Chapter 189

"Everyone, don't squeeze, go in one by one, there is still time! The old and the young go first, the fifth and third, you finish, and the fourth, lead everyone in quickly. Situ, the sixth, let's stop those things."

Jingwu didn't intend to help at first, but when she heard that Ouyang had called Situ, Jingwu thought that she couldn't just stand by and watch, so she glanced towards Chao Wei, and then stood up, "I'll go too."

Situ, Ouyang and the others looked at her in surprise. In their minds, Yue Jingwu still had that fragile image. Even if Jingwu killed a zombie today, everyone still thought she was just lucky, at most they thought she was brave, He looked at her differently, and didn't think she was so slow.But she wanted to fight against so many zombies with them, and everyone couldn't help thinking that she was overthinking her capabilities and asking for her own death.

But Yue Jingwu has such a good appearance that people can't bear to criticize her, and just now she also took the initiative to lure the zombies away, and it was because of her effort that the gate of the research institute was opened, so it's not good for everyone to say harsh words to her. He just showed embarrassment and hesitated to speak.

Situ had a good impression of Yue Jingwu, and he didn't know if he had an inexplicable affection for Yue Jingwu, so he said loudly, "You should go in with everyone, there are a few of us here."

The third child with a hearty and rough personality said with a smile: "You are a skinny bitch, why are you here to join in the fun, as long as we have a few men in the way, let's go!"

The old five and the sixth nodded in agreement.

This group of people has a straightforward personality, although they don't sound good, they don't have any malice. Jingwu doesn't take it seriously, but smiles without saying a word, but doesn't move at all, and his attitude is very firm.

Ouyang's brows haven't been stretched since Xiao Yuan appeared, and his expression is even more serious now, "It's too dangerous, you should go in, we won't care about you then..."

Before Ouyang finished speaking, he heard a scream.

Everyone turned their heads abruptly, only to see that the person at the end of the line was bitten by a zombie. The zombie was biting, and blood flowed from the corner of its rotting mouth. It was really unsightly. The person who was bitten screamed. Again and again, the screams made one's scalp tingle.

Ouyang and the others didn't have time to say anything more to Jingwu, they clenched their weapons and charged forward, aiming their knives and guns at the zombie's head.

"Don't shoot unless you have to. The sound of the gun will attract more zombies, and we don't have many bullets." Ouyang said while waving the mace in his hand. The head of a zombie was bloody and bloody.

Situ is good at using big knives. His knives are extremely sharp, and they are perfect for chopping zombies.

The youngest, the fifth, and the sixth have their own strengths. They are all tough guys who are as strong as cattle, and they don't even bat an eyelid when killing zombies.

Jingwu looked at the wooden stick in his hand, and suddenly felt that his weapon was too low-grade and its lethality was too weak, but it was too late to change weapons at this juncture.

Jingwu thought that after waiting this time, she must find a good guy who is handy.

With a wooden stick in one hand and a dagger in the other, Jingwu ran to Situ's side, and stabbed a knife into the head of a zombie behind Situ.

The heads of these zombies are not as hard as living people, but like Chinese cabbages and radishes, they can be pierced with a lot of force.

Jingwu couldn't help thinking of the zombie movies she watched when she was still alive. At that time, her friends complained that the zombie's head was too easy to chop off.

As soon as Situ turned his head, he saw that Jingwu was stepping on the zombie on the ground, and the short knife in her hand had penetrated the top of the zombie's head.

Situ, who was always calm, was also stunned for two seconds. Is this still the Yue Jingwu he had seen?
Of course, this is still Yue Jingwu, but the old bottle has been replaced with a new wine, and the core inside has been replaced with a courageous Jingwu.

Sensing Situ looking over, Jingwu turned her head and smiled at him, suddenly her eyes froze, "Be careful!"

Jingwu's sweet smile was so beautiful that Situ's heart fluttered when he saw it, but Jingwu's face changed in the next second. This loud cry startled him, but it also allowed him to escape the attack of the zombies.

In just 1 minute, Situ's mood fluctuated so much that he almost fell into the trap. He quickly restrained his mind, sighed secretly that the beauty is deceiving, and dared not look at the greens again.

But she didn't know that Cai Jingwu was more nervous than him just now, she patted her chest and sighed secretly, luckily it was just a false alarm.

Jingwu’s side is safe and sound, but Xiao Yuan’s side is not in a good place. The zombies came with her, and she has the most zombies around her. She has no other weapons in her hand except a gun. Ouyang said the reason why she couldn’t shoot She also knew that their condition would only get worse if they were shot, and there would be more and more zombies, so she fought hand-to-hand with zombies at first.

Thanks to her practice for several years, it was not difficult to twist the necks of a few zombies, but then there were not two or three zombies around her.

There were at least forty or fifty zombies who followed her, and there were still a few scattered zombies walking slowly behind her.

Soon she was surrounded by a group of zombies, and everyone was at a loss to find time to see her, even if they wanted to.

Seeing that her arm was about to be bitten by a zombie, Xiao Yuan frowned, gritted her teeth, and quickly took out the gun hidden in her trouser leg.

(End of this chapter)

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