Chapter 1966 Annoyed
Xiang Yuanshan ate a dull meal, but was finally taken to the guest room by the people of the Tang family, and Tang Shu was indeed waiting in the room.

Tang Shu just stood there, and she didn't feel uncomfortable when she saw Xiang Yuanshan enter the door.

As soon as Xiang Yuanshan saw this woman, he was more than half sober from the wine, and he was doing his hands a little nervously: "Why don't I go home! Let's..."

Tang Shu said very calmly: "Even I don't care, why should the master care about it? In order to hide the truth from the Tang family, the master can only be wronged and sleep on the same bed with me."

"If the master is afraid and Madam makes excuses when he returns home, then I'll just sleep on the floor."

A woman is so calm and composed, Xiang Yuanshan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, and finally nodded: "How can you sleep on the ground as a woman? I will sleep on the ground!"

Tang Shu didn't argue either, she took off her coat and lay down on the bed.Seeing this scene, Xiang Yuanshan turned around quickly.Tang Shu felt helpless again, and a little funny, this person is really too honest.

Xiang Yuanshan just lay on the ground with all his clothes on, and Tang Shu even threw down a hand of the quilt.

"I guess my dad must be drinking you as hard as he can today, and then trying to get something out of your mouth. Do you remember if you said anything inappropriate?"

Xiang Yuanshan suddenly realized that this Mr. Tang was not a good friend, so many words came out of his mouth unconsciously. Fortunately, what he said before can be told to outsiders .

Suddenly, Xiang Yuanshan thought of something, and sat up suddenly from the ground, Tang Shu raised her head in surprise: "If you really said something that shouldn't be said, when you go home tomorrow, you should hurry up and tell Mrs. Lu. It's useless to think so much now."

"I know, to you Xiang family, I'm always an outsider, so even if you slipped something, I would never hear it in front of you. But let me tell you the truth, I feel that my father is right Your family is somewhat hostile, and I don’t know why.”

"Although I can't find any evidence, I just feel that my father wants to deal with you. I'm nothing more than a poor tool man!"

Now Xiang Yuanshan can't wait to slap himself a few times. The matter of returning the soul from a dead body can be said so easily. It's just a couple of sips of wine, so why is he so clueless?

Tang Shu didn't intend to get an immediate response to what he said.But even though Mr. Tang is his biological father, it is indeed abominable that he actually detained her mother and used it to threaten her as a daughter.

Once the rebellious thoughts came together, Tang Shu didn't want Master Tang's plot to succeed at all.

Xiang Yuanshan stayed up almost all night, constantly guessing what Mr. Tang would do if he knew the news.But in the end he was too honest to guess that people's hearts were unpredictable, so even after tossing and turning all night, no one came up with a reliable guess.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiang Yuanshan couldn't wait to bid farewell to Mr. Tang, and then he didn't return to Xiang's house, but went directly to Andinghou's mansion.

Xiang Lingqi got up early, but just got up, before she had time to freshen up, someone came to spread the word that Xiang Yuanshan had come.At the wedding back then, Xiang Lingqi also hated being ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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