travel in pirates

Chapter 94 Tianlongren Attack

Chapter 94 Tianlongren Attack

At this time, the Chambord Islands have assembled supernovas in place.

Originally, Yasuo planned to go to Murloc Island after the coating in the Chambord Islands. Since a big event was about to happen, Yasuo simply stopped the coating and waited for the arrival of the top war.

The year 1520 in the lunar calendar of the sea was a year of turmoil. Pirates from all over the world appeared in this year with many powerful newcomers.

They flocked to the great route, leaving legends, good or bad.

Regardless of whether these legends are good or bad, they have had a relatively profound impact on the world.

This world has always been a nightmare for ordinary people and a paradise for the strong.

When a person's most basic right to survival cannot be guaranteed, everything else is empty talk.

In recent years, with the strong development of the navy, the lives of people in many places have improved slightly.

To be precise, the living environment is better, but the essence remains unchanged.

——The stability of law and order in a large area of ​​the world allows the nobles to reach more into the pockets of the common people, and the money that has not been looted by the pirates is unknowingly stolen by them.

Most civilians will find that even without the pirates, their lives seem to be the same as before, except that they don't have to worry about life and death as before.

But the money that could have been saved just disappeared after turning around in their pockets. They don't know-greed has almost no bottom line!
Perhaps it is also true to remove almost two words.

And the greed and exploitation of the nobles will make more people unable to survive, which makes many of them inevitably take risks and go to sea to find a way out.

As a result, the contradictions accumulated over the past few years broke out in one day.

The year 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar was the year when conflicts broke out intensively in these years. Countless people had to choose to go to sea to become pirates because they couldn't survive.

There are more than 11 pirates who have offered a reward of over [-] million, which is the most, and it is the supernova with the most times. It is the first time that the pirates have overshadowed the navy.

It's not hard to see why the navy took action against Whitebeard. The influence of pirates is getting bigger and bigger. The navy must make a big event to show the world the capabilities of the navy.

Eleven supernovas gathered in the Chambord Islands, causing a lot of trouble.

There was an attack on the auction house in the No. [-] area of ​​the Chambord Islands at this time. If Yasuo was here, he would definitely treat it as invisible, and he might make up for it.

The auction in the auction house has already started. A large number of nobles and many pirates are sitting in the auction house waiting for the finale, including the Straw Hat Pirates, Heart Pirates and Kidd Pirates.

Hades Rayleigh is also one of the auction items, and the Draconian attack is about to take place before the war on the top.

The main event appeared.

On the stage, something covered with a heavy cloth was pushed up.

When it was opened, there was a very large fish tank inside. In the fish tank, there was a mermaid.

After seeing this mermaid, the entire auction house fell into a prehistoric powerless climax.

The voice of shouting is at the peak of life. Obviously, after countless people came in, it was for the highlight of this time.

What they were waiting for was this moment.

A mermaid, a living mermaid!

Among the Straw Hat Pirates, an octopus looked at Nami with a worried face.

Keep dancing towards Nami and Sanji, as if whispering something!
The octopus is called Xiaoba by many people, and the mermaid on the auction table is Xiaoba's friend, named Kaimi.

Obviously, their purpose is not pure!

In the next, because of this mermaid.

A Draconian with a bubble hood on his head stood up and shouted that the merman was his.

And said that anyone who dared to rob was against them Tianlong people.

Tianlong people seem to be high-ranking and powerful.

Considering himself great, he disdains to breathe the same air as ordinary people, and wears a bubble hood on his head.

But in fact, it was cast aside by the world.

But as soon as he appeared.Immediately, no one dared to contradict them anymore.

Because everyone knows what will happen if they contradict the Tianlong people.

This also shows from the side, the status of the Tianlong people in the whole world now.

Especially on the Chambord Islands.

I looked around in silence.Tianlongren yelled bad luck, but no one dared to contradict him.

In this way, I have a reason to shoot recklessly!

The fun has begun!

Luffy rode a fish down from the sky and hit a Celestial Dragon directly on the body, knocking the Celestial Dragon unconscious on the spot.

Then the people in the auction house started to flee crazily, and the Tianlong people were attacked, they were afraid that the fish in Chi would be harmed.

Next, Tianlongren and Luffy started to confront each other.

The Tianlong people still shot because of their arrogance!

A shot hit Xiao Hachi, and Luffy's anger exploded all of a sudden, and Sanji and Sauron began to fight with the Tianlongren's guards.

Tianlongren frowned and scolded loudly.

"What's your attitude? Do you still want to resist our Tianlong people?"

Luffy's attitude naturally attracted the attention of Kidd and Trafalgaro!
Seeing Luffy walking towards the Celestial Dragon step by step, Kidd and Luo's heart moved.

The two stood up involuntarily at the same time.In their hearts, a very bad idea emerged, does this guy want to
Thinking of this, Kidd and Law suddenly glanced at Luffy.

That guy is a Celestial Dragon!

Does he really dare to do it?

"What do you want to do?"

The Tianlong people are not fools, and they also found that something was wrong.Quickly raised the gun and aimed at Luffy who was gradually approaching him.

However, this Celestial Dragon just raised his hand.


Luffy's fist directly and deeply imprinted on his face.

The head of this Celestial Dragon was directly hit by Lu Fei's fist.

The whole person sank directly into the thick wooden plank on the ground!

"Who hurt Lord Charles Rose?"

At this moment, countless soldiers rushed out from around the entire auction site.

Every soldier is armed and looks menacing.

They all learned that Lord Charles Rose was actually attacked by people who didn't know what to do or what to do here.

When they heard the news, those captains were almost scared to death.

Someone actually dared to attack the Tianlong people in the Chambord Islands?

You are an old birthday star who hanged himself, and you are impatient!
Throughout the venue of the auction, countless soldiers emerged from both the front and the back.

Then, in a very short period of time, the entire auction house was completely blocked.

"It seems that I have offended a very important person!"

At this moment, the eyes of Kidd and Luo gradually turned cold.

Although they are in a situation of peer competition, neither of them is stupid, and they can clearly distinguish the situation.

Once the Tianlong people are attacked.They all know what they will encounter next.

(End of this chapter)

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