dr. Yang's face was ashen and dirty, but his eyes were firm. The researcher saw that Dr. Yang was not dead, shed tears of excitement, and rushed forward to support Yang. PhD.

Chao Kui let go of his hand and stepped aside.

"Is there anyone else inside?" Ouyang asked him.

"No more." Chao Wei's face still looked like he had narrowly escaped death, and Ouyang and the others were not interested in asking more questions, only thinking that he was lucky to escape.

Seeing that someone really came out alive, everyone felt a little embarrassed when they thought about how much they complained about Jingwu just now, and those complaints just now dissipated.

Everyone waited for a while, and no one came out, so they all got into the car and left.

Jingwu sits in the car, thinking about Chaohao's intention to save Dr. Yang.Chao Hao will definitely not do useless things, and Dr. Yang must have an important role in his mission.

Dr. Yang is a key figure in the development of a vaccine against the zombie virus, and the mission of Zhao Hao must be related to this vaccine.

Jingwu felt as if she had guessed something... Chao Wei couldn't tell her, but it doesn't matter if she guessed it herself.

But Chao Hao is much better than her, and it seems that she doesn't need her help at all.

Suddenly Jingwu saw a magnificent building, it was a church.

The heart that belongs to Yue Jingwu is the base of the cannibals.

Those cannibals pretended to be sympathetic Christian believers, and their leader pretended to be a priest to deceive some poor people who were displaced in the last days.

They are organized and well-recorded, and they are clever in deception. Many people have been tricked into cannibal gangs by them. Those who have been deceived have only two ways to go. One is to join them, cannibalize with them, and believe in their leader. Treat their leader as the god of the last days; one is to be killed by them and become their food.

In the original plot, Yue Jingwu was tortured badly by these cannibals. Even if she escaped in the end, the psychological shadow caused by this incident on her heart was enormous.

Yue Jingwu didn't know until the end that he was captured by the cannibals because he was killed by Xiao Yuan.

Yue Jingwu never judged the world with malice, no matter how much Xiao Yuan targeted her, she never thought that Xiao Yuan would want her life.

At this time, the group of them had entered the territory occupied by the cannibals. At this time, the cannibals who had been watching the road should have discovered them.

(End of this chapter)

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