Farmhouse's belly black cute husband

192 Chapter 2 - I'm the only one who can't be seen

192 Chapter 2 - I'm the only one who can't be seen ([-])
On the contrary, the plague always kills many people, and everyone feels very sad, but they all cheer up to face it.

It's not that they are cruel, the most important thing now is to keep people who don't have the plague, because it takes time to find out the prescription, and these people probably won't be able to delay it for that long.

Lotus said: "Master Tian, ​​tell people to disperse those who are not infected. Of course, it is still in that area, and pay attention to hygiene on weekdays."

"I will send someone to deal with it immediately," Tian Qin said.

Now the yamen burns moxa to detoxify twice a day, morning and evening, and everyone drinks the detox soup prescribed by the doctor.

He Hua was ordered not to go out. Although she really wanted to go out and help, she couldn't hold back Wu Jiafan and Li Wenhao.

Commissioner Tian Qin really wanted him to help, because he seemed to be very capable.But King Hao firmly opposed it, and it was hard for him to persist.

One day later, He Hua asked Wu Jiafan: "How is the situation outside?"

Wu Jiafan didn't come back after a busy day, and He Hua hurriedly served him the prepared medicinal soup.After drinking the medicinal soup first, he said worriedly: "Someone got infected again today!"

"The most annoying thing is not knowing that those people are in the incubation period, so it is easy to infect other people." He Hua said.

"You're right." Wu Jiafan turned to look at her: "Lotus, get out of here quickly!"

He Hua stared at him with wide eyes, and said incredulously, "What are you talking about? I'm leaving here and you!"

"I was appointed here by the emperor, so naturally I will not leave, but you are different, you should leave as soon as possible, I have already discussed with Lord Tian, ​​let King Hao go back to Beijing, and you will go back with him."

Lianhua looked at him angrily, regardless of his tone: "How can I leave here? I won't leave if you don't leave."

Wu Jiafan grabbed her shoulders and looked at her seriously, "Lotus, listen to me, do you know how dangerous it is here? I don't want you to suffer here. The plague is terrible, and no one can guarantee that you won't be infected. Get out of here before it's too late."

"I'm not afraid, since I've come here, naturally I want to share weal and woe with you." Lotus looked at him.

Wu Jiafan tightened his arms around her, "If you said this in normal times, I would definitely be ecstatic. In fact, I am also very excited now, but I don't want anything to happen to you. Promise me and leave, okay?"

"I don't!" He Hua said in a crying voice. "I won't leave, let's face it together, what will I do if something happens to you?"

"I'll be fine. Believe me, for you, I won't let myself be in trouble." Wu Jiafan whispered in her ear.

"What's the use of your guarantee? The plague is uncontrollable. If something happens to you, do you want me to be married by someone else?"

He Hua's words made Wu Jiafan's figure stiff, He Hua felt his stiffness, and then said: "That's right, anyway, you won't be sad when you won't see, I tell you, I won't marry you with my thoughts on you." Another person, I will forget about you and find someone else to live."

The more Wu Jiafan heard it, the less he liked it. Although he knew that Lotus had said that on purpose, he still felt uncomfortable when he thought of that scene, as if a thorn was pricking his heart.He sighed slightly. "I know you don't want to leave, but you don't have to say that on purpose!"

"Who did it on purpose? Maybe as soon as I return to Beijing, my father and queen will arrange a marriage. You have to think it over." He Hua continued her efforts.

Wu Jiafan suffocated for a moment, then let out a breath slowly, "Okay, then you stay."

Seeing that the crisis was resolved, He Hua immediately jumped out of his arms, grabbed his collar with both hands, and said viciously: "Okay, you dare to drive me away, let's see how I can fix you!"

Wu Jiafan repeatedly begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, I don't dare anymore. Lotus!"

"What is it called? I will punish you to sing for me." Lotus said.

"Sing?" Wu Jiafan said stiffly, God knows he can't sing.

Lotus stared at him: "Sing quickly, or I'll get angry!"

"Okay!" Wu Jiafan began to sing helplessly.

Lotus laughed tremblingly, well, she did it on purpose, who told her that she had discovered that Wu Jiafan had no singing talent before, haha, I laughed so hard, a person who looks handsome and invincible can instantly kill a group of people when he sings , Of course not fascinated, but frightened, that broken voice, like a pig howling.

Wu Jiafan looked at her dotingly, singing is really not his strong point, but she found out, hey!
Tian Qin was very worried. He didn't expect King Hao to be unwilling to return to the capital. He felt that his head would be lost. In case something happened to the prince, it didn't matter if he died. What should the family do?

Now the prince doesn't want to go back to the capital, so he persuaded Ding Manxue, but she also refused to go back to the capital, either one or two are not the ones he can offend.Tian Qin felt that he was dizzy and hot, and it was very likely that the plague would end earlier.

There was no other way, so Tian Qin had no choice but to ask Wu Jiafan to help persuade Ding Manxue to return to Beijing.

Tian Qin came to the room where Wu Jiafan was working. At the moment, he was looking through some historical methods of dealing with plagues, hoping to get enlightenment from them.

Seeing envoy Tian Qin come in, Wu Jiafan got up quickly. "Master Tian."

"Yeah!" Tian Qin sent in nodding his head. "Master Wu, I'm here to see you for a private matter!"

"Sir, please speak!"

"It's like this. A plague broke out in Ji County. I wanted to let King Hao return to Beijing while it was still under control, but he refused. There is also Prime Minister Ding's daughter. I also want her to leave, but she won't listen." Persuasion, so I want you to persuade her."

Li Wenhao refused to return to Beijing, and Wu Jiafan knew it was because Hehua refused to leave, but Ding Manxue's matter was of no use to him.Wu Jiafan said: "Your Excellency, did you find the wrong person? I don't know her very well either."

"Hey!" Tian Qin envoy raised his hand to stop his words. "She might listen to you."

"Alright then, I will do my best." Wu Jiafan had no choice but to agree.

Now that he agreed to envoy Tian Qin, Wu Jiafan had no choice but to do his best. He came to Ding Manxue's room and knocked on the door. After a while, Xiaotao came out to open the door. When she saw it was Wu Jiafan, she smiled and shouted: "Miss, Master Wu is here."

After a while, Ding Manxue came out and saw Wu Jiafan leading him in. After Xiaotao poured tea for him, she left quietly and closed the door by the way.

Ding Manxue was very happy that Wu Jiafan came to her. This was the first time he came to her on his own initiative, so he was very happy. "I don't know why Mr. Wu is looking for me?"

Wu Jiafan stood three steps away from her, explaining his purpose, "Master Tian asked me to persuade you to leave Ji County."

When Ding Manxue heard about this, her expression turned a little ugly.She turned her head, "You don't need to say more, I won't leave."

(End of this chapter)

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