Chapter 168

The surrounding air seemed to have also calmed down, and Xiang Sihan lowered his head after speaking a series of words. After a while, he seemed to think of something again, clenched his hands into fists, and suddenly raised his head.

He looked at Jingwu sincerely, "No matter how you feel about me, please give me an answer, even if, even if you want to reject me cruelly, please tell me."

Xiang Si's rare seriousness, Jingwu already knew that there would be such a dialogue, what Xiang Si said to Liu Jingwu in the original plot was exactly the same as what he just said.

Jingwu already had the words to respond, "But you don't understand me at all!"

"No, I may not know enough about other things, but what I like is you, no matter what you become, I will fall in love with you, thank you for appearing in my life, without you, I feel like every day I live It's the same."

Jingwu remembered that after Xiang Sihan said these words, she clumsily kissed Liu Jingwu, so she walked away two steps ahead of time, a little farther away from Xiang Sihan. But no, except for the necessary contact, she still doesn't want to be too close to him, even if Liu Jingwu wants to do whatever he wants, he has to wait for the task to be completed and let him go.

Just as Xiang Sihan wanted to kiss him, Jingwu walked away. He looked at Jingwu in disappointment, his eyes were moist and glowed under the street lamp.

"Since you say so, let's try to be together for a while."

Xiang Sihan was dumbfounded when he heard Jingwu's answer, he didn't expect Jingwu to agree so readily, he burst into ecstasy and was so excited that he couldn't speak.

After the two separated, they went home separately, and Jingwu received a message from Xiang Sihang while in the car.

"I'm so happy, thank you."

Jingwu looked at the phone, played with it for a while and didn't know what to reply, this person really has the ability to make people wonder how to answer a sentence, does she want to reply "You're welcome?"should?

Jingwu thought for a long time, and the next message came again.

"I want to see you"

Now Jingwu knew what to say, and replied directly, "Didn't you just break up?"

"I know, but I just want to see you."

Jingwu knew that he was still in a state of excitement, so she simply ignored him, and replied to him when she got home.

In the days that followed, they kept in touch by phone or message every day. Later, after Jingwu asked Xiang Sihan to log on WeChat, the chats between the two became more frequent. It was a cold joke, and even asked Jingwu if it was funny, Jingwu told him honestly that it was not funny at all, and he was not angry.

"Is it really that funny? I laughed for a long time when I saw it."

"Well, it's not funny, your smile is too low."

"Okay, then I'll go and find out if there's anything funnier."

On weekends, Jingwu will meet with Xiang Sihan. Jingwu has made three chapters with Xiangsi from the beginning. The two are just trying to get along with each other now. They will not formally date until they both feel that their personalities and tempers are suitable in all aspects. She will ask him to take her home when the time comes.

After Jingwu said that, Xiang Sihan did not secretly follow Jingwu to see her off like in the original plot. In other respects, Jingwu was also very careful not to let Xiang Sihan find out that something was wrong with her. Women's clothing has always been kept a secret.

Xiang Sihan himself is a serious and careful person, and after getting along with Jingwu, he treats Jingwu with care.

(End of this chapter)

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