face time

Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Long Xin'er was still getting an injection every few days, she was used to this.

Feeling weak every day seems like a delicate lady, except for eating and sleeping, it seems that she has never been so relaxed in the past 5 years, except for life and death training and tasks, she has hardly stopped...
However, every time she wanted to open her mouth to ask Gu Zuocheng about Ye Mo's news and the child in that mouth, she even wanted to find out from that female subordinate.

But that female subordinate always has a cold face, no strangers to enter, except for the normal account, she won't exchange a word with you at all in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation!

Long Xin'er gave up after trying a few times.

"Miss Long, here are your clothes."

The female subordinate put down a set of clothes expressionlessly and said, then turned and left.

Long Xin'er sighed and picked up the clothes.

this is not pajamas...

It's a set of simple and comfortable clothes. Is she going out today?
Loong Xin'er was happy in her heart, the clothes she wore here these days were basically pajamas, all kinds of high-end pajamas, a different set every day.

The phone in the living room rang, and Long Xiner knew it was Gu Zuocheng who called her...

After answering the phone, the cold voice came from the receiver, and Long Xiner's heart twisted slightly.

"Change your clothes and send someone to pick you up later."

Long Xin'er was overjoyed, as long as she could go out, she would naturally have a way to contact people.Even if you can't escape the island, you can report your safety or ask for help.

"it is good······"

Loong Xiner was just about to agree, "Duddudu...."

Looking at the phone, Long Xin'er was a little dazed.

Sure enough, it was extremely crisp.

Looking at her comfortable women's clothing, a cotton dress, this is cc's latest line of pure and pure clothes.

Although Loong Xin'er didn't feel anything, but looking at the pure women's clothing in the mirror, she couldn't tell. She really couldn't tell that she was a woman who had given birth.

She has to be a pure and beautiful girl.

The short hair looks even more clean and charming.

As soon as she changed her clothes, the female subordinate came over, with the same formulaic tone, Long Xin'er noticed that everyone around Gu Zuocheng seemed to be like this, ah, this is the case for K, and this female subordinate is also like this, except for An Lichen?That rather strange man.

"Let's go, Miss Long"

Long Xin'er nodded and followed behind the female subordinate, through the living room and the corridor, an elevator door appeared in front of her eyes.

The woman stretched her hand in, only to hear a beep, and then the electronic voice rang.

"Fingerprint verification is correct, pupil verification is correct, face verification is correct, and the elevator is about to open."

Sure enough, the elevator door opened with a sound of dripping.

"Miss Long, please come in"

Loong Xiner walked into the elevator, it was all transparent, and the outside was full of sea water...
From time to time, a wave of fish swims by, and starfish sticks to the elevator.

Gu Zuocheng seems to be burning money for everything.

There are not many floors in the elevator, it just keeps going up...

Looking up at the top of the elevator, I can vaguely see the sun, and the water is shining...
Anyway, it's a good thing to come out...

Although she also had doubts in her heart, she didn't expect Gu Zuocheng to agree to her so easily. Could it be that her face is very attractive?No, it should be the woman who looks a lot like him, right?
Suddenly, Loong Xin'er became curious about that woman...
Will it make Emperor Leng Huo give in so much?
(End of this chapter)

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