
Chapter 370 Chapter 413 Void Battleship

Chapter 370 Chapter 410 Three Void Battleships

Although this has been expected, disappointment is inevitable.

After all, the Void Warship is the largest in Yama's treasure house, even if it is only looking for the outer warehouse of Yan Luo's treasure house.

There was also Neiku who didn't look for it, but even if Neiku really had a Void Battleship, Li Heng knew that he couldn't get it now.

Because most of the restrictions in the external library are intact, and there are not many invalid restrictions.

Li Heng knew that the internal treasury entrance restriction might not be something he could break now.

It's not hard to find the entrance to the inner vault of Yan Luo's treasure house. Li Heng quickly saw it and moved his eyes to look.

Li Heng felt a sense of threat from the dense prohibition hiding.

"Forget it, I hope you can gain something in the Artifact Refining Hall!"

Li Heng swept the way he came, and most of the restraints in the treasury were intact, which was beyond Li Heng's expectations.

Soon, Li Heng left Yan Luo's treasury and came to another hall that was still intact.

Seeing the three big characters "Refining Palace" written in divine script on the gate tower, Li Heng stepped forward and gently opened the gate.


The door creaked and creaked non-stop. It was really worrying that the door would fall down with a bang in the next moment.

However, fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen, and what I saw was similar to the layout of Yan Luodian.

Li Heng was not surprised by this. To be honest, the layout of the Shinto buildings behind the gates in the underworld is similar.

They are all one-party halls, similar to the layout of ancient yamen, used for office and handling affairs.

The real refining place of the Artifact Refining Hall is behind this lobby, but Li Heng didn't go there immediately.

Instead, put away all the books in this lobby.

"Hey! This is..."

I saw Li Heng pick up a book with a cry of surprise. This book is not a treasure at all, it's just a record refining, a palace book for repairing things.

The reason why Li Heng was surprised was because he saw that the latest record above recorded that there were three void battleships, and because of the failure of the Yuanneng cannon, they entered the Artifact Refining Hall for repair.

Overjoyed in his heart, he picked up another record book and checked it. Li Heng searched through the whole book, but found no record of the three void battleships entering here.

Li Heng's face was full of joy when he saw this, which meant that there was a 50.00% possibility that the three void warships in the Artifact Refining Hall were still here.

However, it is also possible that the corresponding record is missing because of the book.

Put away these books with a wave of your hand. Although these books are just some ordinary materials, you can improve the system of the Artifact Refining Palace to a certain extent through these books.

Seeing this, some people may think that even many Shinto buildings have been turned into ruins, how could these books still exist.

In fact, these books are integrated with the corresponding Shinto buildings. As long as the corresponding Shinto buildings do not collapse, the books will naturally not be affected too much.

However, like those Shinto buildings that collapsed, the books in them naturally dissipated.

Therefore, in the relatively intact Shinto buildings such as the Department of Reincarnation, the East Yanluo Hall, and the Artifact Refining Hall, most of the books in them are naturally intact.

After putting away the useful things, Li Heng found an entrance on the side of the lobby and walked over quickly.

I saw huge mountain ranges piercing the sky, above the huge mountain ranges there were refineries, and at the foot of the mountains there were ores of different colors and mottled surfaces.

The billowing hot air rushed towards his face, and even Li Heng's divine body felt slightly warm.

This place was created by a large-scale fire system secret realm. Under each huge mountain range, there is a huge and very active fire vein.

Every refining room above the mountain range is connected to the fire veins below, and the continuous power of the fire veins provides the refining room with the spiritual fire of the earth veins, and provides firepower for the refining masters.

Li Heng didn't go up to check those refining rooms, but swept into the depths.

If there are really void warships being repaired or refined here, it must be the melting pot of the earth in the depths.

Not long after, Li Heng came to the depths of the Artifact Refining Hall, and saw pillars as thick as hills standing upright, like iron pillars supporting the sky.

The round iron pillars are carved with Phoenix, Heavenly Dragon, Chaos, White Tiger and other innate gods and beasts, and the mysterious Dao pattern is looming on it.

The invisible flames filled the air, and the space was slightly distorted.

If you look up, you will find that the columns as thick as hills are just the feet supporting the furnace.

There are not only various mythical beasts and strange beasts on the body of the furnace, but also the inscriptions of the gods.

If Li Heng looked closely, he would find that the inscriptions of the gods on it were constantly evolving into a picture of the gods' origin and extinction.

It can be said that this is simply a scene recording the civilization of the gods.

The huge furnace body covers the sky and blocks out the sun, like an ancient giant mountain, with a thick and majestic momentum rushing towards us.

However, regarding this point, Li Heng, who was focused on the Void Battleship, did not find anything recorded on the melting pot of the earth.

Soon, Li Heng entered the interior of the Earth Furnace. The Earth Furnace looked huge from the outside, but its space inside was even wider.

As far as the eye can see, there is no flame inside the vast earth furnace, and even the slightest heat can not be felt.

Under the fiery red sky, four ferocious giant ships floated, and the hideous cannons on the giant ships shone with cold light.

The huge muzzle and the thick and long barrel all show the terrifying combat power of the giant ship.

Seeing this, Li Heng couldn't help but think of a sentence from his hometown.

All truth is within range of the cannon, the cannon is truth, and the cannon is justice.

Thoughts in Li Heng's mind moved slightly, the sea of ​​consciousness was tyrannical, and the mighty consciousness swept across several void warships like a tidal wave.

Immediately, Li Heng's expression froze. Originally, Li Heng thought that the four void battleships were all intact.

However, under the induction of spiritual consciousness, these four void battleships are incomplete, and the primordial energy cannons on three of them are damaged, and need to be dismantled and new primordial cannons installed.

I think these three void battleships are the three void battleships recorded in the book.

And the other void battleship should be the void battleship built by the Artifact Refining Hall.

However, this void battleship is just an empty shell.

Although there are a lot of Yuanneng cannons above, and other areas are considered intact, the most important part of the Void Battleship - the Void Engine is not there at all.

A void battleship without a void engine is simply a decoration, without a void engine, a void battleship can't even fly.

Li Heng's mood went up and down, up and down.

I thought that there were four void battleships harvested, but now it seems that it is too early to be happy.

The damaged primordial energy cannons of the three void battleships can be repaired with their current underworld capabilities.

As for the one without a void engine, it can only be used for those craftsmen to study and ponder.

(End of this chapter)

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